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29 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

Based on this thread it is probably Vampirates or Choas Dwarves with Silent People and Malerion's Aelves rounding out the runner ups!

But overall it is good news, I like Stormcast but if they end up like Space Marines I will like them a lot less.

Edited by Neverchosen
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31 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

This is interesting, you don't happen to have more of dem rumours?


On an unrelated note, the new Eldar look awesome! Really happy for 40K fans, hopefully we'll see something similar with Clan Eshin!

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1 hour ago, vorathian said:

People should be mindful that if they are going to talk about history they should also be right. The crusades were launched as a counter attack  to defend the harassment of christian pilgrims and sacking of christian institutions and lands by islamic forces. Crusaders were NOT the instigators that most were led to believe. 


And which part of my post would instigate such a counter attack by yourself, resulting in what reads like a vindication of the crusades as a bellum justum of sorts?!

Never mind, we'll just get modded, and rughtfully so. Let's just say: thin ice, my friend.

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14 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

This is interesting, you don't happen to have more of dem rumours?


On an unrelated note, the new Eldar look awesome! Really happy for 40K fans, hopefully we'll see something similar with Clan Eshin!

I dunno this seems more like Skryre to me:

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

No way...if so it's almost definitely Lumineth!! Massive news if true.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

Rumours from where?
I really doubt it, they've built them up too much to switch posterboys. Maybe they'll go the Sisters in 40k route and have co-posterboys.

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2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

I've said from the beginning that I felt like Lumineth were an attempt at switching to a different protagonist faction. Everything about their lore screams that now they are the new and dynamic big thing to turn back the tides of Chaos, Death, and Destruction plaguing the mortal realms.

Despite being rather marmite, elves seem to have always been popular, and by all accounts Lumineth have done very well in sales, even after their rocky and drawn out introduction to the mortal realms.

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19 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I've said from the beginning that I felt like Lumineth were an attempt at switching to a different protagonist faction. Everything about their lore screams that now they are the new and dynamic big thing to turn back the tides of Chaos, Death, and Destruction plaguing the mortal realms.

Despite being rather marmite, elves seem to have always been popular, and by all accounts Lumineth have done very well in sales, even after their rocky and drawn out introduction to the mortal realms.

Heh, they do have a bit of hidden grimdarkness too, something GW likes in their poster boys.

Honestly, I'd be okay with the Lumineth being poster boys. I like them. Much more than Stormcasts--whose lore is awesome but naming scheme and looks are unappealing to me. I know, I know, I have said the unthinkable as a dwarf fan.

But if you think about it, Lumineth are more duardin than Stormcast are. It's the silly hats and bulls, you see.

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5 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Heh, they do have a bit of hidden grimdarkness too, something GW likes in their poster boys.

Honestly, I'd be okay with the Lumineth being poster boys. I like them. Much more than Stormcasts--whose lore is awesome but naming scheme and looks are unappealing to me. I know, I know, I have said the unthinkable as a dwarf fan.

But if you think about it, Lumineth are more duardin than Stormcast are. It's the silly hats and bulls, you see.

Support for elves?

Calling dwarven hats silly?

Liking the lore of the weak storm manlings?

Not realizing bulls were only for the traitor dawi zharr?

WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH @Public Universal Duardin?!?!

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I am hoping that they move away from the protagonist/poster child system entirely it is limiting and dull. If Lumineth take over as the Order Side of the next edition I would be in favour of it but I also hope that the following edition will give us a different conflict to focus on. 

Give us a starter set featuring Lumineth vs Slaanesh. Then the following Edition Seraphon vs Skaven. Then change things entirely and give us Gloomspite vs FEC. 

Make each edition feel unique. 

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35 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

High Elves and Warriors of Chaos were WHFB's most popular armies...

Lumineth vs Slaves to Darkness confirmed for 4.0's launch box. You read it here first folks. I'll be back to claim my prize in two and a half years.

I might be wrong but I always thought Dark elves, High elves and Vampires were the top sellers..

Anyway while I like the new art direction from Stormcast since third edition, I won't mind Lumineth being the new poster boys. Even better if the poster-boy seat was taken by a different faction each year (but I'm sure GW won't know how to do...) because AoS is..and must be a different beast than 40k. People aknowledge the focus on "Space marines and the Imperium against the universe" there...but I don't think AoS should be "40k but Heroic fantasy". GW should stop trying to make Stormcast the new Space marines. It's bad for AoS and it's bad for Stormcast lore and reception by players (but they are a good sell anyway because they are one of the less expensive army, easy to paint and in every edition box set).

