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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t


Act 1 Alessia stepped down from her personal carriage and looked up towards the grand mansion of house Varnesi.  She hoped she would find an answer from the family. There were rumours, both good and bad, but within rumours there was always grain of truth. She glanced at her guard who were on horses, they were members of a Knight Chapter who swore fealty to House Asros. It was rare to have the personal service of knights, she guessed it was due to the influence of her husband. She narrowed h



Voredd the Banished

"What ze hell are ya doin' here?! Ze fog is coming and if ya don't hide quick, ze gray gnashers will come and devour ya. Ya won't run to ze city fast enough. Better run zat way, zere's an old tower very close. Hide in it and wait for ze fog to pass. Me gonna stay here and beat the hell out of the gnashers. Will be fun!" — Voredd, shouting at a careless traveller on the road to Port Stellis                                                                                                     

The Golem

The Golem

Daemon Princess Conversion

Just a quick update today: I finished my Alarielle-based Slaaneshi Daemon princess conversion, and now just need to paint it. It'll be cool to have another similar scale Daemon princess alongside Sylle'Esske to lead my Hedonites (and now I'm going to have to find a different name for my mortals since GW used mine lol).    



I’m so weary of painting stormcasts

I am finally getting around to posting some progress in here.  It took me over a month to do it but I got through the slug of painting a bunch of starter set stormcasts which though was fun replication my original method for hallowed knights on so many at once made even the smaller steps take hours.  The majority of them look really good for my standard of painting but that graph-charger looks hideous.  Once I get around to painting what’s left the second stromstrike box my wife got me out of th



Almost finished my Akhelian Queen!

The first piece of my new idoneth project is coming along very nicely! Still not finished as i need to add more washes, highlights and then do my base.   The idea is they're from outer realms of chamon and so the transmuting magics have begun to affect them, causing metal to seep into their bodies, replacing limbs and the like. Almost like a metallic infection.



Tournament day - Skaven vs. BoC and DoT

We played with 1 realm rule, all spells and CA's in effect. 2 1\2 hour time limit. My list for this Tournament: Game 1: BoC - Blood and Glory in Ulgu: Their List: T1 He finishes deployment and goes first, casting cogs and deepstriking 30 Gors and 30 Bestigors into my right and left respectively. Casualties on the Clanrats are actually not too terrible considering how hard these things hit on the charge. Not much happened as everything was within range of the Bell\had 8-10 Br



Chaos Warriors and a fun Ogor Project

Well, it's been a long road completing my unit of Chaos Warriors (my course has gotten busy, so hobby time is scarce), and this blog has been pretty dormant. I am back to trying to finish my group of 10 warriors, but I've at least got 5 ready to show off.  Hobby productivity has been generally so low that while the lack of mortals in the upcoming hedonites release is a huge disappointment (I could rant about this for hours, but let's leave it at that), that I feel almost like I deserve



Jack goes Patreon

Hello! I've finally decided to start a Patreon page! There I'll upload STL files to Models, Units, Monsters,  Bits and Terrain so you can print them at home (or directly at printing Service)! All my Shapeways bits will also be uploaded there in due time. On Patreon you can participate in the creation process and you have a voice to vote for the next Model(s) to be made! So if you are interested please become a patreon and share this link: https://www.patreon.com/MadCake Cheers Jac



Loonboss on Giant Squig

Every army needs a leader right so what better way to start things off than with my Loonboss on Giant Squig. Now I wasn't too keen on some of the bits the finecast version comes with (that said I'm not too keen on finecast in general) so I decided to use some leftover Boingrot Bounderz bits to try to make it look a bit closer to the Loonboss on foot, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and it's helped establish a colour scheme for the grots going forward, one thing I might do differently is



Kitbashing Continues: Need help for the wardrobe of the chosen

So I really want to run chosen, but really don't like the current sculpts for them. So now I have the bright idea of kitbashing my own. Problem is I'm stuck between two ideas: The first is to play off the greek theme shown off in some of the slaanesh artwork for mortals, my idea is to take Idoneth helmets and put them on the bodies of kairic acolytes, replacing the shields with marauder round shields and adding some slaanesh iconography here and there. The big axes carried by some of the ac

