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It'd be very strange for them to announce the FS vs IDK Battlebox when it's not releasing for four months. 

If the OBR Battletome was just the Battletome and nothing else I might've been more inclined to believe it... but with models in January? Seems unlikely.

At least we won't have to wait long to find out if it's fake, although the Silent People and Kislev stuff makes me think it's 100% made-up.

It's always telling that these rumours namedrop Maelrion but never actually give the name of his army (and if they do, it's the debunked Umbaneth).

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

It'd be very strange for them to announce the FS vs IDK Battlebox when it's not releasing for four months. 

If the OBR Battletome was just the Battletome and nothing else I might've been more inclined to believe it... but with models in January? Seems unlikely.

At least we won't have to wait long to find out if it's fake, although the Silent People and Kislev stuff makes me think it's 100% made-up. 

Feels like pure wishlisting. I mean, GW could shadowdrop OBR but why then hype up the lacklustre battlebox when they could hype OBR up instead, especially if we're not going to have some cool New Year's treat coming up.

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19 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

Just some rumours from Cinderfalls Gaming YouTube channel. Not too sure how true these are and suspect they are also from here as well but a nice round up of current rumours…


link - 


As mentioned by @Neverchosen with how things are with the pandemic, shortages as well as leaving the EU, the schedule is all over the place. No idea how things will pan out but I’m sure it will be good for AOS in 2022.

No shade on Cinderfall Gaming but they frequently make videos on whatever they dredge up from 4chan, so I don't put any stock in these "rumours"

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1 minute ago, PJetski said:

No shade on Cinderfall Gaming but they frequently make videos on whatever they dredge up from 4chan, so I don't put any stock in these "rumours"


Just now, novakai said:

Sure I just don’t like giving  creedance to 4chan rumors, it was so easy to debunk the last one yet people kept regurgitating it 

Totally agree but rumours for the rumour thread 😉

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3 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Unless your name begins with L and ends with -umineth.

Even that wasn't an actual 2nd wave, it was just a split release, all the models were obviously already done.

The true second wave factions would be Slaanesh mortals and Stormcast everything.

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9 minutes ago, madmac said:

Even that wasn't an actual 2nd wave, it was just a split release, all the models were obviously already done.

The true second wave factions would be Slaanesh mortals and Stormcast everything.

Just to add to this, I think Kruelboyz also were probably originally intended to be the generic Greenskins replacement and bridge between Ironjawz and Bonesplitters, but they ended up turning into their own very specific thing instead.

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Yeah anything claiming a release (Bar a new edition level thing that needs loads of planning) is set in stone past 3 months is wrong, especially in the current chaos. Even before its starting to not line up with reality.

I do wonder if the Dawnbringer crusades have been knocked back due to the negative connotations actually, the rulebook, campaign system and early terrain releases seemed to support them being a big thing but then... nothing? No real rumours about anything either. Things like terrain and the rulebook text have a longer lead time so i dont think its a coincidence they are the only mentions. Ech, i suspect we will never know either way.

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4 hours ago, Makyou said:

I remember seeing a rumour here that COS will be getting a new range or something. Now that the rumours say that COS battletome will be coming in 2023, I have a strong feeling thay the "new range" will be new models from the "Old World" launch since the scale is the same. Most of the COS miniatures are from the Old World anyways.

God no. That Empire look is bloody terrible. Looking like pompous buffoons across the battlefield? Nay.


Get a new range for CoS that fits the High Fantasy theme going on dont recycle looks.


Edited by Sete
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2 minutes ago, Sete said:

God no. That Empire look is bloody terrible. Looking like pompous buffoons across the battlefield? Nay.

Oh, sorry, I'm afraid you've got that wrong. The Empire looks amazing. And you'd probably want to counter that by saying something about tastes and opinions. But no. Knights, griffons, steam tanks, mustaches.. It's ... basically science. 

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55 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Yeah anything claiming a release (Bar a new edition level thing that needs loads of planning) is set in stone past 3 months is wrong, especially in the current chaos. Even before its starting to not line up with reality.

I do wonder if the Dawnbringer crusades have been knocked back due to the negative connotations actually, the rulebook, campaign system and early terrain releases seemed to support them being a big thing but then... nothing? No real rumours about anything either. Things like terrain and the rulebook text have a longer lead time so i dont think its a coincidence they are the only mentions. Ech, i suspect we will never know either way.

