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3 hours ago, HollowHills said:

I think the crab thing is a bit of a meme for sure, but at the same time a lot of people really love my painted duinclaw even though he is a lot less impressive than some of the other models.

Same with the octopus. There are tons of people who love sea creatures and would be way more into Idoneth if GW leaned more into that and less into elves


Also if said Aelves weren't all bald and looked a little like Genestealer Cults Magus models with slighly less bloated heads.

Seriously, I love all kinds of aquatic stuff and obviously I love Aelves.. but I just can't bring myself to get into Idoneth. There are just too many models I don't really like, e.g. the eel riders and some of the heroes. The Namarthi are cool but their new dedicated hero is again really not to my liking.

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3 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

All spiderfang needs to be fully updated in my eyes is a stormdrake/blightlord style scuttleboss kit and updated spider riders.

That said ogors are the destruction faction most in need of an update, there's still quite a few resin kits in that line.

If all the resin of at least the Yehtees and Maneaters were updated in plastic it would go a long way.

2 hours ago, novakai said:

in a realistic view, Ogors and BoC really just need their Resin Hero to be made in Plastic as that the current big problem with their range (Ogors have the Tyrant which is the only one outside of the stonehorn kit and BoC has the bray shaman and the Tzaangor Shaman), they probably could do more with plastic hero release (though more than the standard one) since their core plastic range is serviceable and isn't egregiously old.

some of the Ogor stuff like Gorgers and Yhetees, feel like those random resin Drukhari units that GW keep around in the army but are questionable if we ever see a plastic version of them in the future

I agree. I would hope for something more sizeable than a new Plastic Butcher seeing as almost every single hero is either resin or on a Stonehorn/Thundertusk. 

I feel if we dont get updated Yehtees or Gorgers this Edition it wont be for a loooong time. Which is a shame because I would love to see what those minis would look like in an AOS setting. Especially as I've just finished reading Max Brooks Devolution and want to paint up my Yehtees as big ole Gigantopithecus looking Beasts.

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5 hours ago, novakai said:

in a realistic view, Ogors and BoC really just need their Resin Hero to be made in Plastic as that the current big problem with their range (Ogors have the Tyrant which is the only one outside of the stonehorn kit and BoC has the bray shaman and the Tzaangor Shaman), they probably could do more with plastic hero release (though more than the standard one) since their core plastic range is serviceable and isn't egregiously old.

some of the Ogor stuff like Gorgers and Yhetees, feel like those random resin Drukhari units that GW keep around in the army but are questionable if we ever see a plastic version of them in the future

My opinion is the opposite. The Finecrap models have, visually, aged very well. Maybe they're not on par with modern sculpts, but to say they're about sixteen years old they still hold up. The only real issue is that Finecrap is- well, you know.

By comparison, the original infantry kits (Gluttons, Ironguts, Leadbelchers) suffer from being designed with rank-and-file in mind. The poses are terribly static and look odd with all their arms tucked into their sides, with every single non-Champion/Standard Bearer being in that identical stance. They looked great when marching in formation, but they're on round bases now and it just does not look good (again, imo).

Leadbelchers kind of get away with it because there's not much you can really do with 'face cannon forward' but the Gluttons really need a new, dedicated AoS kit. 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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18 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

My opinion is the opposite. The Finecrap models have, visually, aged very well. Maybe they're not on par with modern sculpts, but to say they're about sixteen years old they still hold up. The only real issue is that Finecrap is- well, you know.

By comparison, the original infantry kits (Gluttons, Ironguts, Leadbelchers) suffer from being designed with rank-and-file in mind. The poses are terribly static and look odd with all their arms tucked into their sides, with every single non-Champion/Standard Bearer being in that identical stance. They looked great when marching in formation, but they're on round bases now and it just does not look good (again, imo).

Leadbelchers kind of get away with it because there's not much you can really do with 'face cannon forward' but the Gluttons really need a new, dedicated AoS kit. 


If it more of what GW will at minimum and realistically will do, they probably see the Gluttons and other old battle line unit like Gors, Night goblins, Clanrats, Black Orcs, everyone of the CoS battle line unit as serviceable in the game regardless of people opinion of if they are outdated or not. I fathom they don’t have the time to remake every single one of these kit in the near future especially in the confines of this edition 

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13 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

You know I thought the same thing, then today I'm greeted with the news that GW is putting out separate supplements for Sororitas Orders (a la Marine Chapters) so............

It's actually a supplement inside the vigilus alone book, not quite as egregious as a full supplement

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6 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

My opinion is the opposite. The Finecrap models have, visually, aged very well. Maybe they're not on par with modern sculpts, but to say they're about sixteen years old they still hold up. The only real issue is that Finecrap is- well, you know.

By comparison, the original infantry kits (Gluttons, Ironguts, Leadbelchers) suffer from being designed with rank-and-file in mind. The poses are terribly static and look odd with all their arms tucked into their sides, with every single non-Champion/Standard Bearer being in that identical stance. They looked great when marching in formation, but they're on round bases now and it just does not look good (again, imo).

