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Mayple last won the day on April 9 2019

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Lord Celestant

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Community Answers

  1. This guy is saying we're all wrong! Get him ladz! (I joke, I joke )
  2. No worries! Your intent was not misread, and you absolutely can One of the greatest joys of having bought into 40k while coming from AoS was experiencing how horrifyingly quick any plan was laid to waste. In AoS, I can pretty accurately predict how each turn is going to play out, even with doubleturn, and unless I'm playing someone completely unhinged (love em), that's usually how it'll go. Not saying AoS is a predictable game by design, but it doesn't really take much to figure out the flow of it, and the double turn doesn't really shake up expectations/predictability as much as one would think. 40k, while not having any kind of double turn, is almost impossible to predict. Very much a "the best laid plans of mice and men" kinda game, because almost everyone can shoot you, bomb you, or just.. do crazy stuff, and it takes very little to turn everything to chaos (not the heretic kind) - Very enjoyable. I'm an awful 40k player. Lose all the time. Love it. I think HH is better though, but that's neither here nor there. All that to say, yeah, you are very much on point.
  3. To counter the "Don't like doubleturn? Just git gud" (paraphrased, ofc) point I saw earlier: Competitive player here. Win most of my games, absolutely loathe the double turn. Feels bad winning with it, feels bad losing to it. Pretty much been my only real critique of AoS as a whole since forever. Those that remember me will know I've been pretty consistent about that 😅 That being said, I do like their attempts at trying to make it work, if only because their solutions keep accidentally pushing them into "the other player gets to react" kinda territory. Curious to see how they'll try to solve it this time. Immediate concern: as it seems priority roll still involves the winner picks who takes the turn, I sure hope that double-turn penalty system only applies if you yourself decide to take a double-turn, and not if it is decided for you. If not, it's gonna be a lot worse, just reversed. Time will tell! Feel like its an obvious flaw, so suuurely they've taken it into account 😎
  4. More or less echoing (and agreeing with what a lot of other people here have been saying), but there's a good amount of people out there that have a defeatist attitude, which drastically lowers their chance of winning, making them even more upset. On and on it goes. Its a form of long-term tilting. Added to that, I find that far too many players (on both sides of the positivity scale) tend to view stat profiles/damage output/combos as the deciding factor in what wins a game. That's a kind of thinking that interacts poorly with defeatist attitudes and "my faction is weaker than.." kind of thinking. Any faction in the game, with a very small list of exceptions, can beat any other faction in the game, provided there's a semblance of plan thrown into the listbuilding, and the deployment/movement phase being executed properly. Thats it. There's plenty of doomsayers. My advice would be to ignore them completely. I don't tend to, but that's just me
  5. I'm gravitating towards the spell that rolls a dice for each model in the unit and does mortal wounds on 6s. A single casualty and they can no longer move at all! That's a -mean- spell. Casting value 7, but you can bet it'll be decisive when it pops off. I may or may not also plan to include both Be'lakor and the Changeling. No fun allowed
  6. I, for one, welcome my new khorne marked Daemon Prince overlords. A lot of good close combat factions out there. Would be a shame if they never got there
  7. Same! Dropped mine so that it lodged itself into my thigh while working on a Megaboss Been using clippers ever since, and even ended up giving my exacto away.
  8. I am only satisfied once they come in units of 30! They shall be the Daughters of Gorkamorka.
  9. I used to consider a lot of extra boxes for converting materials. Stocking up on the bits and kits that I felt might come in handy in future projects. While most of the boxes (usually older stuff) haven't increased much, most of the new ones have to the point I can't justify doing that anymore Nowadays I make do with what I have, which has put a fair few projects (like Kurnos Valentian into Grey Seer on Screaming bell) on a permanent hold unless I suddently win the lottery I've also started getting corrupted by chaos into more actively considering (but not yet buying) totally legal 100% gw products for stuff I only want to use for narrative games, reserving the more expensive purchases solely for competitive usage. I guess that's how it starts.
  10. Always assume it is fake. Always hope it is not New Inquisitors would be really nice, and possibly good conversion material for Age of Sigmar too.
  11. I agree with your post's overall point, but I don't think this is a fair comparison to make. Saurus Guard is a heavy heavy heavy elite/expensive unit which requires a fair few moving parts to get to that point (as well as a battalion? Unsure) -- and that would only affect them. They're great, but aren't comparable to a faction-wide save bonus, since that's a different fruit entirely, no?
  12. I think they'll definitely be on the strong side. The +1 to saves for your whole army is going to be a clear default winner, with the other subfactions fitting more specialized builds. If they ship out with re-animation abilities/return slain units to the field like other death factions, it might very well be a top contender right off the bat. I'd imagine the faction is meant to be hindered by its own mobility, but we'll see how that turns out. For all we know, they got spells/abilities to work around that Either way; it's hard to say anything for certain, but we can at least deduce that it is a strong faction. Broken? Eh, we'll see once the book comes out.
  13. He really didn't -- Quote the words written as is, or don't quote them all. Don't go about dictating the flow of the conversation by trying to infer what others are truly saying. You haven't the slightest idea what I do, or do not know
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