Crusade is such a generic catch-all term when it comes to fantasy these days, if not in general. You'd be hard pressed to find many who perceives it through a 'problematic' lens and probably not enough for GW to take it back to the drawing board. Plus for all the lipservice to the contrary, they still seem quite happy to have their sci-fi Fascist Evil Empire as the GLORIOUS HEROES OF MANKIND 'heroically' slaughtering aliens and heretics - the Dawnbringers on a fairly typical "fight back evil and save the world Mortal Realms" has nothing on that.

Most likely, any Dawnbringer Crusade rumours are just people making educated guesses. As usual, none of said rumours actually sprung up until the lore for them was revealed, just like Silent Ones, Chaos Dwarfs and Malerion. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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11 minutes ago, Sete said:

Nope wont say it. Its awfull and you made an enemy for life. I like the griffons tho. 

Edit :I like my Knights with little less feathers ;)


My friend, I sport a Lumineth profile pic, praise the Archmage and promote Aelves whenever I can ... on the TGA forums. If you want to be my enemy just pick a number and que in. 😎

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1 hour ago, PJetski said:

No shade on Cinderfall Gaming but they frequently make videos on whatever they dredge up from 4chan, so I don't put any stock in these "rumours"

if you ask me, Cinderfall gaming puts out to much content for the sake of making content. 

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Always appreciate new (though these have already made the rounds here) rumors, but I suspect these are wrong on just about every account. "Uh, I can't see the future, but these armies will totally kick off the next edition years from now, and also there will be this dual release of two major armies next year, and I know for sure it's not a battlebox, but this new simultaneous release concept we've never seen before." Yeah, right. Also love when they try to justify rumors about the actual real-world, complicated-as-heck-and-likely-to-change-any-minute-given-the-global-situation logistics of model releases by whipping up some sketchy fan lore. Like we are being asked to believe this "because Nagash is gathering his strength"? That odd piece of fluff would totally have made its way through information channels, sure.

Would love if that was how Games Workshop tried to explain away investor concerns as well. "Your numbers are down this quarter!" "Well, what do you expect? Sigmar's still reeling from the Necroquake, though Chaos Dwarf R&D is devising a patented solution that will shake the foundation of the Mortal Realms and bring our wares to new markets."

Nighthaunt are the Death Guard of this edition (in that they were the previous baddies) and are in my opinion much more likely to see a new update on the part of Death soon - we even have the rumor engines to support that notion. This just seems like a mix of educated guesses and stuff people like to hear. The upgrade sprue for the dragons, for example, I could totally see happening, while the updating of old Stormcast sculpts to Thunderstrike doesn't have to make any sense, just be controversial enough that it will prey on people's fears and get them talking.

Edited by Magnusaur
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2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Oh, sorry, I'm afraid you've got that wrong. The Empire looks amazing. And you'd probably want to counter that by saying something about tastes and opinions. But no. Knights, griffons, steam tanks, mustaches.. It's ... basically science. 

I beg your pardon?

Big troosers and a massive feather sticking out of your hat and a garden shed on wheels with a big magnifying glass on the top getting carted around the battlefield - what sort of example is that to set to the beardlings?


Oh well you could say that wearing a silly hat is the norm and even teclis has got the hump and decided that he's going to have a bigger stupid hat and even more voluminous troosers than the empire, you know, because elf.

Knights? they're not knights - they want to be knights but like elves boring  - unlike brets who've got tons of different types of packed lunch on top of their helmets, swans, boars, baguettes etc.

So they couldn't beat the brets at that game so they got themselves some monstrous cavalry  - what did the elfs do, go and magic up a kangapoodle or whatever it is.

Steam tank? Steam tank... it's an upside down bath with an engine that a dwarf wouldn't touch with a bargepole.

The only reason Tamurkhan attacked Nuln was because there was more BO than his lot and Nurgle wasn't pleased about that.

Fe Fi Fo fum, I smell stinky empire bums and all that.

But all of this can be forgiven were it not for the voluminous troosers... and the whinging about being attacked all the time - see, big troosers, feathery silly hats, stick on knife ears made out of turnips will be next. Humans wanting to elfs and just as miserable.

Nope. Now chaos.. you don't see big troosers in their crowd - big shields, big axes, big skull collections, big shoulder pads but not big troosers.

