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Various stories of the realms from vampires, to ghosts and even crazed barbarians. 

Entries in this blog


Act 1 Alessia stepped down from her personal carriage and looked up towards the grand mansion of house Varnesi.  She hoped she would find an answer from the family. There were rumours, both good and bad, but within rumours there was always grain of truth. She glanced at her guard who were on horses, they were members of a Knight Chapter who swore fealty to House Asros. It was rare to have the personal service of knights, she guessed it was due to the influence of her husband. She narrowed h



Midnight Madness

I thought to extend this story several times, but I kinda felt it was dragging on for too long.  Act 1  Daliliah sat at the table sipping a glass of blood, she drank only because of her foul mood. She could feel Nagash’s displeasure through the wind provided by her open balcony. One of them must of wagged their tongue. She grimaced and sipped, Daliliah suspected that since she hasn’t been destroyed yet she must still be in the Great Necromancer’s good graces. She shuddered as she thought



Map of Gathilee

Made a map using an awesome tool. Now first is to put the realms in general into context, this is a realm sphere of ashqy and the little circle is the map GW gave us for part of the realm.  Now here is the great parch. So now we have context here is the map of Gathilee. (Which is in Chamon to clarify)      




Act 1  His eyes were drawn into the flames, the purple fires danced in the brazier and all he saw was better times. A time where he could feel the presence of his lost deity, it was so grand knowing that your god was there. The age of myth to him was a distant memory, one he kept revisiting. He stood on this very altar, his guards hefting him up high as he shouted praise to his glorious lost god. He became lost in that vision, his dulling mind burn alight with pleasure and sensation as he bask



Beasts of the Dark

Act 1 She strode into the war room, the minions of chaos were hammering at the gates of her city. Her husband was already dead by the second battle. The mutated throngs of the dark gods would not find cowards once the walls fall she wanted to ensure that. Looking around the table she hoped to see the generals of Dasivar to be with her on that front but she was wrong. All she saw were men and women cowering at the end. She ignored them and looked down to the map of the city. “We need to set



The Whisperer of the End

Act 1 He grasped his burnt arm as he ran down the alleyways, flipping over fences and walls with ease. Despite his superhuman vigour the one who sought his death wielded weapons that sap his vitality. He quickly made a corner and planted his back on the wall, he moved his black cloak aside revealing his charred arm. He cursed under his breath looking at the injury. “Dammit Anghel, you got sloppy…” he hissed in a hushed tone. He bought his cloak around himself and continued his escape. He was i



Knights Excelsior Short Story:Black and White

Act 1  Gerhard stood in front of the desk of his Freeguild general. His office was replete with trophies of war, from orruk skulls to large beasts. There are even commendations from the Grand Conclave of Haven. The largest city within the lands of Gathilee. Yet he was not here for a commendation or a mission, he was here to be chewed out. Stefan Goldstrike sat back on his chair, he looked tense there were bags around his eyes and his brown hair held threads of grey, most likely from stress. Ge



Chapter 1

Well...a mate of said if I want to enjoy newer armies I have to upgrade my hobby and invest in hobby materials, like storage etc. Which I did so...I decided to do kharadron. Always said I wanted to do an army of em, which I am now doing. So...yeah hope people like this.  Chapter 1  The air was murky as always, it was slightly dense and thick in the sense that it causes you to breath more harshly. Even if you are wearing a helm, the eternal dusk and night of the twilight plains makes jo



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