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The ogre hunter is interesting. Ogres are my favourite faction and hunters my favourite unit of them. This dude… He’s very different while still being a great mini.

Conceptually similar in that he’s a single ogre with a crossbow that hunts beasts but aesthetically distinctly. He drops the whole mountain man feel, the fur clad professional trapper, in favour of something more feral, darker and more shamanistic. Like he wears his prey’s antlers as part of some ice age ritual and blocks off an eye for aim or to see in a different way. It’s apparent in the art too, he steps away from the ‘jolly brute’ style and more towards the ‘’man-eating monster’.

I dunno, I like it a lot, it fits the BCR well, but I loved the older look and am sorry to see it go. It’s also just a weird set up, right? Cracking mini that stood the test of time but the old resin hunter already had an AoS replacement in the form of Hrothgorn but then he was never really integrated into AoS properly through a series of missed opportunities and has since been discontinued anyway. Moreover, let’s be honest, a new butcher or yhetees were a much higher priority for replacement. A shame this is probably all Mawtribes will get.

I wonder what this means for the current Icebrow rules and unit concept. Probably will be overwritten by this.

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So with 2022 mapped out, the oldest armybook is BOC (2018) I believe? Followed by Gitz, Fleshcourts, Blades of Khorne, Bonereapers, Cities of Sigmar (all 2019). Then kharadon and seraphon (2020).

Although obviously, GW don't mind rehashing more recent armies.

It also seems the trend of big new armies have fallen off (like kharadon, deepkin, lumineth, nighthaunt, bonereapers) with no new army this year (maybe Kruelboys were nearly their own army with the number of kits?).

At most, only one classic army gets a big face lift a year (soulblight 2021 and slaves to darkness 2022).

So maybe seraphon or BOC get a big face lift next year. Maybe a new army like Malerions elves. Probably single hero releases for any other armybooks getting 2.0 or 3.0 releases.

Or a 3rd hedonite book and 4th daughters of khaine and LRL 😄

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Dang, I think this is the first preview show they've done which didn't hit for me at all, sorry GW, I know it's kinda your thing, but you've gotta show me more than various chunky boys in armour or without shirts to get me interested!

New ogor isn't too bad, though he's dying for a headswap, I like the antlers, but the expression isn't doing it for me, fortunately there are plenty of great ogor heads available. (As an aside, a solo hero like this would've been a great opportunity to sneak an ogor woman into the main range...)

I'm not hot on any of the gargant models tbf, but Brodd doesn't move that needle for me unfortunately, he just looks like 'another one of those' to me, when I was hoping for something more grand.

Ah well, they can't please everyone, and this time it was me!

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27 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

The ogre hunter is interesting. Ogres are my favourite faction and hunters my favourite unit of them. This dude… He’s very different while still being a great mini.

Conceptually similar in that he’s a single ogre with a crossbow that hunts beasts but aesthetically distinctly. He drops the whole mountain man feel, the fur clad professional trapper, in favour of something more feral, darker and more shamanistic. Like he wears his prey’s antlers as part of some ice age ritual and blocks off an eye for aim or to see in a different way. It’s apparent in the art too, he steps away from the ‘jolly brute’ style and more towards the ‘’man-eating monster’.

I dunno, I like it a lot, it fits the BCR well, but I loved the older look and am sorry to see it go. It’s also just a weird set up, right? Cracking mini that stood the test of time but the old resin hunter already had an AoS replacement in the form of Hrothgorn but then he was never really integrated into AoS properly through a series of missed opportunities and has since been discontinued anyway. Moreover, let’s be honest, a new butcher or yhetees were a much higher priority for replacement. A shame this is probably all Mawtribes will get.

I wonder what this means for the current Icebrow rules and unit concept. Probably will be overwritten by this.

It took me a few minutes and viewings but I agree I lobe the new Hunter. I like that GW are leaning into the monstrous side of the Ogors.

23 minutes ago, Stormy1486 said:

So with 2022 mapped out, the oldest armybook is BOC (2018) I believe? Followed by Gitz, Fleshcourts, Blades of Khorne, Bonereapers, Cities of Sigmar (all 2019). Then kharadon and seraphon (2020).

Although obviously, GW don't mind rehashing more recent armies.

It also seems the trend of big new armies have fallen off (like kharadon, deepkin, lumineth, nighthaunt, bonereapers) with no new army this year (maybe Kruelboys were nearly their own army with the number of kits?).

At most, only one classic army gets a big face lift a year (soulblight 2021 and slaves to darkness 2022).

