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They're probably bodyguards, not damage dealers. That's not really a damage-dealing profile. 

Ignoring LOS shooting is a dangerous thing in theory but putting it on a 12" range makes it much less dangerous, and it's much less dangerous in AOS anyway because terrain is so unlikely to block LOS anyway. And the profile itself is so anemic that you'd need vast hordes of them to do any real damage with it. 

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We all know Sentinels need their warscroll kicked in the teeth. So it's not fair to compare them to the ghost lads. I'm super happy these guys aren't the NPE powerhouse we all feared they might be.

It makes a lot more sense that ghosts could shoot through walls than it does for elves to do it just because they have a dumb bird.

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Honestly the lore is pretty neat, but with that profile there's a huge disconnect. These guys aren't killing anything before Kurdoss gets to them. Maybe we'll see a rule where they get +2 to hit/wound if the enemy is near Kurdoss? Or they get to shoot for free after Kurdoss charges? I kind of doubt it since that'd be way too specific, but there has to be something we're missing because two attacks at 12" range, 4+/4+/-1, is pretty close to the worst ranged profile I can come up with for a dedicated ranged unit. 10 of them shooting will kill 1 Vindictor on average. Or kill half a blight king. Or put 3 wounds into a 4+ hero that doesn't have look out sir. Like I get they can pop up anywhere and the article says they can kill hard to reach heroes but I'm just not seeing how they'll actually do that.

Edited by Grimrock
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35 minutes ago, Ratboy genius said:

5 sentinels have 250% of the range that these guys do lmao

But 50% of their shots!!

Let's hope that GW doesn't give them any "Frightful touch" battletrait to do mw on 6+ To Hit and an ability to improve to a 5+!!

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1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

Step 1: Create controversy and s***posting.

Step 2: Make people feel like they're watching a train wreck.

Step 3: Deliver a full battletome and thanks to all the attention generated from step 2 & 3 get more people into the book, i.e. deliver the cure to the "pain" people felt before.

Alternative title; Dr. Saltmine or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the hype cycle (reference for you movie buffs).

NH is likely to have plenty of allegiance abilities and leaders with synergy.

I'm so over huffing mopium at this point.

Also, least it is something more creative that MWs on 6s. Heh, look at me not getting dry skin from excess salt. 🤗

Probably now was the best opportunity to reveal their synergies. To hype people for the DoK vs Nighthaunt box. I have over 2,5 k points of Nighthaunt and was about to buy that box. I'm not so sure anymore if the "star" unit of this box is trash.

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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Genuine question. Is it better to have a mediocre unit that can be made good by buffs or a good unit that gets broken if you add any buffs to it? 

I'd usually lean towards a good unit that gets stronger with buffs because buffs are never a guarantee (you can fail a prayer, get a spell unbound, be left out of range with a charge, the buffing hero can be sniped, etc), but lately I'm starting to think it's better to have a good unit without access to any buffs. At this point I'm hoping the new Khorne book gets rid of 75% of the buffs and just puts decent stats on everything to begin with. I'm sick of having to take a bloodsecrator and bend over backwards to stay wholly within a 14" bubble while also tracking my bloodstoker location and maintaining slaughterpriest ranges while also keeping them wholly within 8" of the shrine. 

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24 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Genuine question. Is it better to have a mediocre unit that can be made good by buffs or a good unit that gets broken if you add any buffs to it? 

That depends entirely on how resilient your buffs are.

Is your buff piece the Herdstone, which gives +1 rend (and later +2) board wide, and the only way to remove it is bring a monster to where the terrain piece is and stomp it?  Cool, a buff like this that is fairly reliable and perfectly fine to use to bring mediocre units up to good.

Is your buff piece a 5 wound hero with a 4+ save, wholly within 9" bubble, and gives something like +1 attack?  Ehh... this is not resilient, tightly constrained, hard to use, and easy to remove.  I would accept a buff piece like this to take a unit from "good" to "broken", mostly because it is very unreliable - charge out of range?  Too bad.  Casually shot/magicked off the board?  Too bad.  But if this is buffing an already good unit, that good unit can actually do something after its buff piece is gone.  There is plenty of counterplay to a buff piece like this, and the more your opponent can interact with your buff pieces, the less impactful that unit is going to be.

Also, if you are wondering if anything is actually this bad, the example above is the Sylvaneth Arch Revenant, which has a command ability to give +1 attack to kurnoth hunters wholly within 9" (12" if its the general), and also gives kurnoths within 12" re-roll 1's to hit.  You will notice that sylvaneth aren't exactly tearing up the meta at the moment, and when they are seen the Arch-Revenant rarely makes the field.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:


These guys have some pretty awful stats. Under 2 damage against a 4+ save is bad no matter how you slice it. Are they going go be like what? 70 points? Even taking the Nightbaunt deepstrike into account, 12" range on a pure shooting unit is difficult, since you open yourself up to a counter-charge by basically anything.

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52 minutes ago, Mutton said:

We all know Sentinels need their warscroll kicked in the teeth. So it's not fair to compare them to the ghost lads. I'm super happy these guys aren't the NPE powerhouse we all feared they might be.

It makes a lot more sense that ghosts could shoot through walls than it does for elves to do it just because they have a dumb bird.

