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2 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Yes! Maybe these "hobgoblins" will be Troll-Halfbreeds? Bigger, meaner and slower (in the brain)! :D (judging by the hint image mask)

oh man troll-halfbreeds sound awesome, would love to see something like that and i think that aos is just the right setting

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The rumour engine from yesterday looks like it’s a trophy being carried on the waist as opposed to a shoulder thing. Ties in to the beast slayer idea of Yndrasta, plus that store anniversary model is carrying a bullgor head. Could be another indication of where the Stormcast aesthetic is going for this edition, at least in some of the character models. Although those arrows look less forged like you would expect from a Stormcast model...

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So, this Stormcast update could be interesting because some folks have suggested that we aren't actually getting a new chamber, and that rather this is just a "technology upgrade" for the faction.

With Sacrosanct, we got a battleline, a paladin equivalent, an archer unit, and artillery piece, a cav unit, 3 variants of the Chamber's primary Lord, 2 lessor lords, and a knight. What are we expecting this wave to look like, and will it also be considered it's own chamber or not?

We've already seen battleline and a paladin unit. There's a rumor engine that suggests archers, and cav seems a sure bet. 


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1 minute ago, NotAWzrd said:

The rumour engine from yesterday looks like it’s a trophy being carried on the waist as opposed to a shoulder thing. Ties in to the beast slayer idea of Yndrasta, plus that store anniversary model is carrying a bullgor head. Could be another indication of where the Stormcast aesthetic is going for this edition, at least in some of the character models. Although those arrows look less forged like you would expect from a Stormcast model...

Good reasoning. Yet Stormcast never ever had feathered Arrows (and the new rumour engine also has no feathered arrows). 
Also take a look at the arrow fletching of orc arrows in general:


they are very similar to 

However maybe this ist just the way arrows are fletched in the mortal realms and thi could be more Witchhunters or even new Freeguild huntsmen? :D

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1 minute ago, OkayestDM said:

So, this Stormcast update could be interesting because some folks have suggested that we aren't actually getting a new chamber, and that rather this is just a "technology upgrade" for the faction.

With Sacrosanct, we got a battleline, a paladin equivalent, an archer unit, and artillery piece, a cav unit, 3 variants of the Chamber's primary Lord, 2 lessor lords, and a knight. What are we expecting this wave to look like, and will it also be considered it's own chamber or not?

We've already seen battleline and a paladin unit. There's a rumor engine that suggests archers, and cav seems a sure bet. 


Honestly think it's going to be basically a new version of everything stormcast wave one got, I don't think it's going to replace any old units but it is clearly a primaris situation in all but name 

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6 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

So, this Stormcast update could be interesting because some folks have suggested that we aren't actually getting a new chamber, and that rather this is just a "technology upgrade" for the faction.

With Sacrosanct, we got a battleline, a paladin equivalent, an archer unit, and artillery piece, a cav unit, 3 variants of the Chamber's primary Lord, 2 lessor lords, and a knight. What are we expecting this wave to look like, and will it also be considered it's own chamber or not?

We've already seen battleline and a paladin unit. There's a rumor engine that suggests archers, and cav seems a sure bet. 


Imagine wide and think big

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2 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

So, this Stormcast update could be interesting because some folks have suggested that we aren't actually getting a new chamber, and that rather this is just a "technology upgrade" for the faction.

With Sacrosanct, we got a battleline, a paladin equivalent, an archer unit, and artillery piece, a cav unit, 3 variants of the Chamber's primary Lord, 2 lessor lords, and a knight. What are we expecting this wave to look like, and will it also be considered it's own chamber or not?

We've already seen battleline and a paladin unit. There's a rumor engine that suggests archers, and cav seems a sure bet. 


Hard to tell so far obviously but I would guess, based on some of the rumours, that this is a sort of expansion to the warrior and / or extremis chamber. 


5 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Good reasoning. Yet Stormcast never ever had feathered Arrows (and the new rumour engine also has no feathered arrows). 
Also take a look at the arrow fletching of orc arrows in general:


they are very similar to 

However maybe this ist just the way arrows are fletched in the mortal realms and thi could be more Witchhunters or even new Freeguild huntsmen? :D

Yeah that’s a great shout actually. The arrows were the thing that were derailing my theory! The judicator arrows have a metal loop and comet trails at the end if I remember correctly. Also the quiver in the bottom right of that rumour engine looks less well crafted than I’d expect from any kind of organised military force.

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12 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

@Snorri Nelriksson @silverstu @KingBroddI absolutely love the idea of incorporating wild beasts into my games and the narrative implication of slaying and taming them would tie well into the renewed focus on Path to Glory being promoted. I wonder if they go the endless spell route if there will be faction specific monsters that differ from typical monstrous units? Perhaps they can only be brought forth by beast tamers or hunters? I am also curious if the gods and god beasts will have more flexibility in terms of keywords going forward?

Yeah could be around binding/allying to your army. Possibly bring a new character class into armies- a hunter/beastmaster/beast tamer type.

Model wise it could be fantastic, they could bring out Fenbeasts, Swamp Dragons, Death Creatures and jus imagine the flying creatures the Kharadron encounter. I've really loved the look of the Warcry beasts as well as the Ambull and Zoat in Blackstone Fortress, it would be great to see what the designers could come up with for one off critters.

