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Well I think AOS firmly won that reveal. Really happy the destruction fans - love the Troll King, great to see plastic Gorgers and the Orcs look fun!

Damsel is a wonderful sculpt, I wis she wasn't resin but great mini!

The glutton Slaaneshi model is excellent but the clear favourite is the squid, you can keep the elves just give me the squid. 

Still a bit of a wait for Kurnothi .. but a great set of reveals for AOS. 

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The Era of the BEAST has finally arrived!!!

Feels like on of those previews that really highlights why AoS is the best setting GW have to offer.

Trugg is an amazing model, so much story and feeling crafted into the guy. Could have been a little bigger for my tastes but its a very minor complaint.

New Ironjawz absolutely smash everything else outta the park. They are absolutely prefect and round out that army into a very good feeling army. Going to have to take some willpower to resist starting a new army... again. That were also getting their new supplement as a free PDF is an interesting development, will have to where that goes.

I don't particularly care for the new CoS warband, it's just not my thing but the Gorgers are, well, Gorgeous. A great update and hopefully Ogors have more coming in the not too distant future.

Both Underworlds warbands are great sculpts, the Slaneeshi demons seem like they would be a fun project to paint and the squid is fun.


On the other hand, we have resin lady on a horse... don't care. A bunch of marines that are all just the same thing but in slightly higher resolution. The Phoenician is cool and they are some proper wings, but in resin... yeesh, that's gonna be a PITA.




Edited by mojojojo101
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Although Troggoth King is a great model this faction, among many other, needs rather more troops. Building Troggoth only 2k army requires a lot of repetition which makes it look boring. What do people mix Troggoth army with?

Ironjawz on the other hand received what they desperately needed - basic and elite infantry. Well done. Worth mentioning are topless brutes which in my opinion enter Bonesplitterz territory and make it less likely for this faction to be developed in the future.

Idoneth's new sea creatures are always welcome. Octopus is great. I think that GW understands how well received are these models and we can expect to see a lot of them in the 2nd wave. At least I hope so. Enough thralls. This faction stands out thanks to its sea creatures.

Gorgers are really terrifying. Very good models that can bring more variety to ogors.

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GW seems to knock it out of the park everytime they update an old sculpt. The gorgers are really good and for the ironjaws the new kit replacing the old black orcs also looks fantastic. 

the damsel is finally a model that makes me excited for The Old World. I’m really surprised we didn’t see the leaked new Pegasus. It looks like GW changed the way they react to leaks? 

Finally, I never liked the current look of Slaanesh daemons, and the new underworld warband is more of the same esthetic. But that fat daemon is awesome! 

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The AoS lines smashed it out of the park with this preview. The Trogg-King is gorgeous, such a cluttered ugly model but it's exactly what an ancient trogg should look like. The Ironjawz really flesh out the range, especially with the other two minis previously revealed. Hopefully they get a little more in future too. And those Gorgers are a solid update to one of GWs worst minis. Add in that creepy terrain for Warcry, two solid warbands for Underworlds and some nice minis for TOW and Blood Bowl and I'm very happy. 

Space Marine wise it's kind of shocking that there's 93 datasheets in the book. Like, no other army in the company goes that over the top. I'm kind of glad these are all just updates, even if they look alright. Fulgrim looks fantastic though and I'll be hoping that MKIII box set sticks around for a while as I could do with adding it to my 30k Dark Angels.

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9 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Ironjawz on the other hand received what they desperately needed - basic and elite infantry. Well done. Worth mentioning are topless brutes which in my opinion enter Bonesplitterz territory and make it less likely for this faction to be developed in the future.

If Kruleboyz also get new models in Dawnbringers, I think it is possible that those two will get separate battletomes next edition and be the two remaining AoS Orruk factions.

Although things could go completely differently, as well, if we get new Bonesplittaz instead. They are like, what? Two unit kits and three heroes? That's within the realm of possibility for a complete refresh.

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4 minutes ago, elfhead said:

the damsel is finally a model that makes me excited for The Old World. I’m really surprised we didn’t see the leaked new Pegasus. It looks like GW changed the way they react to leaks? 

Somewhere near in Nottingham...


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11 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If Kruleboyz also get new models in Dawnbringers, I think it is possible that those two will get separate battletomes next edition and be the two remaining AoS Orruk factions.

Although things could go completely differently, as well, if we get new Bonesplittaz instead. They are like, what? Two unit kits and three heroes? That's within the realm of possibility for a complete refresh.

Agreed. In terms of design, ironjawz and KB look too different to share a battletome

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5 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

What did they say? Anything about Kurnothi? Because of work I wasn’t able to watch it yet.

Just that the trogg king had been asleep for so long people built a portal on top of him and cave paintings drawn on him because nobody knew that it was the trogg king.

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1 minute ago, Baz said:

Just that the trogg king had been asleep for so long people built a portal on top of him and cave paintings drawn on him because nobody knew that it was the trogg king.

I think they commented that the cave paintings were something to do with planning their next hunt.

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28 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If Kruleboyz also get new models in Dawnbringers, I think it is possible that those two will get separate battletomes next edition and be the two remaining AoS Orruk factions.

Although things could go completely differently, as well, if we get new Bonesplittaz instead. They are like, what? Two unit kits and three heroes? That's within the realm of possibility for a complete refresh.

I think a full overhaul/refresh for Bonesplittaz *could* work, in terms of clearing out the old grab-bag of concerning visual references, but it'd need to be a really strong and strikingly different look. Otherwise, my Hot Take is that AoS orruks would be better off having Bonesplittaz retired completely and replaced with a new orruk subfaction not weighed down by the old savage orc baggage at all.

