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20 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

That's why Gardus Steel-Soul is many people's favourite Stormcast ! And why his mini was well received (that and his AoE ward).

With Era of the Beast, I think it's time for another famous Black Library Stormcast to get his mini. Come on GW, give us Hamilcar Bear-Eater in plastic !

He would be up for it. People found it easier to kitbash him from Annihilator parts already.

Also we need a revamp of Blacktalon in her new armor.


35 minutes ago, Greyshadow said:

I did initially but the new designs are really clicking with me now. If and when I start collecting Stormcast, I think I’ll go full Thunderstrike - with possible exception being the heroes.

If there is one thing I really appreciate about the new style it’s that it does feel like a joint effort between men, duardin and aelves in rasing the power of Order.

Besides the duardin smiths influence of putting ancestor/god masks on everything:




The Thunderstrike have very visible Aelven influences that help that Order combo immortalized feel so they can fit into any civilization from the dour Celestial Vindicators who appreciate Grungni’s industrious heirs to the haughty Tempest Lords living alongside the Lumineth.






43 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

It is strange I am fairly indifferent to what type of armour the Stormcast wear, only that a Stormhost other than the Hammers of Sigmar get some love. 

Also I hope they open a new chamber preferably the Runiation Chamber as a chamber focused on siege weapons and then we get improved siege rules for AOS. I have said it before and I will say it again, a list of building types (wall, house, gate, keep, tower) with stats built around different materials (wood, stone, steel, arcane) would be easy to implement. Plus siege mechanics would open up a lot of the ranges that GW is struggling with: Ironjawz with a Grond styled battering ram, Fyreslayers with Pyroclastic rock munitions,  siege towers on Idoneth crabs. Like Boarding Actions it could be a series of companion rules. 

Well I hope Ruination is more than just siege engines(basically Stormcast turned into siege engines) but the rest sounds like an amazing idea and simple to implement with the new rule.

Could just give some siege weapons Monstrous Rampage commands against terrain and Garrisons Save profiles depending on the material plus a Mysterious Terrain effect for the arcane to act as magic defenses if not just some D3 mortal wound boiling oil Commands.

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Some of the AoS scenery kits are really nice. I wish GW would take scenery more seriously. I can't for the life of me understand why they don't have a full scenery department. I'd love for there to be 8 proper 'Battlefield Boxes' representing each of the 8 Mortal Realms. GW should try and come up with a good way of having a full-sized gaming surface in a box (or tube). Folded paper and card kinda suck, proper Neoprene matts would be awesome. 

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2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

What's your predictions for the next set of broken realms (dawnbringer crusades?) set of books.

Here's my wishlist:

* Grombrindal/dwarf soup

* Orion/Kurnothi

* Chorfs


Chorfs vs Kurnothi would be epic. Nature vs industrialism, both in their savage versions. 

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36 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well I hope Ruination is more than just siege engines(basically Stormcast turned into siege engines) but the rest sounds like an amazing idea and simple to implement with the new rule.

Could just give some siege weapons Monstrous Rampage commands against terrain and Garrisons Save profiles depending on the material plus a Mysterious Terrain effect for the arcane to act as magic defenses if not just some D3 mortal wound boiling oil Commands.

My hope is for a focus on siege experts but as the Sacrosanct Chamber had the Ordinator and Ballista I would also hope it would not be at the exclusion of some fun infantry, cavalry and monsters. 

But yes I just think that Siege warfare opens up so many options for both offensive and defensive unit types, scenarios and playstyles. Even if they are slightly more effective in a parallel ruleset.  I also think that it gives GW a chance to make some really cool terrain and let hobbyists go wild in their own interpretation of how to imagine the defensible terrain of their armies.

With that in mind I think that my Ogors will just do what they have always done and rush their mounts headfirst into a fortress and then proceed to punch and kick it until they are the only thing left... but I somehow loose on Objective points.

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8 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

What's your predictions for the next set of broken realms (dawnbringer crusades?) set of books.

Here's my wishlist:

* Grombrindal/dwarf soup

* Tyrion

* Morghur

* Orion/Kurnothi

Potentially with an Ogor wave in there somewhere - maybe instead of Morghur. 


*Dawnbringer Crusades: Outlying the territories already established and focusing on a specific Crusades path, introducing a new Cities of Sigmar character to lead the crusade.

