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The Rumour Thread

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Also everyone forgot the most important fact about Malerion's recent changes... all rumour engines are proof positive of his upcoming release until proven otherwise*. As such he recently transformed from a vampiric entity to an orcish one and he also seems to borrow a lot of tech from the 41st millennium.

Onto the more pressing matters of Dwarf Soup. I think that people are so certain that it will involve KO but they seem to be a much more independently minded force that is defined through it's lack of adherence to the gods. I know that Grungni was recently seen in their midst but I think that they will likely be staunch allies to their kin rather than part of a shared list. Already KO have the ability to take 1/4 units of other Duardin and I can see that rule persisting and across all Order based Duardin forces. Largely because I think they are one of the most sucessful and Iconic ranges in AOS. Fyerslayers I am less certain about as they are a cool and iconic range with strong ties to the old world. But it also seems like GW is a little tapped out on ideas for them (even though fans have suggested many awesome ideas). So they might get souped. 

*Once Malerion is released this terrible joke shall transfer to Valaya unless she is relesed first. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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I could see Fyreslayers and the city dwarves being combined, but including Kharadron is pretty odd.  The super religious guys with the anti-god tech guys feels wrong. 

I could see a seperate Grungi faction that could take 1 in 4 of each of them though. 

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Yeah my vote is new seperate Grungni faction.

 To me that'd be the best outcome and fit with how the upcoming Stormcast and Orruks look to be add-ons. Might be the way they do things for quick updates across the board now that soups are mostly done for the massive sub-factions in need of them.

(Plus that Grungni idea of him getting an aspect model to fit into different armies is awesome)

Hopefully Saturday will finally settle things and we can see on the new Age of Sigmar site what the 3.0 faction descriptions are.

14 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Also everyone forgot the most important fact about Malerion's recent changes... all rumour engines are proof positive of his upcoming release until proven otherwise*. As such he recently transformed from a vampiric entity to an orcish one and he also seems to borrow a lot of tech from the 41st millennium.

*Once Malerion is released this terrible joke shall transfer to Valaya unless she is relesed first. 

Aww, but that fits the God of Shadows and Deceit so nicely. Everything shrouded in mystery and misleading, just like the living mists of his realm. :D

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People talking about getting souped means no more new release for a faction 

But considering the current amount of factions in AOS, even one faction does not get souped the possibility for it to get new range update frequently is practically small, unless it’s Stormcast eternal

The dilemma is you either get souped, have various amount of new toys to play with in every 2-3 years

or not get souped but only to get less new toys in 4-6 years

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Soup ****** from sienfeld. No soup for you. I like big meaty army updates that make me go wow. Factions from 1e need wave 2 and ko their roster is all too small. Sigmar is quickly hitting an upper limit to its armies they can make and support. So start fleshing out armies already here with much rarer new armies added. 

Edited by Barkanaut
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How on earth can they provide true support for yet more factions? They are already unable to keep some factions relevant both rules and model wise right now.

My bet is on consolidation of armies with some expansions in the form of subfactions. New traditional dwarves plus  soup, then new kurnothi plus soup with wanderers and sylvaneth.

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9 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

O_o  Soooo Gordrakk sets off with intentions of fighting a god, a god shows up and Gordy decides to work for him?...

🤔 This sounds very un "ultimate Orukk, warlord of warlords-ish".


Calling it, there will be a short explanation abour these two meeting, pony boi headbutts (its always a headbutt with destro 😅) Gordrakk into joining him. The end. 


I’m actually wondering if Gordraak dies or gets incapacitated and kragnos picks up the pieces of the army.


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26 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

I’m actually wondering if Gordraak dies or gets incapacitated and kragnos picks up the pieces of the army.


This is what it looks like to me... but I was figuring with also with some sort of open ended - i dunno, beaten and humiliated so he wanders off alone to get badder and tougher and maybe has some sort of epiphany with gorkamorka that brings him back 'improved' later in the destruction story.  I don't think he's going to be a non-player for an edition allegedly destruction focused.



