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Where lists emerge and Narwhals frolic.

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Attack of the Clone-Twins: Iliatha Reborn

My Matriarch Teclisa, agent of Malerion, welcomes you to the NicoLab. I’ve been reborn (or perhaps magically cloned) for the Third Edition of Age of Sigmar. In this post, we’ll: Look at the long-ignored subfaction (Great Nation) of the Lumineth, Iliatha, now reborn for version 3! Teach you how to play with and against these Clone-Twins. Explore the hierarchy of rules in Age of Sigmar along the journey. Perhaps the best faction for mastering the Core Command Abilities (


Nico in Lumineth

NicoLab: The Activation Wars Part 2

Please see Part 2 of my article on the Activation Wars as kindly published on AoS Shorts:  https://aosshorts.com/nicolab-the-activation-wars-part-2/  



NicoLab: The Activation Wars - The Arms Race enters a new phase

The Activation Wars have rumbled on for a further 8 months since my first article on the topic (NicoLab: The Activation Wars - Sequencing in Age of Sigmar). Of the 6! new Battletomes since the article, some have brought new tools for the Activation Wars. The Arms Race continues with the emergence of clear winners and losers. The first article was being edited as the Fyreslayers and Slaanesh books were dropping. In that first article, I noted that the special rule in the final paragraph



Sylvaneels at Bloodshed in The Shires

So it was with great excitement that I took my Sylvaneels to Bloodshed in The Shires - a one-dayer at  My list was a development of Winterleaf taking advantage of their new ally option Idoneth Derpkin: https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/surf-and-turf/ Basically, one uses the Order Unit in Winterleaf as 9 Morrsarr Guard (aka Eels, hence Sylvaneels) - which don’t count towards either cap on Allies - and then ally in the Soulscryer for deepstrike and charge buff. The lis



Surf and Turf

I’ve posted the latest thing to come shambling out of Nico’s Hobby Lab on The Honest Wargamer, my Nurgle-themed Sylvaneth List: https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/surf-and-turf/



Archaon does a submarine at Heat 2

It was with great excitement that 7 Legionaries stormed the battlements of Warhammer World. Ben Raven (Quad Flappies) and James Grant (Kroaknado) had brought the infamous Battle Wagon to stay in.... Rob brought Dronestrike and a pounding hangover from a football game/beerfest the day before. Hugh had Griffon Spam Freeguild. Max had his well painted Nurgle and jumped on the Livestream game one. Tom brought some Mixed Order filth. That leaves Archaon:   The List - Archaon Fatesworn Af



Hopes for the AoS FAQ

I’m excited by the new frequent FAQ schedule published at LVO and the rapid Errata after each Battletome. The Nurgle Battletome is very good incidentally (and not a lot needs clarifying there). It's worth emphasising that the previous FAQs accompanying the GHB 2017 were excellent, with plenty of welcome changes and responsiveness to the Community. Frequent FAQs will help refresh the meta fresh and can sometimes breathe life into long forgotten Warscrolls or even whole armies.  Here are my h



AusHammer 7 December 10:00 UK Time

Just a quick note to say I’m excited to be appearing on AusHammer later today at 10:00 UK in the morning for a List Off against the formidable Clint Mallet (that’s a great name too) I’ll be discussing my Fatesworn Warband from the GT Finals, booties and several major digressions. You can find AusHammer on YouTube.



The South London Legion marches to AngelCore and Honour & Glory

Six Legionaries are hitting AngelCore today (Declan, Leo, James, Ben Murphy, Simon and me) and another four (John if he defeats his hangover, Ben Savva, Nick and Hugh) for Honour & Glory (both effectively local events). I enjoyed H&G last year, even if Fulminators derped. I’ve been a tad quiet on the blog. Real life has been eventful and I’ve not been to an event since The Finals. Hobby wise I settled on a Fyreslayer list for Angelcore and painted the few models I needed.   



Nemo and Fatesworn Friends head to the Grand Tournament Finals

So after Kairos's defeat at the hands of colour coded Bloodletter Spam and 21 Skyfires - there was only one possible solution! A bigger summoning pool! The new list jacks it up to 780 points. I keep the Fatesworn Warband. Nemo the Ogroid steps up to replace the role filled by the Sorc on Manticore. The Curseling is General. Allegiance: Tzeentch Leaders Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (140) - General - Command Trait : Magical Suprem



Kairos and Fatesworn Friends go to BLACKOUT

The Event I've consistently enjoyed @Chris Tomlin 's events and this was to be no exception. The laboratory doors under the South London Legion were sundered as five of us made the journey west to sunny Cardiff - Rob Bradley @leonardas , Alex Clark, Tom Lambert, Ben Savva and I. Two Tzeentch armies, Stormcast, Darkling Covens and Clan Skryre made quite a concoction. There were 80 odd opponents and we had the new GHB 2017 to sink our teeth into. I was happy as my list had actually gotte



Nico's Thoughts on the General's Handbook 2017

So the dust is still up in the air, but I'm going to venture forth with some initial thoughts and reactions. The death of alpha strike? One consistent theme is the nerfing/elimination of many of the mobile burst damage combos in the game - KO Khemist stacking, Tretch + Skaven Warlords stacking, Sayl + X alpha strike, Stonelord alpha strike and even Cloak of Mists and Shadows on the Ghoul King on Terrorgheist. There are only a handful of really strong alpha strikes/burst damage melee co