12 hours ago, Dreddships said:



In terms of wild beasts, I'd love a narrative 'twist' system ala Warcry.

'pull a card any card and find out if there is a lightning storm or some roaming monsters kicking around' 

Yeah they could be a random encounter too, or maybe the risk of losing control of them.

10 hours ago, Killymcgee23 said:

There was a female KO admiral in Broken Realms, they should give her a model

Love me some Skaven but not a huge fan of the brood mother concept, got to get those numbers from somewhere though

With the necroquake gone and Alarielle talking about life hitting back (paraphrasing heavily) the concept of wandering/endless spell style monsters doesn't seem so far fetched, lack of rumours aside.
I never got to play with old Ghur realm rules (plus had no monsters to use anyway) but wouldn't hate the idea of some fauna to fight on the battlefield as well as your foe

KO have a few mentions of female Admirals/captains and they appear in the art for the current Battletome so hopefully they get models soon as well as other dwarf factions]

Yeah that could be another way to play them - unfriendly environments and would as you say link to the resurgence of life. 

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To be honest it's always been weird to me that grots and troggoths are unrelated species (that are commonly found working together), don't tell me some of the heads of the rockgut troggoths don't look like they belong to oversized snotlings or gnoblars. I don't remember if there's an actual lore explanation for it, though the dankhold troggoth and Underworlds' Mollog both having that fungal theme might have something to do with it?

so yeah, a new greenskin breed that looks like half grots half troggoths sounds pretty good to me, especially if their keep some of the aesthetic of that effigy on Kragnos' base. Add some Oldhammer orc (or even recent WHFB orc, I miss those kits) aesthetic and I'm sold.

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I was just reading the Orruk Warclans battletome and came across this passage. I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet.

"Orruks are incredibly difficult to eradicate from an area once they infest it, especially if that area has lots of caves, fissures and dark places where they could spawn young. The scholars of Hysh believe that when an orruk is slain and its corpse left to rot in the right conditions, it will deliquesce into a fungal jelly. It then puts down thin, whitish strands into the earth below that can harness nutrients and the inherent magical power of the realm itself. From this greenish flesh sac comes the young of the race, glistening and pallid, gnawing their way free from the meaty jelly of their progenitor. These gangly, fang-mawed horrors will slither into somewhere dark and wet, red eyes glinting in the gloom as they take shelter in a fissure or crevice."

Something to think about at least, with all the speculation about the "new breed". Although the inherit sneakiness the trailer insinuates isn't very orruk like.

Could also tie into the "hobgoblin" type that has been rumored that's not a goblin but not quite an orruk?

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37 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

Imagine wide and think big

Obviously, it's Stormcast rhino cavalry.

White Rhino's name seems to stem from a mistranslation of wijd, for wide (lips).

They are also quite big.

It would also fit the Bretonnian rumour, because what is a rhino but a chonky unicorn, which featured in Bretonnia as well!

If we cross them with Indian/Sumatran rhino's, we'll have nice armour plating, and they are quite fond of marshes and water, tying them nicely to boghobgoblarsnotlings

Edited by zilberfrid
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2 minutes ago, Bruteforce said:

I was just reading the Orruk Warclans battletome and came across this passage. I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet.

"Orruks are incredibly difficult to eradicate from an area once they infest it, especially if that area has lots of caves, fissures and dark places where they could spawn young. The scholars of Hysh believe that when an orruk is slain and its corpse left to rot in the right conditions, it will deliquesce into a fungal jelly. It then puts down thin, whitish strands into the earth below that can harness nutrients and the inherent magical power of the realm itself. From this greenish flesh sac comes the young of the race, glistening and pallid, gnawing their way free from the meaty jelly of their progenitor. These gangly, fang-mawed horrors will slither into somewhere dark and wet, red eyes glinting in the gloom as they take shelter in a fissure or crevice."

Something to think about at least, with all the speculation about the "new breed". Although the inherit sneakiness the trailer insinuates isn't very orruk like.

Could also tie into the "hobgoblin" type that has been rumored that's not a goblin but not quite an orruk?

And the next paragraph...

"There is evidence that the magic of the Waaagh! accelerates this process; should a battlefield of fallen orruks be left in shadow for long enough, it may become something akin to a birthing ground that spawns a new generation of psychotic green horrors soon ready for another colossal conflict."

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3 hours ago, Still-young said:

They mentioned a launch box in the preview stream, which is the wording they used for Indomitus too. 

Edit: sorry, it’s here they call it a launch box: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/05/10/4-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-next-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/


I hope they have their made to order run already planned after Indomitus...

I'd been wondering if that meant it was going to be a Indomitus circus show.

Shame if it is. The 2nd Ed set is fantastic and part of that charm is that it is available on the shelf. I love the new models but have no real interest in trying to buy it in the 7 mins its available (6 of which where the website crashes) only to still miss out on it when they oversell the item, take weeks to refund the order and then only be able to buy the models at a huge markup from the original set.

A made to order after would be better news, but they wont have the transparency upfront about it and that will just complete the mess of a release.


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