AoS should make each alliance the focus during a season or an edition. Not just Order being the main protagonist, Chaos the main antagonist...and Death and Destruction side dishes...

Edited by Harioch
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Yeah, better to have a few prominent factions splitting spotlight than one posterboy hogging it.

41 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I've said from the beginning that I felt like Lumineth were an attempt at switching to a different protagonist faction. Everything about their lore screams that now they are the new and dynamic big thing to turn back the tides of Chaos, Death, and Destruction plaguing the mortal realms.

Despite being rather marmite, elves seem to have always been popular, and by all accounts Lumineth have done very well in sales, even after their rocky and drawn out introduction to the mortal realms.

I think they might be in a better place now.
Might need to dial things in a bit better with the inevitable third wave, take stock of what missed and what people loved. Not so much a redesign, but doubling down on what went over well.

Like with Stoneguard, they look great. From forehead down that is.

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10 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Heh, they do have a bit of hidden grimdarkness too, something GW likes in their poster boys.

Honestly, I'd be okay with the Lumineth being poster boys. I like them. Much more than Stormcasts--whose lore is awesome but naming scheme and looks are unappealing to me. I know, I know, I have said the unthinkable as a dwarf fan.

But if you think about it, Lumineth are more duardin than Stormcast are. It's the silly hats and bulls, you see.

I'm a fan if both the Lumineth and the Stormcast (and still waiting for a dwarves faction that grabs me).

I love the Stormcast, but they don't make for a good poster faction because they aren't relatable enough (as has been discussed to death in the past.) They're a good faction with a great theme, but they are too alien in nature to appeal to the wider audience. 

Somewhat ironically, the Elves of Light with their extravagant hats and elemental spirits are actually a better fit for this. Sure, they're wild and crazy, but they are mortal, struggle against their inner demons while aspiring to noble ends, and can have personal ambitions that can put them at odds with one another (and potentially even their own gods).

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11 minutes ago, Harioch said:

I might be wrong but I always thought Dark elves, High elves and Vampires were the top sellers..

Anyway while I like the new art direction from Stormcast since third edition, I won't mind Lumineth being the new poster boys. Even better if the poster-boy seat was taken by a different faction each year (but I'm sure GW won't know how to do...) because AoS is..and must be a different beast than 40k. People aknowledge the focus on "Space marines and the Imperium against the universe",  there...but I don't think AoS should be "40k but in Heroic fantasy".

AoS should make each alliance the hero during a season or an edition. Not just Order being the main protagonist, Chaos the main antagonist...and Death and Destruction side dishes...

I remember in terms of player base was Warrior of Chaos, Orc and Goblins, Empire, Dark elves and then High elves and Vampire counts.

but I doubt they are switching Posterboys since this feel like it came from Cinderfall gaming and he usually regurgitating stuff rather then having reliable sources

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11 minutes ago, novakai said:

I remember in terms of player base was Warrior of Chaos, Orc and Goblins, Empire, Dark elves and then High elves and Vampire counts.

but I doubt they are switching Posterboys since this feel like it came from Cinderfall gaming and he usually regurgitating stuff rather then having reliable sources

I stand corrected.

Don't know him but I agree with you that the switch seems unlikely. But I still hope that GW will learn how to do things differently than what they did with 40k because I want both settings to have their own unique storytelling and way to deliver it.

Edited by Harioch
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Lets not lose sight of why factions like Stormcast and Space Marines are the poster boys.

It actually has a lot less to do with the lore, which comes after the models are designed, and much more to do with what will hook in new hobbyists.

Those two factions are gold in that respect because they are relatively easy to paint. The models are in a larger scale than the rest of the range (justified by they being giants), they are heavily armoured, with big chunky weapons, and often have helmets so that you don't need to be able to paint skin, hair, faces and the like straight away. They have solid ranges, with lots of options, so that even when they aren't great competitively they are a solid pick for a new player. 

The "enemy factions" over the last few editions were likely chosen for similar reasons. Look at Necrons and Nighthaunt. As "Skeleton" factions both of them have the potential to be painted really straight forwardly, and so aren't too intimidating to a new painter, even if they are a fair bit more complex than Stormcast and space marines. Nurgle is similarly a good pick, as they lend themselves to sloppy grunginess rather than a really precise painting style.