(Obviously this would suck for fans invested in the current bonesplittaz but it feels like something GW is probably going to need to tackle at some point).

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Regarding the Ironjawz pdf situation, I think it's a couple of things. In the psychic awakening gw put a bunch of matched play rules in those books sometimes directly alongside codexes forcing players to buy two books. We also had the whole Lumineth fiasco with a second battletome in a short space of time. This seems like a direct reaction to that. 

The arks of Omen series and Dawnbringers have largely avoided including matched play content in the books and when they have done they also included the rules elsewhere. 

I don't think this suggests anything about the future of warclans but rather that GW doesn't want to force players to buy two books to play one army. 

I think this is a pretty good move by GW. My worry is that the Dawnbringer books now won't sell well and GW will be encouraged to go anti consumer again. 

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Obligatory NOVA Reveal reaction:

  • Primaris Jump Pack Marines - just like that, my excitement for jump pack marines was dashed. Their jump packs are too big, and give them a weird silhouette; whilst I appreciate avoiding flight stands I don't feel as though they executed it well here; and their poses don't feel natural.
  • Terminators - the basic squad looks fine. I was expecting something significantly better in comparison to the monopose than we actually got (see monopose Sword Brethren vs. the multipose kit) but perhaps that's a function of Terminators relatively basic design. No assault variant is a shame. Chaplain looks fine, though I'm unconvinced by the Storm Shield (looks weird to wield a shield alongside what is basically a religious-rod-of-office-turned-weapon). Captain is meh.
  • Scouts - they're nice. Nothing special, but a good redesign of a very old kit. Not convinced by the tiny bits of armour around their ankles but that's a minor thing.
  • Heroes of the Chapter - look fine. Banner boy's half-cloak is great, and it's nice to see a company champion get released separately of the limited edition model.
  • Sternguard Veterans - also fine. I liked the Leviathan ones well enough, and these go well with those. I like the unhelmeted head with a beard a lot.

Phew, that's a lot of Space Marines. Let's move onto the good stuff shall we.

  • ThroggTrugg, the Troggoth King - oh boy, this mini is amazing. I just feel like AoS designers have so much more freedom to be creative. Troggs are certainly an acquired taste, but even if they aren't you can't deny they're very impressive designs. I love the cave painting designs, the giant snail shell club, and the altar on his back.
  • Zoggrok Anvilsmasha - a simple but cool sculpt. I like the apron and his face a lot. Not sure about the mid-forging sword but I might go for the "Grunta-tongs" so that's fine. Will be interesting to see what his rules bring: seems like a support hero.
  • Brute Ragerz - expanding the Ironjawz range always faced the issue of what do you add to a faction that is fairly mono-dimensional. I think these dudes hit the mark quite well. In game they might not have an obvious role to fill, but they look cool and fit the lore. They might also provide an alternative to Gore-Gruntas for people who aren't big fans of the piggies.
  • Weirdbrute Wrekkaz - also cool to see that this is a dual-kit. I'm not a huge fan of one of the three masks (so I'm hoping there are more than the three) but otherwise love these. Ironjawz saw GSG fanatics and were like "cool idea, we'll get some too, and they'll be huge!"
  • Ardboyz - I didn't dare believe too hard that we'd see Ardboyz redone. The old kit is... kinda okay (I feel it hits an uncanny valley situation of almost fitting the Ironjawz aesthetic, but not quite, that makes it stand out worse than if it was a proper terrible Old World kit from 2002). These dudes probably take my award for best in show: they're just so cool.
  • Ardboy Big Boss - not a NOVA reveal, but worth circling back to now we know he won't be forced to lead old school Arboyz (and let's be honest, 4th edition AoS is going to take 10th edition 40k's leaders rules, so he will lead Ardboyz soon). He's great, and he fits the new Ardboyz perfectly. I love him.
  • Battletome Supplement Ironjawz - I should dislike this, as it's a bit of a cash grab by GW. But I am so excited for all the new Ironjawz stuff that I find myself feeling quite positive about it. Hopefully Ironjawz will be fleshed out to be more exciting as a result of it.

We then had a brief interlude for some Horus Heresy that I don't care about at all.

  • Gorger Mawpack - huge glow-up on the existing Gorgers. No, that's not fair, HUGE glow-up on the existing Gorgers. Without the comparison to the old ones, I'd say they're 7 or 8 out of 10. They're good, but they aren't blowing me out of the water. If I collected Ogors I wouldn't be sad about including them in my army though.
  • Wildercorps Hunters - we've seen these before right? In any case, they're good. Fit the new Cities of Sigmar (humans) aesthetic perfectly and are nice standalone sculpts. Probably 8 or 9 out of 10.
  • Blood Bowl Vampires - they're okay. I'm not sure I'm sold on the slightly silly aesthetic they've got going on, but they're certainly not bad.
  • The Thricefold Discord - hmm... mixed feelings on these. Big dude and twin snake dude look cool, but I don't like the more generic daemonette. I do like that their bases match the previous Slaanesh Warband though.
  • Cyreni’s Razors - Cyreni is very cool, the squid is going to be popular, the two thralls are perfectly good thrall minis (I wish existing thralls had their polearms).
  • Élisse Duchaard - very nice sculpt. It's resin, which puts me off, but I might get it as a painting project. We'll see. Still not interested in actually playing TOW since I'd have to have sculpts like this one next to the truly awful Bretonnian Knights from 2002.
  • Fulgrim - he's resin, and those wings are huge. What I take away from that is he's not going to have wings for long if he's anything other than a display piece. Beyond that, he's okay but I'm not that keen.

Star of the show: Ironjawz finally getting something akin to a full sized range.

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