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I've always enjoyed the excessive 'perfection' aspect of Slaanesh myself - along the lines of Emperor's children. If they throw out something like that, I might just get myself a Slaaneshi army :) Happy to see the host getting some love, regardless.

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Yeah, I think they should do several units and heroes that would show different aspects of Slaanesh. For example I had an idea of infantry with celtic carnyxes that deal sound damage (basically AoS Noise Marines) and Hero that represents gluttony and a unit of his "Game Hunters". He would get buffs for models slain (eaten) by him or his hunters. Possibilities are almost infinite.



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I remember there being a character in the Sigvald novels that was basically a giant gluttonous head with tentacles. I still have a giant's head lying around somewhere that I intended to use as a base for a conversion of that guy. I should go and look for it.   

Edited by CaptainNippon
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I am all for the possibility of a possible Slaanesh release taking the opportunity to explore a variety of themes among the mortals. However, considering how monothemed the other gods mortal releases have been (all of Khorne are musclebound berserkers, all of Nurgle bloated mounds of flesh, all of Tzeentch sorcerous), I am not getting my hopes up. Most likely, all will be frail reaver types like the Helstriders.

We might see a single deviating hero, as Bloodbound got the corpulent Bloodstoker, Rotbringers the Harbinger of Decay (though that one is a old finecast hero) and Arcanites got the Ogroid, who is also a sorcerer, but also a big lumpy beatstick.

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13 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Would it be acceptable to leave those models grey if you couldn't be bothered to paint them? :P

Nope, only way of dealing with this minis that is acceptable, is to have the box halb assembled, one mini primed and NEVER play with them

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Now that arlequins codex with webway gate are out, what is planned for the upcomming (next?) weeks(-ends)?

I know that there is the IK codex, but no release date from GW.

AoS 2 is not due before june (when? late soon ?)

There is some kind of black hole comunication for the very few next weeks...


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45 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

Now that arlequins codex with webway gate are out, what is planned for the upcomming (next?) weeks(-ends)?

I know that there is the IK codex, but no release date from GW.

AoS 2 is not due before june (when? late soon ?)

There is some kind of black hole comunication for the very few next weeks...


Nobody knows!  As you say the Harlequin Codex and gateway are on pre-order currently.  We've Orlock weapons and some models (e.g. pets)  to come out, plus some more Bloodbowl which I could see being put up.  That'd take us into June.  Knights are rumoured to have 4 new models plus Codex which my belief is going to be a big White Dwarf feature and then my thought is it'll be AoS with a two-week preorder window with the Open Day at the end of it - there is more terrain that might drop too (including objectives)

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I'd be fine with a risky chance to protect a hero from a shot, but not a guarantee.

If, for example, you can say a hero model with fewer than 10 wounds can pass a wound or mortal wound onto a friendly battleline model within 3" on a 4+ (killing that model regardless of its wounds or protections) then fine.

If it's just "as long a a hero has another model within 6 inches, it can autimatically pass the wound over for that model to deal with" then that would stink.

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9 hours ago, Nikobot said:

Agree, not enough information about slaanesh's DP mechanic or the greater summoning rules to say whether it's going to be an issue. 

I think is a very hard to balance area of the game and it's a concern to keep an eye on if there isn't any other "catch" and reinforcement points are dropped and that's all there is to it. 

Khorne blood tithe table certainly needs a rework if they don't require reinforcement points in the future. 8 blood tithe points to drop Skarbrand on the battle field could cause problems! Tzeentch/Seraphon would need a rework obviously. 

Nurgle is maybe not bad, not sure. 

Death concerns me. 

"Slaanesh's DP mechanics."


Yeah, I'm that immature.

Edited by Sadysaneto
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2 hours ago, Redmanphill said:

What are the chances we get some generic battalions? A hero and some battleline for instance. That could balance the lack of good/useable battalions that some armies have.

Battleline only exists in 1 of 3 game modes - id be up for generic battalions but theyd need to give every unit a battlefield role keyword first... which they could do! Its just a big ask i think!

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So from the faction focus Nurgle saying it was put up on Nurgles "holy day" we can draw that the reason for the early Slaanesh FF was the same. I think it is all but asured we will get Khorne (eigth) and Tzeentch next(ninth) and maybe even Skaven on the thirteenths day of reveals.

Not that the FFs tell us all that much, but I think it is sort of cute they use the gods numbers like that.

2 hours ago, michu said:

I absolutely love this, most Shadespire warbands are amazing conversion fodder, being available cheaper and without all cards (just feels wasteful when I do not play that game) really helps.

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Do you think will get a big Warmachine center piece for the Sacrosanct chamber, and a (full Stormcast) battletome ?

I really hope so. Because only creating the Celestar Ballista seems a bit... underwhelming for a chamber composed of magical engineers ;) 

EDIT : oh and a Lord-Arcanum on foot / in a multi part kit ? 

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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@HorticulusTGA I sure hope we get a new and sweet centerpiece for the Sacrosanct Chamber. Something like a paralel contrast to the Mortarch of Grief for when they reveal her. I'd rather go for the Lord Arcanum variation because it feels more adequate to go against the Nighthaunt with magic than with artillery. Maybe @LLV's rumor about 'new and beautiful' flying mounts for the SCE will come to fruition. (fingers crossed)

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On 5/20/2018 at 8:22 AM, Burf said:

I can already think of several situations where Slaanesh's method of generating summoning resouces could be abused with just what we know now.

Hopefully it is because of what we just know now. But hey, what's a little patience when you can just assume the worst. I will ask you again, since you didn't respond last time, do you still like the game? Do you still have fun with it? Because every time i read a comment by you, you are telling the world you think something is a horribly amiss. Which is a shame. 

Personally I like the idea of having to earn points in some way and to spend them for summoning, upgrades, dispels stuff like that. 

On 5/20/2018 at 8:22 AM, Burf said:

Also, the number of easy puns and lame double-entendres associated with Slaanesh are just two of a whole host of reasons why slaanesh is and always has been the worst part of warhammer.

For me the worst part is the players that can't stop b*tching but hey, every person gets their own opinion and their own sense of humor. ;) 

Edited by Kramer
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On 5/20/2018 at 8:22 AM, Burf said:

Any faction that can get free points with summoning is going to be a problem eventually, and having each faction that can summon summon a different way is just going to lead to a year of loophole whack-a-mole. I can already think of several situations where Slaanesh's method of generating summoning resouces could be abused with just what we know now.

Then please share them. If there is a legitimate problem with the point generation mechanic, than it would be better for everyone if you just let people know so it can be fixed ahead of time. 


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