Lucky Snake Eyes

Lucky Snake Eyes

Beginnings- Lore and the Plague Furnace

Hi there! This is my first (and hopefully not last) entry! Huzzah!  After several years of humming and hawing about converting my square-based models to circles and going full Dukes of Hazzard on Age of Sigmar, I've finally done it. I have played Warhammer Fantasy since Grade 6, and can finally almost afford it as a hobby. While I've got a few armies to convert over and tool up, (Goblins, Dark Elves, Lizardmen) I've decided to start with my Skaven, as I have the largest amount of them start



The Art of the Passive Hedonite

So I've finally tried taking my hosts of slaanesh to a tournament and pulled a pretty significant win streak of 3-0 with an 87 point total. You may ask what my secret to victory is, what crazy kill list I brought or how many daemonettes I threw at my opponent. But honestly my list was sub par and built around a joke strat that worked way better than it had any right to. I ran a single 30 stack of our favourite daemon ladies along with 2 units of hellstriders, a KoS, enrapturess, exalted cha

Lucky Snake Eyes

Lucky Snake Eyes

Kitbashing to Save Money

Hey all,  Back in January I started collecting a hosts of slaanesh army, and by collecting I mean converting my slaves to darkness as I was losing interest in our decisively indecisive chaos worshipers. Now that the newly renamed Hedonites and Darkoath are on their way, I'm all in on chaos this year (sorry nagash, looks like my LoN will be collecting dust for a bit) Being a recent college graduate money is still tight, so in a bout to save cash on some units that are overpriced or slaanesh

Lucky Snake Eyes

Lucky Snake Eyes

Akhelian queen: Built and ready for priming!

First thing I'll say is I wish the kit could do rider separate easily. Though was really hard to keep it separate with all my modifications.   Anyhoo I'm quite happy with how this one has turned out. Even if my super thin drill bits are awful and a pain to use. I do plan to add some liquid drystuff onto her mechanical arm in order to make it fit in a bit better. Kinda figured it'd be a fun touch for chamon idoneth. Gonna paont metallic scales and bits of metal encroaching on the skin l



Armies on parade: I'm gonna do it!

So anyone who knows me is going to read this title, let out a laugh and say "What? Lightbox paint to a deadline? That'll never happen!" and well... I mean I do have a track record that would prove them right but regardless I'm making this pledge. Even set myself twice a month phone reminders to keep up with it. THE PLAN: So I'm deciding to start a new conversion project for this one and that projects theme is going to be: SEA AELVES! And I don't just mean idoneth... i mean various



The Candle Watchtower

Although the Protectors of the Candle are responsible for maintaining order and security in Port Stellis, it hasn't always been their only duty. When the town was still young, the Protectors of the Candle operated both inside and outside the city walls. Groups of soldiers patrolled the wild land around the Port Stellis and had to hunt down the marauding beasts they found in their path. But the task quickly turned out to be complicated: Ulgu's mists and illusions misled several patrols, some of w

The Golem

The Golem

Battle vs Moonclan in Chamon

Kronak has been fighting from realm gate to realm gate, desperately trying to find his way back to Azyr.  He steps through the latest gate, the taste of metal in the air, Chamon, and it is cold, very cold.  As his army makes their way through the freezing environment, they find their next gate only to find a bad moon shrine, and an army led by a huge Troggoth arrayed against them.  He sends his expendable breyherd to encircle...he will not be stopped here. ------- I got my first game i

Kevin K

Kevin K

Gloomspite vs New Khorne

Hi guys! So I've been working on trying to design an army that incorporates spiders and Troggoths and still have an edge. The playstyle I enjoy is having a solid front for an enemy to hit and then to try and pick them off with shooting and monsters. After some play testing the list I came up with was: Scuttleboss - General, monstrous mount, the black fang Troggoth hag - gryph feather charm Arachnarok with spidershrine - gift of da spider god madcap shaman - hand of gork



First painted models and progress update

Finished my first set of crypt horrors and a crypt infenal courtier. I went for a light pale skin to contrast with the grey ruin bases. I'm using autumnal colour tufts and leaves to set off the skin tone. I've also assembled my Varghulf Courtier, based on the Dweller in the Dark model for the Middle Earth game. I switched out the head for a courtier head, put him on a scenic resin base so he's more impressive on the table (big issue with FEC is figuring out the different betw



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