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I think it's part of a new AoS Warhammer Quest with a vampire/zombie theme, although that may be my own wishful thinking!

An AoS castlevania would leave my credit card red hot with the speed it would leave the wallet at! 

Whatever it is, whether it's a new AoS army or Warhammer Quest, it could be with us in the next few weeks, hopefully before Christmas

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Definitely looks like a zombie that had a tree growing overtop of it, and when it resurrected out of the ground, the tree is now "part" of it, with roots or branches entangled/ growing through it.  The crow on the back is not the same crow with the key from the rumor engine, but likely part of the same range.  And the post on the zombie's back looks like a church candle holder.

The trees in the background look like they could have crows (or maybe vultures; remember the vulture from the rumor engine?) in the branches.  There looks like there could be a large bird wing in one tree.  That could be a new scenery piece, or maybe animated trees? (That might be too Sylvaneth-y).

Likely crows, carrion birds, and cobbled-together "Blanchitsu" zombies will be a unifying theme.  Not vampire pirates.

One final thought:  Does GW ever portray Johann running from Underworlds/ Warcry warbands?  He's usually shown with "proper" AoS models, right?

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2 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

Didn't forbidden power reference a mortarch of thorns? Given the existing rose and vine motifs a lot of death models have I wouldn't be surprised if we get our "AoS-ified" zombie army that's undead controlled and stitched together with cursed plants. Nagash loves his cruel irony and with OBR being a twisted mirror of stormcast, plant-zombies would be a great way to mock Alariel and the sylvaneth.

Oh please let this be the case.

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The thing on it’s back looks like a cuckoo clock. I must admit, as a silhouette it doesn’t do anything for me. It doesn’t look particularly menacing. I’m sure it will look better when we get the full picture. My personal hope is for a death themed warhammer quest. 

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5 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

Didn't forbidden power reference a mortarch of thorns? Given the existing rose and vine motifs a lot of death models have I wouldn't be surprised if we get our "AoS-ified" zombie army that's undead controlled and stitched together with cursed plants. Nagash loves his cruel irony and with OBR being a twisted mirror of stormcast, plant-zombies would be a great way to mock Alariel and the sylvaneth.

i don't remember something like that in Forbidden Power, but in Soul Wars i believe the Deathwalker lady was known for her garden presumably because her flowers smelled good (or since they are Undead, really bad)

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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I remembered tonight an old, old, old rumour of a new zombie kit but the zombies weren't just reanimated dead but more constructs made of body parts, trees, coffins and such. 

Seems to fit the bill. 

That is really dope! Conceptually that idea makes me think of old Playmates TMNT figures: being a strange blend of body horror and also clever fun. 

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On 10/30/2020 at 7:59 PM, LuminethMage said:

That’s the funny part about it all, in some ways it’s better not to have them - because everyone can imagine that they’ll release exactly their dream army. 

The time between the “Pointy Aelves” video and the time they released the first video of the Lumineth was probably the most fun time I had on this forum. Everyone was just happily speculating away about their new dream High Elves. So much excitement. And then we lost 20%, and another bunch turning really negative. And then ... we got the Alarith ... 

It’s still better of course to get an army that you want, but you have to be lucky like KingBrodd and me that you actually like the outcome. I hope they’ll do something with traditional dwarfs that must of you actually like. 

I think Gloomspite fans got pretty lucky as well (or at least I feel lucky). They are basically the Night Goblins and Trolls from WHFB but pumped up to an even more cartoonish level of tomfoolery (which I love). They lost some seriousness (less torture for cruel fun, more trying to steal bottles from chaos worshippers) which some people I know don't like, but I love it. The new Dankholds and Boingrots were things I never knew I wanted but now couldn't see them without. I love my big derpy purple boys.

I know some people who were pretty mad normal goblins got squatted and the night goblins stayed around instead, but honestly I didn't care for the normal goblins (except for the Doomdiver and Pumpwagon). I like the goofy shenanigans of the hooded loons.

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1 hour ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

I think Gloomspite fans got pretty lucky as well (or at least I feel lucky). They are basically the Night Goblins and Trolls from WHFB but pumped up to an even more cartoonish level of tomfoolery (which I love). They lost some seriousness (less torture for cruel fun, more trying to steal bottles from chaos worshippers) which some people I know don't like, but I love it. The new Dankholds and Boingrots were things I never knew I wanted but now couldn't see them without. I love my big derpy purple boys.

I know some people who were pretty mad normal goblins got squatted and the night goblins stayed around instead, but honestly I didn't care for the normal goblins (except for the Doomdiver and Pumpwagon). I like the goofy shenanigans of the hooded loons.

Gits have a perfect balance of goofines where they dont like stupidly bad) they look like crazy little drunkers, i wish gw rerelieze old infantry the same way someday :(

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9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

Pretty sure it‘s Deadwalkers. This one was hanged or nailed to a tree, which he is still attached to.

Considering all the Rumor Engine images it‘s truly going to be Soulblight + Deadwalkers 😍

“Could it be, oh could it be, I got my wish.... WHAT IS THIS?!”


Jack Skellington

Man I hope your right.


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2 hours ago, Still-young said:

How is an official novel not canon?

Black library authors have “poetic license”, basically they can add anything they want, does not mean GW will make miniatures out of it. Also usually they don’t know about new releases much before us and that book is now 2 years old...

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3 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

Black library authors have “poetic license”, basically they can add anything they want, does not mean GW will make miniatures out of it. Also usually they don’t know about new releases much before us and that book is now 2 years old...

That’s not really anything to do with whether it’s canon or not though. 

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Well maybe canon is not the right word if you consider the literally English meaning “a collection of books recognised as genuine”. Surely it’s official, but I meant to say is that we can’t grasp any info of new army from a BL novel, we have better chances from the GW tomes. 
In Reynolds novel he described really well the Sacrosant chamber and the Nighthaunt plus the relationship between the different mortarchs and in one piece he described an army of Sylvaneth working for Nagash. The Antagonist of the book however never got a miniature or model to represent him. 
To have a dread wood type of army would be wonderful but give me a LoN expansion with zombies and vampires all day before that.

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