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  1. Please tell me kroxigors are one of the four 🤣 that’s all I care about in this scenario
  2. It applied to everything that didn’t have a premade subfaction. None of our named characters are bound to a subfaction so everyone had it.
  3. This one is definitely the weakest option. Major nerf to the winterleaf version that is unconditional. It’s not horrible, but requires too much positioning. Not only do they have to be wholly within 6 inches of a wyldwood to get it now, it reduces ALL of our ability ranges? That’s pretty trash. I can’t see any reason why someone would take that over a 6+ ward. Sure the ward requires that you don’t charge, but our stuff is slow af anyways, and we don’t have a 1-drop that lets us bring alarielle and anything other than warsong, branchwraith/wych, or arch revenant so we aren’t going first anyways
  4. It’s on the article. I’m fine with 5 wounds per model, they are like Vanguard Palladors
  5. They are definitely meant to be reinforced due to them all having 2 inch range. If you position them properly (which at such a high movement distance you should be able to), you can easily double their damage output. With two units of 6, I wouldn’t be too scared of anything since they all get strike-first. I’m shocked they didnt make it strike-first within a certain distance of wyldwoods.
  6. I would argue that in this universe there is still a sort of order of power of each of them in AOS though. Sigmar is still not stronger than Dracothion and Teclis couldn’t properly make life unlike the all of the other aelven deities of the game. (Not that Teclis isn’t strong)
  7. I have my doubts about the spiterider leaks. For example, we’ve already seen a picture of the Alarielle warscroll, so it’s not like the warscrolls aren’t already out there. Second, why not include the stats of the seekers or whatever they are called? Third, no specification on what kinds of models it can resurrect. In the past our revival only did d3 for our unconditional battleline units, and 1 for other units. D3 kurnoth hunters would have never gone through playtesting and not been considered too op considering alarielle can’t even summon 3 without losing the ability for the rest of the game. When will we get more solid proof? Why did the pictures stop coming in?
  8. I surprised nobody made a 3.0 page for us yet
  9. Not really. If someone was 3 inches away from a wyldwood back then we couldn't anyways due to the 9 inches away from enemy unit rule. It seems more like they just wanted to make sure Alarielle was able to teleport at all. Also, moving your army within 3 inches of a Wyldwood is a horrible idea due to path blocking and the fact that now durthu is charging into you with an extra attack AND teleporting away directly afterwards.
  10. I hope we get more sylvaneth leaks. I just want to see the new wyldwood update and allegiance ability update.
  11. I wonder when we will get the Lady of Vines and Durthu warscrolls leaked. I especially want to see the Durthu one, as he was in desperate need of some changes.
  12. Definitely a good start though. It’s so hard to cram so many kurnoths into a list since they aren’t battleline the only thing I see being a problem is that the Greatbows aren’t worth taking if they aren’t reinforced, but they also aren’t worth taking without warsong revenant to support them. I think removing one greatsword and putting the points to the greatbow would be worth it. I honestly think the best thing to do would be to focus on keeping warsong as a setup and support hero in this list. Because if warsong focuses on wyldwood placement + treesong/spiteswarm hive instead of spellportal + swarm of spites, it will further the kurnoth hunters’ damage output. Additionally, I think spiteswarm hive in this list would benefit much more than spellportal, as spellportal just makes swarm of spites a little bit better, but since this is a kurnoth build, spiteswarm hive gives all of the melee ones +3 to normal move and charge (or to save) and the bows +1 to save. Just an important thing to consider. Lastly, the subfaction. Harvestboon is great, don’t get me wrong. However, there’s no reason not to just keep the kurnoth hunters near the arch revenant anyways which gives them reroll hit rolls of 1 as well. Heartwood or winterleaf would be much better in this scenario. In heartwood, they can reroll ALL failed hit rolls and you can target an enemy unit with a command ability to treesong them without a spell. Winterleaf on the other hand gives one of the units a double attack, all units in the army exploding 6s AND the greatbows mortals on 6s through branch blizzard.
  13. The problem that needed to be addressed is that 99% of all lists are just eels. The issue is that there is no Isharann worth running over an akhelian general. This hero isn’t going to change anything, the best list is still just eels.
  14. Lol a Namarti support hero that isn’t an Isharann…welp guess reavers will still never see play.
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