Nico's KO vs the Hosts Duplicitous

I had an intriguing practice game at the South London Legion against the ever formidable @Leonardas I had played Rob's HDuplicitous before and built lists using it. I knew that even if I could pick off a few casters, their remnants could still wreck me (especially the Gaunt Summoner against a 20 Block of Arkanauts). My list isn't the classic clown car. Instead I fill the Ironclad with 20 Arkanauts and a Khemist and a Navigator (the General) and put it on the board. It then moves up in



Nico takes on Heat 3

So I was fortunate enough to snap up a last minute ticket to Heat 3. As my DoT are about 1/3 painted (and I hadn't then settled on a list - I have now) and my KO were just a collection of unopened boxes - I was going to have to take an army for the second time to an event. I thought about taking a Fyreslayer plus Stormcast combo, but the news that Fyreslayers would be getting an allegiance pack made me pause. Instead I dug out my Skaven for Archaon's Furry Friends. After some practice games



Nicopaint - DoT update - My Kairos/LoC

While I've not been pumping out painted armies like I did last year, I did manage to convert and paint up my Kairos/Loc: The first conversion was attaching the flames from an Exalted Flamer to his outstretched paw for some Pink Fire action. The second conversion was building a set of 5 disks which would constitute a giant clock for Kairos to perch upon and having this clock suspended above a pool of magic water emerging from the lava fields of Chamon. I used spare bits f



The Krell Bomb - Firestorm Fours 2017 - Game 3

Game 3 was against the Bristol Big Uns. It was the third game of the day and against a Grot/Ironjawz force. However, my game had the distinction of being the only game of AoS that I didn't enjoy in any way. A truly dismal mixture of arguments about everything (whether Fanatics count as a drop when deployed for example), slow playing, chatting to a third party during the game to further slow things down and my opponent's ignorance of the basic stats of his general (movement 4 Megaboss).



The Krell Bomb - Firestorm Fours 2017 - Game 2

Once again I engineered the draw so that I might get the chance to take on the Sylvaneth Gnarlroot player and once again this option was presented to me and I took advantage of it. Game 2 ended up being a remarkable carbon copy of Game 1. We were playing the WWW team, which had had some drop outs (I think Paddy dropped out from memory). Ben @Thanatos Ares ended up stomping 19-1 on the poor Claire (who was pretty new to the game). It was a friendly affair though, with the players having a good ch



South London Legion's Hinterlands Campaign - narrative behind my Warband.

The South London Legion is running a Hinterlands Campaign under the guiding hand of @Bowlzee. I wanted to share the narrative I've cooked up. Thanks to @bottle for generally being a hobby legend and creating Hinterlands. Warband Mercenary Captain James Delaney (Runesmiter) - General (Reckless) 40 Quartermaster Horace Delaney (Battlesmith) 40 Mercenary Lieutenant Keziah Delaney (Hearthguard Berserker Champion) 16 Corporal Nootka (Hearthguard Berserker) 16 Corporal



Dreadwood Wargrove vs Blades of Khorne - a sobering experience

I had a sobering experience yesterday down at the South London Legion - it was my fifth game with my Sylvaneth and my fourth defeat. Admittedly none of these were in a tournament setting. I played against the new Shinies - Blades of Khorne - wielded by John @Gitli I took this list: Allegiance: SylvanethLeadersTreelord Ancient (300)- General- Artefact: Briarsheath - Deepwood Spell: Verdant BlessingTreelord Ancient (300)- Artefact: Moonstone of the Hidden Ways - Deepwood Spell: RegrowthB



The Krell Bomb - Firestorm Fours 2017

Last year's event Firestorm Fours last year was a fantastic event. I was brought in as a mercenary by captain Rob (Rufio!) Symes. After nearly breaking WhatsApp in the lead up to the event, Rob, Nathan Prescott (#LongLiveTheHoodedVillain) and Rob Crouchley arrived for what turned out to be an epic event. The atmosphere and all 6 games were exceptional.  I got kerbstomped hard by Terry Pike game one - nothing like drawing the Facehammer Team for the first round of an event - learned a l



FAQs for London's Calling 2017

I came up with these FAQs for London's #Calling - a 2,000 point AoS tournament using 5 of the 6 SCGT Battleplans.   All comments are welcome.   FAQs for London's Calling 2017 We're going to apply the following FAQs at London's Calling 2017. These FAQs supplement and add to the official GW FAQs (the December ones with the Magenta amendments on them); and the House Rules of the SCGT pack. Most of these are clarifications of specific rules, particularly new rules from the latest



Mostly Grots II - the belated yet thrilling conclusion

I'm sure you're all itching to know whether or not Gordrakk got his 700 points cost back over my 6 games at Blood & Glory. The first five battle reports are here: After five games, the list had proved its mettle against some rather tough lists (3 Mixed Destruction filth lists, Mourngul death list. My Nasty Skulkers had shredded 2 Stonelords in game one; a Husktusk and nearly killed a Stonelord in game 3; and a Stonelord and another Stonelord and Husktusk in game 5 - not bad g



Nico's Lab.

Welcome to my lab - a place for innovative list design, hobby, wild experimentation and sporadic humour. A little about me - I returned to the hobby at the outset of AoS and have focussed on innovative list design since then. I try to find new combos and unearth hidden gems from the more obscure Warscrolls and Battalions. I figured that it's hardest to catch up with the accumulated experience of the best players and so listbuilding and preparation for events are the best way to compete. I'm



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