You don't catch dwarfs wearing big troosers oh no, I mean look at the skinnydip dwarfs and floaty dwarfs - not a voluminous trooser in sight.  Skinny dip dwarf beards are so dense they can stop a sword blow - lets see a feather in yer hat do that.

 the vampires have gone off big troosers, well, apart from radukar, but you're hardly going to tell him he looks daft in a a pair of full fat teclis' are you.

And when Ogors realised they had big troosers they just ate more so they because more trooserspectable.

Empire landship - bathtub turned the right way up and all their spare troosers washed and drying in he breeze big enough to make a sail from  -I mean it's doesn't even run on furnaces full of the slain or funny whizbang stone, how can you even show your face at the arcane engineering annual awards?  I mean, how would you expect to climb onto your bale taurus with all that combustible material flying around eh? eh?

It'll only be a matter of time between the alliance breaks down and they start fighting over linen and laundry. It'll make the war of the beard seem like a  tea break I tell thee.

Empire Troosers

Elf troosers,

When you wear big linen yer just a bunch of poosers.

Join Chaos and be free of trouser related profanity. Where the only thing sticking out of your hat is a god blessed horn or the severed head of thine enemy. :)

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Crusade is such a generic catch-all term when it comes to fantasy these days, if not in general. You'd be hard pressed to find many who perceives it through a 'problematic' lens and probably not enough for GW to take it back to the drawing board. Plus for all the lipservice to the contrary, they still seem quite happy to have their sci-fi Fascist Evil Empire as the GLORIOUS HEROES OF MANKIND 'heroically' slaughtering aliens and heretics - the Dawnbringers on a fairly typical "fight back evil and save the world Mortal Realms" has nothing on that.

Most likely, any Dawnbringer Crusade rumours are just people making educated guesses. As usual, none of said rumours actually sprung up until the lore for them was revealed, just like Silent Ones, Chaos Dwarfs and Malerion. 

Crusade itself isnt the problem, obviously, its used heavily in 40k without a problem after all, if anything its passé because its so horrifically overused as a fantasy trope like guilds.

No, its the overall context that comes together badly, the very specific colonial overtones, the try hard peasants crusade imagery and the constant insistence that most of these groups are the equivalent of building a castle on a swamp, 3 or 4 tries along itll work out fine but mostly its a suicide mission.

It very much reeks of the team getting excited by some ideas and noone asking important questions until it was too late, that and it landing like a problematic damp squib at the end :D

The Emprie look is cool definitely, and a huge part of setting Warhammer apart from the generic dark ages-ish vaguely medieval fantasy dross a lot of games spit out.

Though i would like an Imperial guard style alternate option or two to mix up the look, which is what OW is going to end up providing i think, with that on the horizon GW has to be thinking another set of humans probably wouldnt be the greatest use of resources right now, not ruling it out ofc, something ahistorical and copyrightable will always make the lawyers happy at least lol

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25 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

It's not? 🙂

Image:Chaos-dwarf.jpg - Chaos Dwarfs

Oh contrair my erstwhile brother in stature... That hat is far from silly.

That hat is majestic, so much so that Nagash and Neferata were so bowled over by it they had to do their own take on it.

You can store a lot of lunch in that hat, and being dwarven it's probably sturdy enough to allow the cooking of said lunch as well.  Detachable spike so you can sit down on it.  Swiss army hat is that.

Yup. avery very sensible hat for sure and the talk of the realms as nagash and co will tell you, so impressed was he and Neferata they even did their own take on it, just less practical.

Nagash himself and even the knife eared miserable trouser boy realised early on that you don't get anywhere in the realms without a big hat.


I mean, note the attention to detail, where the adornments actually curve at the same angle as the lower fangs. See Dwarf detail for you that is.  None of this floating rock / tree  / waterfall garden feature silliness.

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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3 hours ago, Sete said:

God no. That Empire look is bloody terrible. Looking like pompous buffoons across the battlefield? Nay.

Get a new range for CoS that fits the High Fantasy theme going on dont recycle looks.


I can tell you that looking like a pompous buffoon on the battlefield does nothing to reduce effectiveness or how awesome you can feel. I don't feel like getting out every bit from storage, so this WIP picture will have to do:



(It's my LARP outfit, the legs aren't even attached right here, and the bare neck and hands have been covered by now)

Edited by zilberfrid
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