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Remember that the Big Leak from last year said Squats were coming and has been proven 100% correct on everything else. The sources who fed Valrak, who's apparently been accurate thus far, also said they were arriving at some point.

Releasing it on April 1st shifts the narrative from "When are Squats coming?" and into "Haha s-surely April 1st means they're not REALLY coming... right?" Which both creates discussion/Community clicks/consumer engagement etc whilst pouring a bit of water onto the raging fire of leaks.

Also consider how high quality the trailer is. It looks like more of the animation budget went into it than every episode of Hammer and Bolter combined. Are they really going to throwaway that much money for a joke? 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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2 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:





A multi-kit that let you choose between helmets or ridicously tall hats. Here, you have two armies for two different systems, and everyone is happy.
You're welcome GW.


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13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Also consider how high quality the trailer is. It looks like more of the animation budget went into it than every episode of Hammer and Bolter combined. Are they really going to throwaway that much money for a joke? 

Insert gloomspite gits/nighthaunt battletome commentary here 

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:



The Maneaters are being removed from the different warehouses as soon they are checked that they are not going to be restocked

I swear to Behemat if we get a multi part Maneater kit I'll lose it, lose it I tell ya!!


In regards to Squats I want, really want to believe they are coming and as others have said the leaks so far proven true have them there. It's annoying it was announced today of all days.

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29 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

In regards to Squats I want, really want to believe they are coming and as others have said the leaks so far proven true have them there. It's annoying it was announced today of all days.

I think they’re coming based on the detail they put into the squat at the end of the trailer. The armor, plasma gun, and power fist have very distinctive designs (reminds me of older 40k artwork mixed with modern influences). You can tell the designer/animator was basing it off something. 

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1 hour ago, EntMan said:


I just spotted this bit of text, which sadly seals the deal for me.

It kind of blows my mind that people aren't getting this. Squats were part of the 100% true leak. They are definitely coming. By doing this announcement on April fools Day gw are leaning into the meme. 

This is an April fools joke and the joke is that the squats are real. 

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Now the real April fool's trick would be to have everyone assuming it's squats, but then pivoting some other small, heavily armoured, space faction instead (ideally as a new Xenos range, surely there's a limit to how many Imperium factions they can squeeze into the game, it's not like they're Aelves!)

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12 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It kind of blows my mind that people aren't getting this. Squats were part of the 100% true leak. They are definitely coming. By doing this announcement on April fools Day gw are leaning into the meme. 

This is an April fools joke and the joke is that the squats are real. 

I've bo doubt Squats are in the Pipeline but we won't see them for a while yet. Expect they'll be drip fed through different smaller releases . Squat Killteam is probably best bet for any substantial release in the next year or so.

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6 minutes ago, Nos said:

I've bo doubt Squats are in the Pipeline but we won't see them for a while yet. Expect they'll be drip fed through different smaller releases . Squat Killteam is probably best bet for any substantial release in the next year or so.

Yeah that's probably what will happen. They haven't announced the next Kill team box yet. That could well be sqauts. 

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

Sigh... I was absolutely overjoyed this morning to wake up and see the community site announcement that space dwarves were making a return to 40K. Then I looked at the calendar....

.....Some days I really dislike Games Workshop  :(


Note that the design of the dwarf seems different from old squats. Why put them in an april fools video with a different design if you didn't want to use said new design? That's making a new design essentially for nothing.

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11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

It WOULD be... but I have seen it before. Guild Wars 1 had an entire class mocked up for April Fools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR2Esy83MQ0


True, but that was a whole different era of internet, where everyone was trying to top each other with the most elaborate possible April Fools jokes. Now it's mostly just a day where companies try to avoid announcing things to minimize confusion.

Even setting aside the leak, the joke is obviously that the obvious joke is not a joke. Squats are coming, and even in that shadowed teaser at the end we can see they've been redesigned.

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Wow, I really hope that is a real teaser. As a fan of all things Dwarvish I definitely need more space dwarves. I have no idea what to make of it being previewed on April Fools day. Hopefully that doesn't mean it was just a joke, but maybe they actually are rereleasing space hulk or something, and so its a trailer for that, with a squat as a joke? Who knows. Either way its pretty epic as animated trailers go!

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8 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

That was a roller-coaster of emotions.  So excited to see the trailer then came here to see....it was an Aprils Fools joke. 

It was, but I think it also was a teaser. They did have a new design, which would dilute the joke as well as being extra work if there wasn't more behind it.

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1 hour ago, Nos said:

I've bo doubt Squats are in the Pipeline but we won't see them for a while yet. Expect they'll be drip fed through different smaller releases . Squat Killteam is probably best bet for any substantial release in the next year or so.

Yeah I'm expecting them as a Killteam. Therewasn't a Killteam announcement at Adepticon despite Nachmund being released. Also the name Votann in the link to the video - Killteam Votann maybe? Let on spaceship? 

I think there's too much effort put in for it to be just an April Fool, I think its a double bluff. Also note is on twitter the pinned Warcom tweet for the Heresy Animation has much fewer likes, comments and retweets than the Squat one...

I'm hyped!! {plus Kharadron crossovers!!]

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Highly doubt its a April fools joke as they are more tongue in cheek with their jokes (like the 'How to Roll Dice' book). 

I see it as a marketing ploy to get people talking and sharing the video, which has happened. 

I can't see a company like GW, who are extremely good at making money, wasting resources on a joke that arguably most people won't realise is meant to be a joke because April Fools Day isn't really that big a thing anymore. 

I welcome the return of the squats, I always like starting a brand new army from scratch. 

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9 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Apart from the Squat, what else was going on on that ship? I'm sure I saw a Tyrannid/Genestealer severed arm/claw floating about. But the Impy Admiral guy was run through with a sword?

Might've committed suicide.

Between the Tyranids having largely wiped the Squats out in the previous lore and how fitting a starship would be for Kill-Team (Zone Mortalis?) terrain, I don't think it's an unreasonable assumption they'd be the two teams in the new box.

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59 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Who says that when/if the Squats return they'll still be loyal to the Emp?

Because it's nigh impossible for any non-Chaos humanoids to exist without being indentured to, or wiped out by, the Imperium. Such is the corner that 40k has been painted into.

1 hour ago, madmac said:

True, but that was a whole different era of internet, where everyone was trying to top each other with the most elaborate possible April Fools jokes. Now it's mostly just a day where companies try to avoid announcing things to minimize confusion.

This is very true, I do think the video is a real announcement. Just that this precedent has been set before.

I'll throw my lot in with the people saying Kill Team; it makes perfect sense.

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