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A competitive batrep blog focused on.. whatever army I feel like running at the time! Note that I don't always have the other players list or can take proper notes so don't hate me if something seems off; the end result is correct 😉


Entries in this blog

Tzeentch vs Seraphon - The Blades Edge (Butchers Buffet GT)

My List Seraphon List T1I outdrop and let him go first Nothing much going on here aside from him giving me about 5 FP and sending out Geminids. I made sure all my Wizards would be out of range, but the Kairics on the right were wiped out in shooting from the 3 Salamanders that teleported. My turn has the Terradons brought down to 4 remaining while the Salamanders get taken down to 1 (well, 4 models with Skinks). Miscellaneous Skink deaths in the middle and right via shootin



Tzeentch vs Seraphon - The Blades Edge

My List Seraphon List T1 He outdrops me and elects me to go first I manage to get 9 FP and kill the Starpriest via a Blue Scribes 2+ roll on the portal and the Slann failing to unbind Gift of Change. I put the Chaos Spawn within range of the Carnosaur and both Knights units, but it ended up dying from the Carno. On his turn, the Slann does 3 MW's to the Changecaster and 1 to the Scribes with Comets call, otherwise everything just moves up a bit. 3-3 Tie end of t1 T2



Tzeentch vs Fyreslayers - Starstrike

My List Fyreslayers List T1deployment He outdrops me and goes first. He runs almost everything up to the center of the table, except for the 2 Runesons who are actually able to reach my Kairic Acolyte units on the right side, killing them and 3 Pink's. On my turn, I use a combined 6 with DD to cast Balewind and the Scribes rolls a 2 to cast Spellportal. I then use another combined 6 to get off Daemonrift which crashes into both Runesons doing 10 MW's to one (after being bla



Skaven vs OBR - Shifting Objectives

My List OBR List T1He outdrops me and goes first. Objective is middle. He makes a unit of Fiends -1 to hit with Katakros and puts up Nagash's Protection on Arkhan and starts advancing the majority of his stuff towards the center while keeping 1 unit of 20 toward each side. On my turn I fail Bridge and he unbinds MMMWP after I RR it to a 7. This really hurts me as it means I won't be able to claim middle on this turn as I won't be in range to clear off the Mortek.. even if I



Tzeentch vs Skaven - Total Commitment

My List Skaven List T1I outdrop him and let him go first. Not much happens other than him getting right outside of my spell-range and getting off Vermintide for a free FP. He kept his Acolytes back a bit, which will come to hurt him later. Skaven end of T1 On my turn I get off Spellportal and kill enough Clanrats on the left to BS the rest off the board while ensuring that nothing is range of his 9 Jezzails other than Kairics if he ends up going next. Skyfires knock a few



TTS Tournament #2 Game 2 & 3: Skaventide vs OBR & Seraphon

OBR - Forcing the Hand - GhyranMy List OBR List T1As usual, going off memory so I don't take up time by note-taking, IE things may be a bit wrong but the ending score is correct. He wins on drops and takes T1 Typical T1 for us both of moving up and onto the objectives. Jezzails have nothing to shoot at and no spells are really worth casting. 3-3 deployment T2He wins the roll off and makes me go first. He makes the primary objective the bottom left. I string out the Cla



TTS Tournament #2 Game 1: Skaventide vs Legion of Night

Legion of Night - The Blades Edge - AqshyMy List LoN List T1 As usual, going off memory so I don't take up time by note-taking, IE things may be a bit wrong but the ending score is correct. Also, yeah.. I need to take a picture at the end of each round instead of just "whenever I remember to take one". I win on drops and allow him to take T1. Boring T1 as expected; he moves everything forward and buffs up the right unit of Skeletons. On my turn, I largely do the same but don



TTS Tournament Game 2: Skaventide vs Seraphon

Seraphon - Scorched Earth My List Seraphon List T1 Took no notes, so I'll be going off memory here and I expect the scores in-between rounds to be wrong except for the final score. I win on drops and let him go first and he generates CCP and absolutely stacks the buffs on Kroak, making him nigh-unkillable with multiple FNP\pass-off saves and sitting on 2+ RR 1's. He put all 4 of his Salamander unit in the sky and brought 1 down to remove the Jezzails Clanrat screen but that was



Monthly Meetup: Skaven vs Nurgle & Stormcast

My List Game 1: Nurgle - Shifting ObjectivesNurgle List T1 Main Objective is right side. I go first and get MMMWP off on the Fiends and teleport the Jezzails over to the right.. and they manage to get the GUO down to 1 wound left. The Windlaunchers where out of range due to the Jezzails blocking their path, but they did manage to kill 1 1\2 Drones. His turn has the GUO heal back to 10 wounds which definitely pretty frustrating that I failed by 1 wound but.. nothing else really



Monthly Meetup: Skaven vs StD, IJ, Sylvaneth

My List for the Tournament (Note, I left my Jezzails at home for Saturday so we used proxies.. disregard the giant Rooster 😅) Game 1: StD - Blood and Glory StD List T1 He wins priority and goes first. Daemon Prince + Be'lakor run up onto terrain and blacken them, blocking LoS. Otherwise, Knights and Karkadrak move up on the left side. Bells rolls +1 to casts, Vermintide goes off and does 1 MW to Be'lakor. Due to the now LoS blocking terrain, I decided to shoot at his Chaos L



OBR vs Sylvaneth - Places of Arcane Power

My List Their List T1 I outdrop him, but decide to let him go first, banking on a double in order to get enough distance and remove his heroes from whatever objectives he places them on before he gets too far ahead on points since only Nagash can cap them. He has a largely uneventful turn, kills 2 Mortek with a Spellportaled spell and gets some buffs up, otherwise he only moves Drycha onto the top right objective while the Treelord teleports to the bottom left woods he set out.