Nah, they just need a slight adjustment, they've been kicked in the teeth with points nerfs and the priority target system already. Making the no-LoS shot a once-per-game ability or making the 30" range shot only be able to trigger mortals on 6s would be enough (and would warrant a points decrease).

Edited by chosen_of_khaine
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If you think these are going to be 70p, I think you are being optimistic. It would not surprise me if they were to slap a 100p tag on this. 

But man, what a disappointing set of rules coming out of the new NH previews. Another 5W hero with high probability of doing nothing and now there's finally a shooting unit in the death range and it hits like a wet noodle. :(

Guess that new FOMO box doesn't include too many cool rules that you will be missing out on if you decide to skip it at least.... :D

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29 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

Probably now was the best opportunity to reveal their synergies. To hype people for the DoK vs Nighthaunt box. I have over 2,5 k points of Nighthaunt and was about to buy that box. I'm not so sure anymore if the "star" unit of this box is trash.

Could be, I dunno, but I think GW reasons they'll get the people who's going to buy regardless first and then win over others when the tome makes it all makes sense again. Appeal to feels and fans first, rules and competitive second. The key is if everyone is talking about, people are drawn to it.

I mean, has to be some reason for them to do it over and over.

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Not to be Debbie Downer, but we still haven't seen the new allegiance abilities. There's still a chance they've made frightful touch an army-wide ability that applies to shooting as well.

If that doesn't come to pass, I'll be pleasantly surprised with an interesting, but not overly powerful shooting unit added to the game. From experience with blissbarb seekers though, 4+/4+ really hurts with ranged weapons.

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Looks like 2023 will be chock a block with Aelves!! Awesome news for Malerion and Tyrion fans. Hopefully some love comes Destructions way, I mean who are those Aelves going to have to fight? Oh I dont know maybe a resurgence of THE GULPING GODS CHILDREN!?!?

Just under 8 hours till the Preview!!

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45 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Maybe they will get a spell that makes them do mortals on 6s and kurdoss let's them shoot twice at double range. Who knows?

Right now they look like trash and I hope it stays that way. Mostly because a unit that comes in 5s and is only in a FOMO box sound's like a nightmare.

The rules are fine, love that ghosts can shoot through walls. 

I really like that GW are doing more fluffy rules instead of overpowered no brainers.

Hopefully it will mean we'll see more varied armies. For example I watched 2 battle reports (2 different channels) with lumineth and both lists were the same: Teclis, 30 Spears, 30 archers, 5 horses and 1 other character. Just boring. 

Plus people will buy them because the models are awesome. Also FOMO boxes aren't really FOMO anymore as the past 3-4 boxes are still readily available, not to mention the exclusive models in the box are coming out a lot quicker these days. 

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27 minutes ago, CeleFAZE said:

Not to be Debbie Downer, but we still haven't seen the new allegiance abilities. There's still a chance they've made frightful touch an army-wide ability that applies to shooting as well.

If that doesn't come to pass, I'll be pleasantly surprised with an interesting, but not overly powerful shooting unit added to the game. From experience with blissbarb seekers though, 4+/4+ really hurts with ranged weapons.

If we get a third (fourth?) faction with army-wide mortals on 6s I will fly to Nottingham and fight James Workshop, I swear on me mum.

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Looks like 2023 will be chock a block with Aelves!! Awesome news for Malerion and Tyrion fans. Hopefully some love comes Destructions way, I mean who are those Aelves going to have to fight? Oh I dont know maybe a resurgence of THE GULPING GODS CHILDREN!?!?

Just under 8 hours till the Preview!!

Admittedly I am hype. It won't be as many reveals as we're expecting/hoping, and I'm no longer a 40k person, but I'm sure what will be shown is gonna be very cool!


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1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

If we get a third (fourth?) faction with army-wide mortals on 6s I will fly to Nottingham and fight James Workshop, I swear on me mum.

You could probably take him on, Roundtree doesn’t look that imposing in the videos 

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2 hours ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

Raw 5 sentinels will do even less, but lets go ahead and jump to conclusions!

I'm not sure why you think comparing crossboos to sentinels will make them better,  but sure, at least do it properly.

Sentinels come in unit of 10, do MW on 6+, up to 5+ with Power Hysh (it's on their warscroll),  they also ignore line of sight and have two missile options  (one from 30" another from 18")- if they are firing from the same range than crossboos, then sentinels will use aimed shot. 


5 Crossboos Raw,  range of 12", 11 Attacks (+1 Attack for the champion) + All out Attack = Average  2.444 wounds against a 4+ save.

10 Sentinels Raw, range of 18" (aimed shot), 9 Attacks + All out attack, + Power of Hysh = 1.500 wounds + 3.0 MW 

Facts are facts, let's just hope they get sth in the book that makes them useful.

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18 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Admittedly I am hype. It won't be as many reveals as we're expecting/hoping, and I'm no longer a 40k person, but I'm sure what will be shown is gonna be very cool!


Yeah honestly I'm expecting almost all the showings to be 40K and Horus Heresy, for us in AOS, the Zombie Underworlds Warband and the Summer Tomes revealed is all I'm expecting.

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