So maybe seraphon or BOC get a big face lift next year. Maybe a new army like Malerions elves. Probably single hero releases for any other armybooks getting 2.0 or 3.0 releases.

Or a 3rd hedonite book and 4th daughters of khaine and LRL 😄

I agree in that either Seraphon or BOC are due for a range refresh next year.

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Mixed feelings tbh.

I like Brodd, but he alone won’t get me to paint megas and the old mancrushers. Still, it’s an army that could easily sway me with just one (or two ;) ) release(s).

The ogre doesn’t do it for me, as cool as he looks, and I was quite looking forward to ogres. If they don’t suddenly summon a unit of new maneaters and give me the option to field them as battlelines, I‘m out until the next battletome. 
But that’s ok, all in all, because the StD reveals cemented them as a really great release to come. We‘ve known them through leaks for months now and the still look awesome. A bit on the saver side, but awesome. So I know where my energy will go. 
oh, and maybe I‘ll pick up a few Lumineth along tje way.

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46 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

The ogre hunter is interesting. Ogres are my favourite faction and hunters my favourite unit of them. This dude… He’s very different while still being a great mini.

Conceptually similar in that he’s a single ogre with a crossbow that hunts beasts but aesthetically distinctly. He drops the whole mountain man feel, the fur clad professional trapper, in favour of something more feral, darker and more shamanistic. Like he wears his prey’s antlers as part of some ice age ritual and blocks off an eye for aim or to see in a different way. It’s apparent in the art too, he steps away from the ‘jolly brute’ style and more towards the ‘’man-eating monster’.

I dunno, I like it a lot, it fits the BCR well, but I loved the older look and am sorry to see it go. It’s also just a weird set up, right? Cracking mini that stood the test of time but the old resin hunter already had an AoS replacement in the form of Hrothgorn but then he was never really integrated into AoS properly through a series of missed opportunities and has since been discontinued anyway. Moreover, let’s be honest, a new butcher or yhetees were a much higher priority for replacement. A shame this is probably all Mawtribes will get.

I wonder what this means for the current Icebrow rules and unit concept. Probably will be overwritten by this.

I am a big fan of Ogres, and BCR in  particular and what you say very much summarises how I feel about the new Hunter. Exactly what you say. Distinct aesthetically, but still fits BCR. I like it a lot, but I liked the old one better, and replacement of the butcher and/or Yheetees would have been preferred. But a new Hunter revealed doesn't completely out rule the possibility we will see a new butcher and Yheetee right?  One other thing about this model, like someone already mentioned, is that it seems to have different body proportions. The legs look much taller and he looks less beefier to me, not sure if I like this.

For the other reveals:

King Brodd, Really happy for @KingBrodd :) I like the model, but not more or less than the already existing Mega's. For a character like KingBrodd I would have liked to see it more distinct from the others and not an upgrade kit (as we kinda expected) with a similar pose and proportions as the others.

The Underworld Warband is beyond expectation. Really like it.

StD we already knew what was coming. Love it, although probably not a faction I will buy myself.

Voltan, really not my thing...not even like most of the sculpts. Exception is Grymnir...if that is a blueprint for any future Duardin updates, I am really happy.





Edited by Lowki
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Definitely going to add all those new STDs to my collection 😅

not real excited about having to pay extra for the fancy battletome though.

Brodd looks cool, Hunter looks cool, and I was just thinking I hadn’t painted anything for my Blades of Khorne army for quite a while…

Overall, not a bad preview for AoS! 

still waiting to see if the World Eaters codex will include regular Marines and Terminators, so I can use things I already own…

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Really love the new Chosen, and definitely looking forward to painting them. 

While expected, it's a big shame about Gitz. I know GW doesn't update on a "needs" basis and the rules team likely has little to no say over whose rules they write, but it does make you wonder how upper GW decide who gets a tome. I assume it would coincide with models, but what determines that? I doubt it's wholly sales, as Gloomspite are very likely to be a better seller than Fyreslayers or Sons. Maybe it's just a dartboard. 

Also hoping Khorne gets a new book early next year - both Gloomspite and Khorne seem to end up turning new players away from AoS when they start with them, from my experience.

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7 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Hot take: Gitz are geting some core models refreshed and are waiting for them to be finished

New Shootz and Stabbaz would be cool!! I hope its Spiderfang getting updated.

New Spider Riders and a Scuttleboss would go a long way. Add in some new Spider unit like an inbetween Spider Rider and Arachnarok sized spider in groups of three and theyre set.

Maybe even a new Troggoth such as a Forest Troggoth or Web Weaver Troggoth.

