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I think it makes sense to squat wanderers and phoenix temple because they are going to be into kurnothi and lumineth, but what about the damm dark elves?


Because if they survive my dream about Malerion coming before the next 4 years is going to die.

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the seraphon are out of the park, I really like them.

I'm not a tzeentch head so everything else is meh, meh and thrice meh.

I'm actually excited about the heresy campaign book - seeing a lancer on the front gives me hope for a plastic cerastus chassis.

Looking at the beastmen in the 40k warband I do wonder how amazing some updated dynamic posed AoS bestigor and gor models would have been, with the original models going back to the Warhammer: The Old World rank and flank models pool.


With the Old world coming I feel its the perfect time to relegate the original warhammer fantasy models back to where they belong and give AoS new versions with a more dynamic round base AoS aesthetic vibe to them.

As to the big trousers and feather in their hats cities.. they can keep it.  cities of sigmar indeed - nearly as much trouble as elves, just smellier and uglier.

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12 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I hate to say it, but those Freeguilders just aren't clicking for me.

I think it's the helmets. They look like everybody was issued two sizes too big and combined with the pudgy faces just make me think of Halflings. I'm also not in love with the paint job, which probably isn't helping. 

Maybe my opinion will improve when they're shown together with the rest of the new releases.


That's what I like about them! "Here you go, a helmet we hammered out of an old cooking pot and a shield made of some boards and an old fence. Go fight some chaos demons!"

I am interested to see how they will look painted in brighter, more saturated colours, though.

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8 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I think it makes sense to squat wanderers and phoenix temple because they are going to be into kurnothi and lumineth, but what about the damm dark elves?


Because if they survive my dream about Malerion coming before the next 4 years is going to die.

"Each time you name Malerion it is delayed 3 months" - Malerion's corollary

At least Order players receive rumours and facts... I as a Destro player live on a state of despair constantly.

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There was something that didn't give me the immediate wow factor with the Cities fellows.

It's the paintjob for me. I think it makes them look more busy than they are, as every single part seems to have a different colour. Really looking forward to seeing them in different schemes. 

Obviously not bashing the paintjob technically, beautiful work by the team as always but personally I'd just prefer a different scheme.

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12 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

"Each time you name Malerion it is delayed 3 months" - Malerion's corollary

At least Order players receive rumours and facts... I as a Destro player live on a state of despair constantly.

If we use that rule for chorfs maybe we can see them in 2100 xD


A man can dream.

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17 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

There was something that didn't give me the immediate wow factor with the Cities fellows.

It's the paintjob for me. I think it makes them look more busy than they are, as every single part seems to have a different colour. Really looking forward to seeing them in different schemes. 

Obviously not bashing the paintjob technically, beautiful work by the team as always but personally I'd just prefer a different scheme.

Yeah same for me, I think you ar right

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4 minutes ago, YoghurtKobold said:

If I am not mistaken Whitefang specified that there will be a release of new models for Sylvaneth after he said that something was coming regarding the Kurnothi.

and a like from whitefang!!

so new sylvaneth models along with Kurnothi, so looks like a new combined battletome?

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No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

[And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


Edited by Jagged Red Lines
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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I can't imagine they'll leave Phoenixes unexplored. I can't wait to see their AoS version! Aqshy incarnate, lumineth zenith temple, (Fyreslayers!?!).

Any faction deserves it and multiple can use the concept for sure.

The Lumineth Books have been calling Tyrion "Lord Phoenix" for a while now, so I'm expecting his model will come with a big ol Phoenix and probably at least one associated unit.

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I'm really curious what will happen to the "Dark Elves" in AoS.
Misthavn is still a city of Sigmar. But Har Kuron is a Morathi-city, for now...

I wouldn't hate Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis, Scourge Privateers and Shadowblades getting transferred to DoK.
My dream-scenario would be a release of Malerion, Malerion-Elves and a new Hero on Drakespawn (Did Malus survive?) all put into DoK or combined to make a new faction.

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22 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

[And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


You could use them as proxies (Phoenix Guard). 
apart from that: Yup, sell it.

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Oooh I’m so in love with those Kroxigor, so spot on, everything I wanted, and a dual build for a Scared Spawning. Absolutely love this Release. My Slann willbe happy to see these Brutes join them! 

New Kroak, New Chameleons, new Coldones, new Slann, New Amazing kroxigors, a Full Beard and a Motorcycle. Wish I could tell 14 year Old me things would work out. 

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27 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

[And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


I strongly suspect the next Lumineth update will add phoenixes and related troops as part of Tyrion's lot, yeah.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I hate to say it, but those Freeguilders just aren't clicking for me.

I think it's the helmets. They look like everybody was issued two sizes too big and combined with the pudgy faces just make me think of Halflings. I'm also not in love with the paint job, which probably isn't helping. 

Maybe my opinion will improve when they're shown together with the rest of the new releases.

They said in the stream that these models represented the most basic troops in the army, so the generic battleline option, which gives me some hope. A different paint job might have gone over better, but I too was a little underwhelmed by them. They also pointed out that it was intended to look like the equipment didn't fit them properly, for whatever that's worth.

These troops may not look great, but as the bottom of the barrel that's supposed to look a bit ramshackle, I hold out hope the rest of the range will impress more. We'll see.


Something from the stream regarding the new 40k edition that is actually exciting for us is the fact that they said faction rules and datasheets (warscrolls) would be released free digitally on day one. They also talked about fundamental changes to their battleshock phase. (There's also a change to the command phase, but it seems more or less in line with what we already have.)

40k's Battleshock no longer causes models to flee, it instead makes them less effective at holding objectives, and may make them otherwise less effective in combat. If AoS adopts this change, that could be very interesting!

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36 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

No idea what to do now with my phoenix temple army. Finish painting it, and play it religiously until it gets binned in autumn.

Or just sell it now while it's still worth something.

[And no, I don't want to play them in old world. If I buy into old world, it's because I want to play with cool new models, not because I want to turn back the clock and play WHFB]


I say stick with them as proxies they are great models and you put the time and effort into them!

Plus there is something thematic about Phoenix rising up for a second life.  

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