From a lore perspective, Lumineth seem like a natural poster faction, but from what I hear the models are complex to build and a nightmare to paint. Elves will always be fiddly, and that means that however popular they get, they don't work so well as an introductory faction to put in every box which a new player might pick up. That said, the same could potentially be said of Kruleboyz, and they've made the starter set, so who knows. Maybe they are changing their approach.

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4 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:


Lets not lose sight of why factions like Stormcast and Space Marines are the poster boys.

It actually has a lot less to do with the lore, which comes after the models are designed, and much more to do with what will hook in new hobbyists.

Those two factions are gold in that respect because they are relatively easy to paint. The models are in a larger scale than the rest of the range (justified by they being giants), they are heavily armoured, with big chunky weapons, and often have helmets so that you don't need to be able to paint skin, hair, faces and the like straight away. They have solid ranges, with lots of options, so that even when they aren't great competitively they are a solid pick for a new player. 

The "enemy factions" over the last few editions were likely chosen for similar reasons. Look at Necrons and Nighthaunt. As "Skeleton" factions both of them have the potential to be painted really straight forwardly, and so aren't too intimidating to a new painter, even if they are a fair bit more complex than Stormcast and space marines. Nurgle is similarly a good pick, as they lend themselves to sloppy grunginess rather than a really precise painting style.

From a lore perspective, Lumineth seem like a natural poster faction, but from what I hear the models are complex to build and a nightmare to paint. Elves will always be fiddly, and that means that however popular they get, they don't work so well as an introductory faction to put in every box which a new player might pick up. That said, the same could potentially be said of Kruleboyz, and they've made the starter set, so who knows. Maybe they are changing their approach.

In my opinion Kruleboys are incredibly easy to paint well. Sure they‘ve gor belts and straps and such, but just look at their shields. Big and catchy. 
Other than that I wholeheartedly agree with you!

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3 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:


Lets not lose sight of why factions like Stormcast and Space Marines are the poster boys.

It actually has a lot less to do with the lore, which comes after the models are designed, and much more to do with what will hook in new hobbyists.

Those two factions are gold in that respect because they are relatively easy to paint. The models are in a larger scale than the rest of the range (justified by they being giants), they are heavily armoured, with big chunky weapons, and often have helmets so that you don't need to be able to paint skin, hair, faces and the like straight away. They have solid ranges, with lots of options, so that even when they aren't great competitively they are a solid pick for a new player. 

The "enemy factions" over the last few editions were likely chosen for similar reasons. Look at Necrons and Nighthaunt. As "Skeleton" factions both of them have the potential to be painted really straight forwardly, and so aren't too intimidating to a new painter, even if they are a fair bit more complex than Stormcast and space marines. Nurgle is similarly a good pick, as they lend themselves to sloppy grunginess rather than a really precise painting style.

From a lore perspective, Lumineth seem like a natural poster faction, but from what I hear the models are complex to build and a nightmare to paint. Elves will always be fiddly, and that means that however popular they get, they don't work so well as an introductory faction to put in every box which a new player might pick up. That said, the same could potentially be said of Kruleboyz, and they've made the starter set, so who knows. Maybe they are changing their approach.

It's true, there's no comparing building and painting Stormcast and Lumineth. And my passion for the lore aside, that makes Stormcast more likely to retain their place as the golden boys.

That said, it will ultimately depend on where the money is coming in from. Complex or not, if the Lumineth end up selling better thanks SCE, GW will commit to them. We can only speculate as to the sales figures to both factions, and I have no reason to believe that Lumineth were so successful that they've displaced the stormy boys. Regardless, it will be an interesting thing to watch for.

I do however agree with the general sentiment that cycling the "focus faction" periodically would be the best way to go. Broken Realms did a fantastic job of demonstrating how thus could be done, particularly with Morathi and Be'lakor.

On a side note, Kruel Boyz take extremely well to Contrast Paints, and are surprisingly easy to paint if that is the primary medium you use, which may well have been the intent.

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12 minutes ago, Rachmani said:

In my opinion Kruleboys are incredibly easy to paint well. Sure they‘ve gor belts and straps and such, but just look at their shields. Big and catchy. 
Other than that I wholeheartedly agree with you!

Cool, I've not actually got any, so was going off the catalogue photos rather than experience. good to know they are easier than they look!

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