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22 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

They really just need to start releasing new units for armies rather than wait for big hamfisted releases every couple of years. 

The issue with releasing small numbers of units more often is that it means they'll release more books more often as well. I would prefer fewer books, big releases, and a cycle that actually sees armies get updated, rather than 10 waves of space marines.

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I like broad, meaty armies with choices.
Gitz and Soulblight I like for the choices, you may not like every part of the faction but there is a better chance you'll like some part. Rather than hoping for GW to push out over 40 armies so each minifaction gets blown up it's nicer to have something immediately.

Ideally, then, the faction gets some more options down the line to flesh out what people liked the most. Like more Spiderfang if hypothetically Gitz players were crazy about Spiderfang.

Also, related. When will Sylvaneth be reunited? I mean just look at these guys and their helmets.

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I just imagine my armies getting souped and get disappointed so I’m not a big fan of it personally. It would feel like they’ve given up on you and just chucking them together to make them feel like a bigger faction so they can focus on other stuff.

I get there can’t be constant updates for all the factions, there’s so many now (it’s honestly a bit rediculous)! But to just chuck all the dwarfs into one place and call it a day just feels like they LOVE elves and can’t be bothered with dwarfs. And that’s coming from an elf player.

You could at least hope for an army update at some point and enjoy the possibility haha. And I’m not sure why GW don’t do a unit update here and there for different factions. It is always either named characters or huge waves. 

Edited by Tiberius501
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13 minutes ago, Fyrenn said:

This is what it looks like to me... but I was figuring with also with some sort of open ended - i dunno, beaten and humiliated so he wanders off alone to get badder and tougher and maybe has some sort of epiphany with gorkamorka that brings him back 'improved' later in the destruction story.  I don't think he's going to be a non-player for an edition allegedly destruction focused.



That would fit the Ironjawz tone. The whole faction started because Chaos kept krumping them for centuries but didn't dispose of the bodies which lead to them maxing out their size and strength as they adapted. So soon Chaos found themselves having their Ghur Dreadholds conquered by hordes of super orruks and the tables turned.

30 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

They really just need to start releasing new units for armies rather than wait for big hamfisted releases every couple of years. 

Gotta agree, the "better a soup getting 2-3 year support rather than 4-6" doesn't really hold any weight for a franchise that's not even 6 years old yet and still has many soup armies that haven't recieved updates.

I'm hoping add-ons and Lumineth waves become the norm and they just release multiple small sub-factions to armies like they said back in 2020 Lumineth article when they wanted more sub-faction focus going forward.

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6 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

Also, related. When will Sylvaneth be reunited? I mean just look at these guys and their helmets.

Probably when either those antlers are growing out of their heads or their lower halfs are the deers. 😛

Plus they need seeds in their bellies.

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15 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

I just imagine my armies getting souped and get disappointed so I’m not a big fan of it personally. It would feel like they’ve given up on you and just chucking them together to make them feel like a bigger faction so they can focus on other stuff.

I get there can’t be constant updates for all the factions, there’s so many now (it’s honestly a bit rediculous)! But to just chuck all the dwarfs into one place and call it a day just feels like they LOVE elves and can’t be bothered with dwarfs. And that’s coming from an elf player.

You could at least hope for an army update at some point and enjoy the possibility haha. And I’m not sure why GW don’t do a unit update here and there for different factions. It is always either named characters or huge waves. 

I believe that elven faction will be souped too at some point. And I can definitely see the pattern for more souping. Warclans (BS+IJ), Gllomspite(SF+Trolls+Squigs and goblins), scavens(Different clans), CoS, DoT(demons+mortals), MoN(demons+mortals), BoK(demons+mortals), HoS(demons+mortals), SGL(Bloodlines), SCE(Chambers)

If we will combine KO+FS, DoK+Umbraneth, Sylvaneth+Kurnoti and Idoneth+ Realmlords, StD+Beasmens it will give us almost 24 factions souped in some shape or form(main theme + 2-3 subfactions)


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2 hours ago, Whitefang said:

