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A plog dedicated to Slaanesh, the Chaos god voted 'most likely to reenact scenes from trainspotting'. Ulg-Hysh seems rather a lot like Glasgow. 

Entries in this blog

Champion of Slaanesh, Lord of Pain Proxy

Trying to get back into the swing of things. I've had the metal slaanesh lord model kicking around for a while, and fortunately it's a perfect canvas to test out a colour scheme for the Myrmidesh Painbringers (side by side you can see the influence). I've started to establish lilac as the colour used to distinguish leadership, whether unit command or heroes. So with the pain bringers, I might keep the cloaks white like with my warriors. We'll see. The blending looks a little rough in p



Slaanesh Reinvigoration

So, that Slaanesh news, huh? After reading broken realms, I decided to finish my squad of chaos warriors. I'm glad I did, coz those painbringers manifest the exact aesthetic I've been trying to recreate. My slaanesh project kinda sputtered to a halt, mixture of life stuff and losing enthusiasm on such a mortal-lite roster. Well, that's changed now. I'm kinda glad, because now I have many WiP mortal models I can finish before 2021. I guess the only thing now is to rename the mortal



Daemon Princess Conversion

Just a quick update today: I finished my Alarielle-based Slaaneshi Daemon princess conversion, and now just need to paint it. It'll be cool to have another similar scale Daemon princess alongside Sylle'Esske to lead my Hedonites (and now I'm going to have to find a different name for my mortals since GW used mine lol).    



Chaos Warriors and a fun Ogor Project

Well, it's been a long road completing my unit of Chaos Warriors (my course has gotten busy, so hobby time is scarce), and this blog has been pretty dormant. I am back to trying to finish my group of 10 warriors, but I've at least got 5 ready to show off.  Hobby productivity has been generally so low that while the lack of mortals in the upcoming hedonites release is a huge disappointment (I could rant about this for hours, but let's leave it at that), that I feel almost like I deserve



River Basing Tutorial

River Basing Tutorial I've put up several pics of my slow hobby progress, and the one thing everyone wants to know is how I did the water effects. I'm no pro-painter, so I feel a little weird making a tutorial, but people are curious and it's an easy technique so why not? Here's what you'll need (aside from paintbrushes and a pointed sculpting tool of some kind): Water Texture (transparent is best) Course texture gel Gloss Varnish ('Ardcoat) Incubi Darkn



Slaaneshi Dreams for 2019

Slaanesh Release Specualtion  Okay, so I’m a massive Slaanesh fan and I’m salivating at the prospect of a new release. The following is a mixture of speculation and pure wishlisting for a release, with the focus being on lore and models with some mention of mechanics (this is how GW itself does it, after all). Obviously, I want 1000 new kits for Slaanesh. What would be a realistic guess? Well, I think it’s realistic to go by recent factions (either brand-new or significant additions



The Aspects of Pleasure - Lore Post

Rumours abound of the next Slaaneshi battletome. What is certain is that it'll represent a definitive direction for the god in Age of Sigmar, and so I'm anxious to see what direction they'll take it in. The rumours about Slaanesh being 'toned down' to be more child-friendly can be pretty much discounted based on the surprisingly extreme models in the Wrath and Rapture box (fiend mammary glands and the tendon harp are pretty disturbing details). However, it's not enough for Slaanesh to keep



Hedonytes: First Recruits

This is the first batch of my Slaaneshi acolytes; my 'Hedonaughts'. I want to proxy them as daemonettes (as I like the rules, but want the majority of my force to be mortal). Painting this starting batch of five has made me try several new recipes and techniques, to various degrees of success.  White Cloaks Easily my fave aesthetic of the lot. The only negative to wet blending is that, in painting the cloaks first, I ended up getting errant smudges on them I would have to cover with mo



Slaaneshi Warriors: Resin Hell

Hello all. Post two is about the battleline I'll be working on.  First of all, Chaos Warriors. I already professed my love for the archetype in my previous post, but here I'm planning out my resplendent Slaaneshi champions. I'm using the model as basis for a kitbash: the helmet's horns will be shaved off and replaced by a plumed crest, the weapon replaced for a more elegant blade (I'm using Tree Revenant bits), the shield will have a Slaaneshi emblem (more on that below), the torn cape un-t



Intro - First Miniatures

Hello all. Having just begun a busy MA, I'm of course trying to cope with the pressure by taking on a massive hobby project  I've started a lot and completed a little, but, as my holidays begin, I've decided to commit and finish my project. Slaanesh has always been my fave Chaos god, so when I returned to the hobby, I knew I wanted to finally realise my vision for a warband of slaaneshi mortals. Lore and other models forthcoming, I decided to start off by simply enjoying/getting to know th



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