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3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I really desperately want pestigors to fill the roll of nurgle horde infantry. 

I think that so far the marked Beasts have filled niches in the Beast of Chaos line with a new twist: Tzangors = Bestigor/Gors, Slaangors = Bullgors. So I would like Nurgle to get an Ungor equivalent to get a horde unit and Khorne to get a new form of Centigor as they lack light cavalry options. This way each god marked beast is unique and can find use in their specific god faction and make a fun combined force in a beast of chaos army.

I don’t think slaangors are bullgors though, the current bloodfiend are just enlighten on foot equivalents. In fact I think that the slaangor part is incomplete currently and eventually there suppose to be a hero and infantry equivalent for them like the Tzaangors are. Gameplay wise they suck and don’t fill any niche anyway, especially when they are not in the BoC pitch battle profile which screws them from actually playable in BoC.

Plus I think the classic old sculpts of pestagors and Khorngor are basically bestigors looking infantry

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GW promotes WH+ again, they are saying it's free but it's actually just a discount.  


Celebrate Warhammer Day With Two Weeks of Free Access to Warhammer+


It’s Warhammer Day tomorrow, and we’re kicking off the celebrations early with a special promotion for Warhammer+. If you’ve yet to subscribe and bask in the glorious magnificence of all the exclusive shows, animations, classic publications, and miniatures, then there’s never been a better time to get in on the action, as we’re offering two additional weeks of access for free. And if you’re already a member, you won’t be left out – you can have a couple of extra weeks on us, too!

Want to know how to get involved? It’s simple – all you have to do is subscribe, or sign in to your existing Warhammer+ account, and apply this special promotional code before Sunday the 7th of November.


Why are you like this GW. Oh wait it's classic GW move.

upd. nvm it's actually 2 free weeks. 

upd. 2 : NEVERMIND ITS USUALL GW MENTAL GYMNASTICS this discount IS two weeks. 


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I am off to work so will miss out on most of the fun speculation so as always I will post my ideas on what is coming up.

4OK: The leak has already shown us what is going on here, although with the potato cam pic and Dune coming out I am at severe risk for starting a Sadukar/Bene Gesserit themed army around Custodes and Sisters of Silence. Might Slap Chaos Heads on them because I like getting angry lectures on Lore from 40k players.

Blood Bowl: Something hilarious and cool that will make me want to play Blood Bowl for 5 minutes and then I will forget it exists until someone converts it into something for AOS and I will be reminded that I have literally no conversion/kit bash skills. I am going to say Tomb Kings because I do not want to hype myself for Chorfs.

Age of Sigmar: I think we are getting our Chaos Book and a new Dual Box hopefully the Fire and Water set a certain member of this forum hinted at. Dream is that it is a new Slaves to Darkness book featuring Furnace Kings. But I will also be really happy for Nurgle or Beasts of Chaos. 

Warcry: Red Harvest full preview and some additional terrain sets. We will get some more lore info in the form of a trailer explaining the situation within and around the Varanspire. Maybe a preview of upcoming warbands... I also think that Nagash's incursion into the Eightpoints needs to be reflected in Warcry hopefully a box simillar to the Tau/Sisters of battle box but with Nighthaunt fighting OBR... But this would not be announced until after Red Harvest is released. 

Horus Heresy: No one has ever complained about an over saturation of Space Marines... So lets make a game in which Space Marines fight Space Marines. Best of all for narrative reasons you have to buy new Space marines for this game because the mainline ones do not have the right armour. 🤨

Underworlds: The only announcement that truly matters... Pirate Ogor.

Final Reveal: Turns out the Pirate Ogor is in Ulgu as a Member of Malerion's new fan favourite army Pirate Ogors and Captain Malerion. They sail around on boats going on fun misadventures and they will feature in a new Black Library series written by Neverchosen culminating in a new Pirate Ogor with Rules and Lore by Neverchosen. Are there Critters on these boats? Are there Keys? Only one way to find out, by purchasing 'Malerion and the Locked Cabin Room' coming this Holiday season. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I know it is going to be a ogor pirate but someone mentioned a halfling in jest earlier and I would so much prefer that as there could be a crew of 5 or 6 as opposed to what I'm guessing will be one ogor, a parrot, a monkey and probably a gnoblar or 2.