*Morghur: Morghur is ascending in the Realms and the Beasts are on the hunt. Harrying the Dawnbringers every move whilst Morghur hatches schemes to crush the Realms.

*Carrion King: Not to be outdone by Morghur the Carrion King has returned after Nagashes defeat at the hand of Teclis. Rallying forth his own noble crusade the Flesh Eater Courts pour out of every graveyard, mountain and ruined castle to gnaw upon the Realms.

*Globb Glittermaw: Seeing dust rising in Gallet, Globb decides to lead the greatest Mawpath yet concieved and leaves the Great Gutfort to feast upon the melee. Carving a swathe across Ghur devouring the smaller settlements established by the Crusade.


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5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

*Dawnbringer Crusades: Outlying the territories already established and focusing on a specific Crusades path, introducing a new Cities of Sigmar character to lead the crusade.


I'll just call that character Mike..and already picture him like :

*In a era full of ravenous hordes, wild animated forests and lands desacrated by foul rituals, with Orion returns, Morghur awakens,  and Grombrindal uniting the Duardin...sometimes... there is a guy..a guy that perfectly fit into the setting...that's Mike. Commander Mike of Anvilgard was always fated to do things..not great things mind you..but things that might have led his forces to victory..sometimes. He's just that special. He's mostly.. there...you know ? Like...wow... impressive already right ? During the battle of the Boneward Cleaver that saw Bastian Carthalos and Krondys facing Kragnos' forces, his famous speech to his company of crusaders, consisting of ..not one..but ten brave..men, echoes in eternity : "Alright lads...we must do what we gonna do innit ?"*

Edited by Harioch
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12 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I'm stoked for the end of the Era of the Beast. So many things could happen, my personnal wish is a return of Morghur. There was a Broken Realms short story about a beastlord talking to a mutating human if I remember, and he said that Morghur was coming back. Apparently this was continued in the BoC BT. And Whitefang haha reacted my post on Morghur (I know I say it a lot but I will never shut up about it because it's my greatest achievement here), it means there's happy times ahead for the beasty bois. 

Or it could be something else entirely. GW has dropped so many teases. This beastly edition will have a wild ending, I'm sure about that.

We are more likely to see Ushoran than Morghur...

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6 hours ago, Hollow said:

Some of the AoS scenery kits are really nice. I wish GW would take scenery more seriously. I can't for the life of me understand why they don't have a full scenery department. I'd love for there to be 8 proper 'Battlefield Boxes' representing each of the 8 Mortal Realms. GW should try and come up with a good way of having a full-sized gaming surface in a box (or tube). Folded paper and card kinda suck, proper Neoprene matts would be awesome. 

I spoke to someone at GW HQ about neoprene batlemats as they have amazing ones at warhammer world to play on (they even have little skulls at certain point on the mat like the dead centre of the board so easy to place objective). 

I asked why they don't sell them and was told because GW aren't able to make them. Since bringing everything in house they want to be able to make everything themselves.

Plus cost would be to high if they had another company make them for GW to sell and people would buy from the already excellent battlemat producers. 

Maybe in the in future if they invest in a printing machine but I would hold your breath. 

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On 3/27/2023 at 3:18 AM, Nezzhil said:
  Hide contents

Cawdor riders & other stuff <- HOLY SH*T
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs
Aranthian Succession

Age of Sigmar
Ossiarch + Hero + Cards? + Dices?
Soulbligh + Hero + Cards? + Dices?
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more
Seraphon Army Box
Cities Battletome + Humies
Mistery book Summer
Mistery book Autumn
Generals Handbook 2023 S1

Nightmare's Quest - FeC vs SCE
Pyramid kit
Underworlds meets Warcry starter Soulblight vs SCE

Wyrd Tzeentch vs SCE

Horus Heresy
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer
Despoilers upgrade kit
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator
The F* Vindicator
Campaign book

Warhammer 40k
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Primaris Lieutenant
Black Library Sargeant Astra Militarum
Boarding Boxes Adeptas, Custodes, Sons
Lion the Lion

 Kill Team 
Votann vs Beastmen

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Adeptus Titanicus
New weapons

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo


List updated. The Cawdor expansion is very old. OMG

I was just thinking about this list and wondering if 10th edition could be coming sooner than we think. If we assume that 10th goes on pre-order June 3rd, the first week of summer, that leaves 9 weeks of pre-order between now and then. 

