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16 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

You could say the same about any rumour monger. Until the product is out it is all just speculation :D i am just saying worse case scenerio is that KO are out on the 3rd week of april. We already know khorne is redone for april so that takes up 1 week and shadow war may be released in april too so a possible of 2 weeks gone.

This may just be wishful thinking on my part, but I don't think they'd be putting out all these tidbits of background info (stoking the hype fire as it were) if the Overlords weren't going up for pre-order within the next few weeks. The whole reason GW stopped announcing releases before about a week prior was because there was a drop-off in interest after the initial reveal, by the time the new release actually happened people had moved on. They'd want to take advantage of the hype they've generated and not overextend themselves.

I think the safe bet is on the first few weeks of April, maybe pre-orders for the first wave up on the 1st with the releases stretched out over the following weeks.

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15 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

No, seriously. Don't take faeit at face value. Their accuracy is well below 25% Meanwhile other rumormongers have good track records (Hastings 81%, Atia 90% Sadpanda even higher IIRC). These guys make trash.

You can take Faeit exactly at face value. It's one guy who collates rumours and he presents them as such. He is not usually a source of rumour himself.

Edited by Carnelian
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Very interested about aelves, dark aelves in particular.  They were my original army in 5th edition.  If they get a cool gimmick and aesthetic I might jump on that, but it will suck beyond suck that they are still in Order (although hopefully a newer tome will mitigate it with specific traits/artifacts)

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GW have really learned a lesson recently: give all the dudes weird animals and they are 100% cooler (see Kairic Acolytes with a Vulcharc, new Stormcast with their birds and chocobos, gyrinx, roboparrot etc.)

Soon it will get to the stage where if a new release doesn't have a weird super cute animal I will be devastated  (can't wait for the tyranid version, those gribblies are so cute)

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So that shadow war release date info comes from ministomp on Twitter who is an independent retailer who  never gets things wrong. The date is accurate. That rumour pic is definitely an Aelf. I think we will see the full mini in 12 hours time. 

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56 minutes ago, Percivael said:

Very much a pasty Aelf arm I reckon. But what's the pet Dragon thing? No eyes or mouth. A flying lamprey eel?


No eyes because its from the realm of shadow??



37 minutes ago, wayniac said:

Very interested about aelves, dark aelves in particular.  They were my original army in 5th edition.  If they get a cool gimmick and aesthetic I might jump on that, but it will suck beyond suck that they are still in Order (although hopefully a newer tome will mitigate it with specific traits/artifacts)


It may be just a 1 off but since Kharadron overlords are the "other half" of the dwarven aethetic I dont imagine they will do a third/redo the dispossed in the near future and since the KO seems to be released as completely its own thing without absorbing any (or many) units or retconing lore from the old faction (Just like Ironjaws. They nabbed one unit from the old models and exist in the realms but so far so do the regular orruks).

For this reason i would imagine that the new Aelf releases may or may not incorporate models from the existing factions. But i honestly think they will be entirely seperate from the other Aelfs. Therefore GW could put the "Shadowkin" in any alliance they want.

Also it comes back to this "definition of order" thing again.

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48 minutes ago, wayniac said:

Very interested about aelves, dark aelves in particular.  They were my original army in 5th edition.  If they get a cool gimmick and aesthetic I might jump on that, but it will suck beyond suck that they are still in Order (although hopefully a newer tome will mitigate it with specific traits/artifacts)

And why is that ? With End Times it was established that Malerion is against Chaos and now those Shadowelves are presented in the fluff very Eldar alike they are not evil but interested only in their own agenda. And they don't belong to any other alliance also when they chips are down they will fight against Chaos

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3 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

I'm hoping whatever this is that it is at Adepticon.

Since there is no twitch today we'll have to refresh browsers all day to catch internet postings.  My F5 button is nearly worn out!

My cohost for Warhammer Weekly will be at the Adepticon event this evening and we'll do our weekly show immediately after he gets out of the event.  I doubt they'll allow cameras but I've told him to take copious notes.

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3 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

My cohost for Warhammer Weekly will be at the Adepticon event this evening and we'll do our weekly show immediately after he gets out of the event.  I doubt they'll allow cameras but I've told him to take copious notes.

Looking forward to the live report...

I am very excited about the new pic - very Cthulhu-ish... I really hope that this will be an Aelves+Death release.


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Kinda hoping they'll kill two birds with one stone here and make the rumoured Shadow Aelfs some sort of Necromancer/Vampire Death allegiance army.


I know there's conflicting fiction on this, but Princess Eldyra of Tiranoc in one End Times lore is said to have been turned Vampire. Maybe they'll go down that route.




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