People talking about getting souped means no more new release for a faction

What makes you so certain that a souping of certain ranges would be a deathsentence to certain factions.

the skaven have been souped, were meant to be souped, should have never been ripped a part at all, and yet an update in the model range will at some point certainly come

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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8 hours ago, Deakz28 said:

My worry is they’ll be just like nighthaunt, here’s a new army, rest of edition, here’s one or two models... but then Death in general got ossiarch and soulblight, with other armies in between

Would that be so bad though? A very large (maybe overlarge) range of prominent and diverse models at various price points with a well-developed aesthetic, acting as a flagship for their GA and with prominent  representation in the background, other games and media. Yes, they only got one new mini since but they’re not hurting for the lack of new stuff.

Most factions wish they could have got the Nighthaunt treatment, it’s basically the most attention any AoS range gets besides Stormcast. If Morruks get that, fantastic. All the issues with NH are down to rules and being an early battletome, nothing to do with the range or the amount of new releases.

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Not sure why everyone hates on soup. Maybe it’s people who didn’t play whfb, only now armies were ripped apart to make sub factions, looking at you FEC and NH. (NH specifically, wascreated out of three units: wraith, banshee and spirit hosts. 2 hero and one elite/ non counting core depending on edition)

”soup” let’s creative minds run wild with conversions and themes.  Since building heroes was wiped in place of character hammer, I welcome more soups as a means for customizing and themes to flow instead of the mundane.

Edited by Mandzak-Miniatures
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44 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Not sure why everyone hates on soup. Maybe it’s people who didn’t play whfb, only now armies were ripped apart to make sub factions, looking at you FEC and NH.

”soup” let’s creative minds run wild with conversions and themes.  Since building heroes was wiped in place of character hammer, I welcome more soups as a means for customizing and themes to flow instead of the mundane.

Because souping armies that were united is different from doing with aos native armies.

And to be honest Fec are more interesting as their thing than like the old Vampire counts army for example,their new background gives more room to improvement than the old Strigoi imho.

Same for Nighthaunt that got a whole new background and aesthetic.

Though i know Gw cannot mantains too much armies modelwise.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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3 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

Not sure why everyone hates on soup. Maybe it’s people who didn’t play whfb, only now armies were ripped apart to make sub factions, looking at you FEC and NH. (NH specifically, wascreated out of three units: wraith, banshee and spirit hosts. 2 hero and one elite/ non counting core depending on edition)

”soup” let’s creative minds run wild with conversions and themes.  Since building heroes was wiped in place of character hammer, I welcome more soups as a means for customizing and themes to flow instead of the mundane.

Sometimes I forget that their are AoS players who just don't have any experience with Fantasy, even through secondary sources like Total War. Back when the Skaven book came out I saw someone complaining that Pestilens got "souped" in with the other clans and I was baffled as to why anyone would be mad that their old army got put back together until I realized that Pestilens might have been their only army and that putting them in a book with Skryre might be the same for them as Deepkin and DoK getting souped would be for me.

Regardless, it would have been completely unrealidtic to expect every microfaction to have gotten full expansions and support (and I say this as a former Gutbusters battletome truther). I don't play dwarfs but I can completely sympathize with those who don't want a Kharadron+Fyreslayers books, despite how likely it's looking. Historically, Fyreslayers have never seemed like a super popular army- though I don't have any concrete data to support that claim -and despite how cool it might be, I don't expect GW to put more money into a faction that isn't making as much as they'd like already.

I'm a big fan of diverse aesthetics in a faction (Kurnothi would be perfect for Sylvaneth and I still think Phoenix Temple should be in Lumineth), but Kharadron and Fyreslayers is pushing things too far, IMO.

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One battletome for dwarves make as much sense as one for elves. Covered in blood Witch aelves fighting side by side with shiny Lumineth Wardens both under flying turtles of Deepkin and listening to a playing Warsong Revenant. Seems as delicious as a drink of mixed jalapeño, milk, anchois and sauerkraut. Bon appetit!

Edited by Aeryenn
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