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Everything posted by Incineroar87

  1. It can go either way, most cases in the past have been with a battletome article revealing most of the new models of a new range with 1-2 new units never seen or discussed in the battletome previews and modern live video previews revealing everything. A few times White Dwarf and GW has spilled the beans too ahead of time too with potato cam pics of the last few new units. I really hope we can get a look at the new battletomes soon for the new art and lore.
  2. Difference for the Mortach's is all three were all major special characters in the setting with an established background and history in the endtimes where as for the Orruks in AOS we don't have that anymore, we have big characters in Gordrakk riding a cabbage Wyvern, we have the new leader of the Kruleboys on that weird beast thing but Bonesplitterz don't seem to have an equivalent of a leader / special character in the setting or one on a big beast. The closest they had was the Wurrgog Prophet when he was a special character in fantasy. Iron Jawz Orruks are already associated with Wyverns as their big beast wouldn't make sense to give them another wyvern rider, I think Kruleboyz are likely to have their own weird wyvern like beast for themselves differentiate it from the Mawkrusha.
  3. What are our winners after the update ? Stormcast seems quite decent now.
  4. I rather like this tbh, Reverse Tides + King was always a solid option but it was annoying when we had to choose. I like that we can have both now. Very happy with this change!
  5. I'm guessing new Stormcast and Orruk Warclan Battletomes release at the same time just like Stormcast and Nighthaunt did last edition? Hope we see a few new models for Orruks and a monster or two. Would be wicked to see Yndrasta bringing some Pegasus knight like units too.
  6. I've never been a fan of Duradin/Dwarves on the tabletop always preferring the Elf races but I love the Duradin history and lore. I am keen to see how they will re-invent the wheel with Duradin to make them more interesting with this AOS soup-tome.
  7. How many total Kits/Units are we expecting for the KruleBoys? At current they have 7 + the 2 other revealed ones which is almost more than Ironjaws and Bonesplitters have which sit at 10-11 each. Recon we might have 12-15 + or less? At the very least, I just wanna see some super elite infantry and some wicked beast cavalry + a huge solo monster. If we are lucky I'd love to see a special character leading the army too.
  8. Will Deepkin still be able to field lots of eels with Coherency? Guessing we have to take MSU eels and sharks which most seemed to be doing anyway.
  9. I'd much rather take Evocators tbh, but I'll wait for the full warscroll before giving my final judgement. I'm curious what other utilities they can bring and what points value they are at. If they are within Evocator range and this is all they offer damage wise, there's little reason to bring Annihilators. More importantly as a Ironjaw's player, I wanna see the new Orruk's and what specialties they bring to the table. Orruk's Warclan side, if they can patch up the Brute's warscroll a bit and their points if need be, that's all I need to be happy.
  10. Whether they take away Physical or Digital, taking away options in general is never a good thing especially when it alienates the fanbase disconnecting them. I'd be similarly annoyed if they removed physical books entirely as I struggle to read books on a screen.
  11. I'm guessing the 3.0 starter box will have small offerings as an introduction for both armies and the actual meaty release will be when later on when the full model range/battletome release later unless they go side by side at launch with the box. I can't imagine they will reveal the entire new model line for both armies just the box reveal.
  12. Looks like bin writer strikes again from what I've seen and heard. I don't understand how they can make Morathi and Teclis super powerful and cost effective but others are written in the opposite way, the inconsistency and inbalance is concerning because it instantly kills any viability or purpose.
  13. Saw the Kroak warscroll on twitter earlier as well. I really hope they do justice to Alarielle's new warscroll though. Plz just make her good lol
  14. Is Grungni considered one of the major gods or is he a semi/minor deity ?
  15. I adore the Kragnos model and the flavorful warscroll, but don't see any reason why you'd take him over Gordrakk/Megaboss on Maw-krusha unless Kragnos is less than 540 points. If he's 600-700+I suppose only non Orruk Destruction armies would find any incentive in taking him. Maybe the new Orruk Warclans equivalent battletome will give him some additional bonus's. Wonder if he's the leader of these new Orruks or if there's a new special character of some kind leading them. I would love a magic Orruk special hero character being in charge of the new Orruk faction just for something different.
  16. Where is this countdown thing people are mentioning ? Is it the rumor post things that the stormcast is trying to decipher?
  17. If one of the warhammer animated series can get on the same hype level of the animated Castlevania series to the point where it attracted Celebs to be a part of it and a wider audience watching, that could attract a lot of new warhammer growth into the hobby.
  18. I’m not excited for them much either, especially if it’s just basic the same old gitmob/greenskin look which we’ve had forever in warhammer. I’d much rather Ironiaws get some love as they only have a whopping 3 units to choose from. But if we are actually getting some unique swampy hobgoblin like creatures I’m all in.
  19. There's quite a few armies that take MSU. Deepkin and Lumineth are major contenders with eel and archer spam respectfully, this will force them to bulk up those units or take something else, can't imagine this will impact their viability much though.
  20. Reminds me of the building system WHFB had, where unit choices were capped at a % of your total points and could only be taken so many times as a maximum in the case of heroes, special and rare. Heroes and Core units were capped at 25% and special at 50%. This system worked great when ever army had bucketloads of unit choices, but in AOS there are many armies that don't have much unit choice available or only 1-2 viable options. Hopefully this means the small armies in AOS will get blessed with a second wave introducing new units to balance.
  21. Sounds like this force is a mishmash army of various Orruk destruction concepts rather than a mono approach which is disappointing. Really hope there’s a lot of variety if they go down this path like a Gloomspite level release at the very least.
  22. Cruel Boyz sounds like the beta industry insider name that Idoneth had when they were known as Fish Elves.
  23. Really hoping the 3.0 Stormcast Battletome isn't done by this bin writer lol Regarding the state of Soulblight, it's not about the competitive viability seems to be a massive disconnect between the flavor and lore of some of the units and characters, so many things got nerfed so hard or there's 0 reason to take X. There's some hidden gems mind you, Kastelai, Avengorii and Vyrkos have some really interesting stuff to build around.
  24. GW has mentioned many times and specifically used the term a "new breed" of evil, rather than new race or anything for this Destruction force, so expect an offshoot of Greenskins, Orks, Goblins or anything else in-between that we already have. Most likely that smaller than a Ork bigger than a Goblin race that leakers have hinted at. The trailer, narrative and art fluff we have seen so far especially the hiding and lurking characteristics scream goblin like to me.
  25. Agreed so much here. I also disliked Empire back in Fantasy for the same reasons and still dislike cities/ order of Azur. Much prefer Stormcast in contrast to the fantasy human armies/ other aos human races/models.
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