I'm gunna guess it's the Ogor Pirate, Ape and Parrot alongside some weapons like the trap with Hrothgorn.

40 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I am off to work so will miss out on most of the fun speculation so as always I will post my ideas on what is coming up.

4OK: The leak has already shown us what is going on here, although with the potato cam pic and Dune coming out I am at severe risk for starting a Sadukar/Bene Gesserit themed army around Custodes and Sisters of Silence. Might Slap Chaos Heads on them because I like getting angry lectures on Lore from 40k players.

Blood Bowl: Something hilarious and cool that will make me want to play Blood Bowl for 5 minutes and then I will forget it exists until someone converts it into something for AOS and I will be reminded that I have literally no conversion/kit bash skills. I am going to say Tomb Kings because I do not want to hype myself for Chorfs.

Age of Sigmar: I think we are getting our Chaos Book and a new Dual Box hopefully the Fire and Water set a certain member of this forum hinted at. Dream is that it is a new Slaves to Darkness book featuring Furnace Kings. But I will also be really happy for Nurgle or Beasts of Chaos. 

Warcry: Red Harvest full preview and some additional terrain sets. We will get some more lore info in the form of a trailer explaining the situation within and around the Varanspire. Maybe a preview of upcoming warbands... I also think that Nagash's incursion into the Eightpoints needs to be reflected in Warcry hopefully a box simillar to the Tau/Sisters of battle box but with Nighthaunt fighting OBR... But this would not be announced until after Red Harvest is released. 

Horus Heresy: No one has ever complained about an over saturation of Space Marines... So lets make a game in which Space Marines fight Space Marines. Best of all for narrative reasons you have to buy new Space marines for this game because the mainline ones do not have the right armour. 🤨

Underworlds: The only announcement that truly matters... Pirate Ogor.

Final Reveal: Turns out the Pirate Ogor is in Ulgu as a Member of Malerion's new fan favourite army Pirate Ogors and Captain Malerion. They sail around on boats going on fun misadventures and they will feature in a new Black Library series written by Neverchosen culminating in a new Pirate Ogor with Rules and Lore by Neverchosen. Are there Critters on these boats? Are there Keys? Only one way to find out, by purchasing 'Malerion and the Locked Cabin Room' coming this Holiday season. 

Pirate Ogor is actually an expansion for Critters and Keys featuring the Parrot and Ape!!

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Wow, an actual GW sale. Not sure there's much that most people are going to be interested in, but still, a sale. But it's a line I didn't think they would cross, given how resistant they've been to "devaluing the premium brand." Makes me even more curious to see their next set of financial results. 

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I am a little 'worried' (if that's the right word) that Dominion is having such a considerable price cut from GW official. It does seem that, by all accounts, it's been a bit of a financial disappointment and it makes me a little worried for the popularity of AoS as a whole. 

It is very likely lockdown biases, but it seems that AoS has become less popular (or at least less positively talked about) around the time of the last few Broken Realms and into AoS 3. 

That's not to say the sky is falling, but it seems a palpable negativity.  

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1 hour ago, Sigmarusvult said:

Dominion taken down to its Ebay price... I guess GW is also struggling to shift their stock 😂


1 minute ago, Enoby said:

I am a little 'worried' (if that's the right word) that Dominion is having such a considerable price cut from GW official. It does seem that, by all accounts, it's been a bit of a financial disappointment and it makes me a little worried for the popularity of AoS as a whole. 

It is very likely lockdown biases, but it seems that AoS has become less popular (or at least less positively talked about) around the time of the last few Broken Realms and into AoS 3. 

That's not to say the sky is falling, but it seems a palpable negativity.  

I think it's more a learning curve for them. This is the first time they've done boxes like imdominus and dominion. 

With imdominus they didn't produce enough and seems they increased the amount of Dominion to match what they sold with 40k which left stock on the shelves. 