That means we have:

Necrmunda this week, Death tomes, Seraphon box (though gw haven't actually said it's coming in Spring), warcry stuff, Underworlds, Kill team, The lion and Dante, and odd 40k stuff which is really just the world eaters combat patrol. There's also Horus Heresy but they haven't had a week to themselves yet this year. 

That's a maximum of 8 weeks but last time warcry and Kill team launched together. It's also possible that the extra 40k stuff gets folded into the Lion launch. Previously we've had several boarding patrols alongside the new books but they are all done. 

I was also surprised that they already showed off the full terminator squad. I assumed they would save that for Warhammer Fest. 

Is it possible that June 3rd is the release date and not the pre-order date?

I went back and checked the dates and AoS 2nd and 3rd editions and 40k 8th and 9th editions all had  2 months between their first announcement and the full release with the pre-order coming two weeks earlier. 


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Fiscal year begins July. This is why often things are announced and hyped through June, perhaps with a few preorders starting around that time, but the bulk of a new edition is meant to release in July to make for a strong start to the year. A strong start to the year means the company has cash they can spend more easily through the rest of the year, and it helps give them an idea on how to pace further releases.

There's also a small danger with things coming out at the end of the fiscal year. If a company does TOO WELL in a year, they then have to BEAT those numbers NEXT year, which is why often times GW will randomly seem to slow down releases around certain periods of time. Companies pacing their growth is nothing new per se, but it's an odd bit of corporate logic that regular people have a hard time fully understanding. Basically, if they don't pace themselves, they could end up not hitting growth % numbers in following years, which scares off investors.

SO the way things release over the next few months, through April, May, and June could be very interesting indeed. It's a long time, 3 months, but I would NOT expect the bulk of 10th edition to release until we are firmly into the new fiscal year. 

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55 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

Fiscal year begins July.

I think I had read somewhere that GW's fiscal year ends at the end of May (so it's June-May) so that might change things.


EDIT: yes everywhere I see end of May mentioned as end of their fiscal year for instance







Edited by Marcvs
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2 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

Fiscal year begins July. This is why often things are announced and hyped through June, perhaps with a few preorders starting around that time, but the bulk of a new edition is meant to release in July to make for a strong start to the year. A strong start to the year means the company has cash they can spend more easily through the rest of the year, and it helps give them an idea on how to pace further releases.

There's also a small danger with things coming out at the end of the fiscal year. If a company does TOO WELL in a year, they then have to BEAT those numbers NEXT year, which is why often times GW will randomly seem to slow down releases around certain periods of time. Companies pacing their growth is nothing new per se, but it's an odd bit of corporate logic that regular people have a hard time fully understanding. Basically, if they don't pace themselves, they could end up not hitting growth % numbers in following years, which scares off investors.

SO the way things release over the next few months, through April, May, and June could be very interesting indeed. It's a long time, 3 months, but I would NOT expect the bulk of 10th edition to release until we are firmly into the new fiscal year. 

A fiscal year doesn’t have a set start date for everyone. Games Workshop’s ends in late May which is why they usually release new editions of 40k and AoS in June, to start the year strong. That’s why they do the big launch box then and the actual starters a few months later 

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19 minutes ago, Draznak said:

Curious that they announce future pre-orders before the traditional Sunday evening article...

Have they already done it ? I don't remember. In any case the pace of BT releases does not weaken !

i'm sure they usually just say "soon" during the week and then it shows up on sunday announcement XD


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57 minutes ago, Fellman said:

The fluff is fun, but man do I want to see a rules preview for OBR, more than for any other faction.

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1 hour ago, Fellman said:

Oh this Lore is beautiful. Rampant Bonereapers built from monster bones and armies of Bonereapers basically providing safety from afar for Dawnbringer Crusades just to pounce and announce a bone tithe on the settled community is glorious!!

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Oh this Lore is beautiful. Rampant Bonereapers built from monster bones and armies of Bonereapers basically providing safety from afar for Dawnbringer Crusades just to pounce and announce a bone tithe on the settled community is glorious!!

It's always great when Warhammer factions actually use their brains instead of just smashing and bashing each other.

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