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20 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

New Shootz and Stabbaz would be cool!! I hope its Spiderfang getting updated.

New Spider Riders and a Scuttleboss would go a long way. Add in some new Spider unit like an inbetween Spider Rider and Arachnarok sized spider in groups of three and theyre set.

Maybe even a new Troggoth such as a Forest Troggoth or Web Weaver Troggoth.

Exactly this. Maybe...juuuuust maybe they are deep in a redesign cycle for the last of the older stuff. New models are nice and all but id rather them finish purging the old stuff first

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4 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

Exactly this. Maybe...juuuuust maybe they are deep in a redesign cycle for the last of the older stuff. New models are nice and all but id rather them finish purging the old stuff first

Fellwater Troggoths do a great job but Id love to see them updated.

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1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

(As an aside, a solo hero like this would've been a great opportunity to sneak an ogor woman into the main range...)

Ogor women would definitely make me more interested in collecting Ogors...

But to reveals! Snoozed through them live and instead caught them as I woke up - congratulations @KingBrodd , woke up to my TGA-lurking sibling sending me a message "It wasn't a mammoth, it was a...mate". Your legend grows strong!

And, oh my, the Votann have won over my heart! And the fact you could build the psyker into a lad or a lass? Perfection. I finally am getting the female Duardin I have asked for, just in a different setting 😜 40K, here I come (until Chaos Duardin or new Dispossessed are released, of course)!

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16 hours ago, Still-young said:

No, it’s the Chosen Exalted on the previous page. 

I'll take that.

I'll take two in fact, the new slaves stuff looks really good.

I'm also very much liking the Votaan Grimnyr - so much Nick Lund vibes about it, and that can only be a good thing.

And nice to see that Khorne has bagged King Brodd to do his work even if he doesn't realise it.

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25 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Loving the new Runelord 😍


Fits into AOS perfectly with zero conversion work!!

21 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Ogor women would definitely make me more interested in collecting Ogors...

But to reveals! Snoozed through them live and instead caught them as I woke up - congratulations @KingBrodd , woke up to my TGA-lurking sibling sending me a message "It wasn't a mammoth, it was a...mate". Your legend grows strong!

And, oh my, the Votann have won over my heart! And the fact you could build the psyker into a lad or a lass? Perfection. I finally am getting the female Duardin I have asked for, just in a different setting 😜 40K, here I come (until Chaos Duardin or new Dispossessed are released, of course)!

Haha aww thanks mate I love to hear it!!

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2 hours ago, Still-young said:

I actually really like the Ogor, even the head. It looks a bit goofy but in a creepy way. Reminds me of some ‘hillbilly’ slasher films like Wrong Turn or something. The drake head quiver is awesome, hope that turns out to be a new Seraphon model or something. 

Very good point I didn't quite realize at first. I find Ogors only remotely interesting if they go into the horrific direction (cause more normal fat, ugly dudes.... well, I just need to go outside and there's a good chance I'll see one) ... getting eaten (perhaps even alive) is a very scary concept to me. I actually also liked the very old and truly ugly ogres from HeroQuest as they also had something "scary" to them though...

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9 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Very good point I didn't quite realize at first. I find Ogors only remotely interesting if they go into the horrific direction (cause more normal fat, ugly dudes.... well, I just need to go outside and there's a good chance I'll see one) ... getting eaten (perhaps even alive) is a very scary concept to me. I actually also liked the very old and truly ugly ogres from HeroQuest as they also had something "scary" to them though...

Feel like Ogors got somewhat of an identity issue in AoS. They don't really fall into any category of their own, they are sort of like comical violent guys like Orruks, but they are also a little bit horror, but FeC does this aspect far more interesting. We also already got the monster hunters in Bonesplitterz.

They do have what appears to be the best "technology" on the destruction side, with their cannons and such, at least it is their most unique aspect from that grand alliance. It clashes a bit with their nomad lore though to carry around all this heavy artellery equipment and they have overall made 0 impact in the lore so far, expect from Excelsis where they at the behest of the loonking got hired as mercs, but betrayed the defenders from within. As we also got an ogor in the cursed city, they sort of balance this grey area between order and destruction, so I think this is the most interesting part of them so far.


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The original beastclaw battletome was the most interesting ogors have been for me, where they were painted with their own distinct culture, customs, and language formed around survival from the everwinter and holding to totally different principles than most order or chaos culture's, but unfortunately a lot of that got stripped out in the combined mawtribes book, so they're mostly back to bring the 3rd destruction faction of big, strong idiots.

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