Leadbelchers kind of get away with it because there's not much you can really do with 'face cannon forward' but the Gluttons really need a new, dedicated AoS kit. 


This. Ironguts and Gluttons could really do with the SC STD Warriors treatment and get new dynamically posed models. The rank and file look doesnt do them justice as the vicious creatures they are and actually makes them look smaller than what they should look like.

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11 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

My opinion is the opposite. The Finecrap models have, visually, aged very well. Maybe they're not on par with modern sculpts, but to say they're about sixteen years old they still hold up. The only real issue is that Finecrap is- well, you know.

By comparison, the original infantry kits (Gluttons, Ironguts, Leadbelchers) suffer from being designed with rank-and-file in mind. The poses are terribly static and look odd with all their arms tucked into their sides, with every single non-Champion/Standard Bearer being in that identical stance. They looked great when marching in formation, but they're on round bases now and it just does not look good (again, imo).

Leadbelchers kind of get away with it because there's not much you can really do with 'face cannon forward' but the Gluttons really need a new, dedicated AoS kit. 

 Not wrong about the rank-and-file nature of the ogre plastics (which moreover makes them very hard to convert into more dynamic poses) but the finecast minis really are desperate. I remember the initial reaction, Yhetees were considered dated upon release and people have been groping around for alternatives for a decade and a half.

Same for sabretusks, “they look like muppets” was a common and justified response (and not even the good sort of muppet like with the gnoblars). Gorgers are fractionally less bad despite their identical pose syndromes, and with butchers the incredible ability of the old Ogre Kingdoms battalion box to provide conversion bits was sort of an escape valve for people’s desire for a replacement, but they’re still rough.

Wouldn’t say no to new ogre infantry plastics, a lot of the faces in the range are rather same-y in this day and age, but I’m comfortable calling the ogre finecast minis some of the ugliest in any GW range, maneaters excluded. Skaven have their own problems but at least some of their overpriced resin minis are Jes Goodwin classics.

Edited by sandlemad
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9 hours ago, Iksdee said:

That adds some fuel to the Dominion didnt sell well discussion.

I mean this is proof that Fantasy/AOS has been run at a lose this whole time and that WH+ and consecutive Space Marine releases are the only way GW can keep the lights on. 

Although, I think that we all know that it wasn't Dominion that brought sales up and that we should be expecting Lumineth Lieutenants every quarter from now on. Either that or Be'Lakor counted as an AOS model for investor purposes.

But in reality I am happy, it is a great game and the new thunderstrike and kruel boyz are both such a massive step up design wise. I just hope the momentum hasn't completely stopped due to various delays! 😅

Edited by Neverchosen
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9 hours ago, Iksdee said:

That adds some fuel to the Dominion didnt sell well discussion.

Surely it puts the fire out if its their best AoS launch by some margin? They arent allowed to lie on these things and that does not read particularly ambiguously. Pretty certain they did overproduce ofc but it clearly sold well.

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12 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

Surely it puts the fire out if its their best AoS launch by some margin? They arent allowed to lie on these things and that does not read particularly ambiguously. Pretty certain they did overproduce ofc but it clearly sold well.

I remember being really suprised when the discussion came up. Clearly the models just look plain amazing, especially the Kruleboyz, but also the Annihilators, the Lord Imperitant.. And it was a great deal as well, even if the rules for Kruleboyz ended up being lackluster in a few aspects. 

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I am sad that we have thus far gotten more Eldritch Omens articles than Fury of the Deep which releases this week. I feel it is adding more fuel to the fyre of no support for these factions outside of the new heroes. But lets see if we at least get a lore article or a preview of the heroes warscrolls later today. 😐

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5 minutes ago, Sigmarusvult said:

Why do they keep posting articles about a 40K box which has no release date yet, instead of talking about the AoS box who is on pre order this Saturday ? What is the sale strategy there ? 😆

Not too much to talk about, they gave us setting article last week, only some rules breakdown this week and that will be all.

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3 minutes ago, Aleser said:

Not too much to talk about, they gave us setting article last week, only some rules breakdown this week and that will be all.

How about confirming new battletomes for those armies. Or previewing the heros. They're finding plenty to talk about space elves

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6 minutes ago, Aleser said:

Not too much to talk about, they gave us setting article last week, only some rules breakdown this week and that will be all.

I kinda agree, but when it's a 40K codex or box coming up, I've noticed lately that GW always finds a way to write another 6 community articles anyway. AoS releases almost always seem to get the bare minimum of coverage by comparison.

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2 minutes ago, Verminlord said:

How about confirming new battletomes for those armies. Or previewing the heros. They're finding plenty to talk about space elves

Dont get me wrong I would like to see more info aswell, but it seems they really dont have high expetation from this box so they are not hyping it like 40k stuff. It is great box for someone to start an army and fomo box for current army holders.

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