Now they have sales figures next time around they should get it right. 

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Not that my anecdotal evidence is really valuable but I can offer a little insight into Dominion from talking to GW reps and a few people in the know. 

Games Workshop made roughly twice the number of Dominion Boxes initially compared to Indomitus. And were already producing the planned made to order boxes when 3.0 launched with Dominion. The sales for Dominion were well and above anything ever sold for a single AoS product (or WFB). 

However the demand was mismanaged. GW didn’t quite account for the difference in 40K to AoS (although apparently internally the numbers are far closer than most people claim). Space Marines make up to as much as 40% of the “active” armies played in 40K according to several sources, at any one time. On top of that more than 70% of players have purchased, or own a marine faction of some flavour (this may be more or less as it was an open submission questionnaire in 2018). You have a game that has more players overall, and a faction that has literally more players than most of the rest combined and you have the recipe for a very popular, large discount boxset. Remember though that Indomitus blew their minds how fast it sold out. 

Dominion was in the middle of one of the biggest single year growth spurts GW has ever experienced. This combined with Indomitus made them calculate some mistakes. 

Stormcast nor Orruks make up close to 40% of the playerbase of AoS (likely combined). 70% of players do not dabble in or own Stormcast or Orruks. This factor alone hurt them. 

But the game isn’t hurting. GW just has an over stock of Dominion boxes as the planned made to order is now nearing completion and they have not had the volume they poorly predicted. I don’t have exact numbers. But say the best selling box was 18,000 units. Dominion sold 25,000 units in the first weekend. But GW figured they’d need 45,000 units long term. That’s all. These products take up a ton of space. So liquidating them is harder for sure. But don’t let the abundance of leftover product of a single boxset make you worry about the games health. According to GW the sales are slowly climbing each and every month, and this is with the very slow rollout of new models because of Covid. AoS is better than it’s ever been sales wise. 

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Also remember Battleforces are probably just around the corner, maybe people is saving money. At least that's my case, I want to buy a Mega-Gargant but I'll wait and see which armies are going to receive juicies discounts first.

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11 minutes ago, Austin said:

If the sales were increasing, even a small amount, wouldn't it make sense to NOT decrease the price?  You would only decrease the price if sales were not "better than it's ever been."

I think it's more space been taken up in the werehouse.

I would also guess that even at the sale price they are still making a profit. 

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3 hours ago, Enoby said:

I am a little 'worried' (if that's the right word) that Dominion is having such a considerable price cut from GW official. It does seem that, by all accounts, it's been a bit of a financial disappointment and it makes me a little worried for the popularity of AoS as a whole. 

It is very likely lockdown biases, but it seems that AoS has become less popular (or at least less positively talked about) around the time of the last few Broken Realms and into AoS 3. 

That's not to say the sky is falling, but it seems a palpable negativity.  

Yeah, AoS 3 wasn't that well received over here either although I can only speak for my extended circle... and well, I bet the box might've sold better with something other than SCE in it; personally I think the new sculpts are a huge upgrade and pretty damn cool but there are already too many SCE units out there.

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Then again most AoS battlebox recently haven’t sold that fast either, Feast of Bones, Aetherwars, the LrL set, Shadow and Pain, and Catacombs where all boxes that took a long time to sell out, Dominon not being Stormcast probably would have not made a difference or sold worser.

In contrast, the last 3 boxes for 40K got sold out with in preorders, like piety and pain and the Ork boxes. The only one that probably didn’t sell out fast recently was the maligned Wake of the Phoenix  boxset

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Warcry catacombs might be one of the worse priced products ever released by gw. They released a box with 12 fewer minis and much less scenery that the first box and then increased the price from £95 to £125. It's no wonder it sold poorly. 

I genuinely think the biggest problem with Dominion was AoS players running out of money. My AoS budget for the year was spent by April. With Cursed City, the Broken realms books the Soulblight battletome, and a couple of odds and ends, that's £250 gone in a flash. I still believe they should have delayed it and released it nowish. 

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