Skaven vs. Sylvaneth - Total Conquest

My List Their List (he was slightly under due to their points changes and not having the models built, said he would've included more 10 Tree Revs) T1 He outdrops me and chooses to go first. He immediately puts a woods in front of my right side Clanrats but fails all of his spells except the +2 to casts throne of vines on his left side Wych. Durthu and the 3 Hunter units all come down from the woods (1 on left side with Wych, the other 2 with Durthu on right), but only 1 unit of



OBR vs. Sylvaneth - Focal Points

My List Their List (from memory, General and Spells may be incorrect) T1 He outdrops me and chooses to go first, immediately setting up 2 more woods for 3 total. Otherwise, he just runs everything forward (with his battalion letting the Hunters\Durthu auto-run 6 for free) and waits outside ~6" of my Stalkers. I fail almost all of my spells aside from a single Soul-Guide and the Carrion. I UA the left Mortek Guard to make a 5" charge while the left Boneshaper stays on the home



Monthly Meetup - OBR vs. Anvilguard\Mawtribes

My List Game 1: CoS (Anvilguard) - Border War Their List T1 I outdrop him so I decide to go first. I could see he was lining up for some endless spell shenanigans so I wanted to shut that down asap. The Crawler got an extra attack, aimed 3 at 1 Sorceress and 1 shot at another and managed to kill both of them right away. I grab the 2 middle objectives and prepare for his potential double turn.  I largely killed his plans (Vitriolic Spray + Spell Portal + Shooting) after thos



Skaventide vs Seraphon - Shifting Objectives

My list: Their List T1 I'm given first turn, and what a turn it was; only Vermintide goes off, everything just 1 short or is unbound thanks to the board-wide unbinds. I can't really do anything but zone out and move all the Clanrats onto the objectives, claiming all of them. He gets cogs out as well as the Purple Sun into the left Clanrats (my unit of 20) but only kills a couple and he teleports his Slann to the top right side of the table. Half his army was in the heavens, bu



Skaventide vs Slaanesh - Shifting Objectives

My list: Their List (from memory-don't know all traits\artifacts): T1 Being a 2-drop, he chooses to go first. Right off the bat I realize I have my Fiends too close behind the Clanrats and he will be able to hit them upon charging the Clanrats. Anyway, it's largely offensive spells he has that are out of range and only 1 buff spell got off which was no threat against me. In typical Slaanesh fashion, he gets everything right in my face, but only managing to charge in the KoS and 5



League Tournament - FeC Final

My list: Game 1: Nurgle (Daemons) - Focal PointsTheir List (from memory-don't know all traits\artifacts): T1 I elect him to go first, though not much happens other than tree's and some buff spells with barely any forward movement. About as expected. On my turn, I go ahead and summon in 6 Flayers and a Varghulf and make the right side Flayers charges to kill off some Plaguebearers. 4-2 FeC T2 I get the double. Manage to get 1 extra attack on the GKoTG but fail UV and ever



Weeknight pickup game - Old Enemies

No realm rules\spells for this one. My list Their List: Skaven vs. Seraphon - Places of Arcane Power T1 I finished dropping first (for once as Skaven) and decide to take the first turn. First off, I didn't place my Gnawholes very well; the deployment for this battleplan is... odd for them and no spot seemed like a good spot. I start off with MMMWP on the Fiends and Skitterleap the AW to the left who gets off WLV which kills a grand total of 3 Skinks.. again, bad Gnawhole p



FeC - Escalation League - 1750 Week

My list: Game 1: Seraphon - Battle of the Pass in GhyranTheir List: T1 I elect him to go first.. really not sure that it would pan out too well if I went since I wouldn't be able to get off any T1 charges. Anyway, he largely does nothing aside from marginal pushing up and but generating Summoning points. He caps his home + bottom objective with 20 Skinks. My turn, I get off the Chalice but that's it. I manage to get the ZD into the Skinks  and take them down to 7 with shooting



Monthly Tourney (last w/ GHB 2018 rules\points) - Skaven are back...

We played with all realm spells, time limit of 2 1/2 hours. Both players didn't have a list so... mostly I just have their units but not sure on spells\prayers\artifacts. My list for this Tournament: Game 1: DoK - Border War in Ulgu: Their List: T1 He opts for me to go first and I start off right away sneaking the Corrupter behind the Cauldron with Dreaded Skitterleap but fail a Plague and Pendulum from the Corrupter. Next up, Grey Seer casts the Spell-portal and gets Wither of



FeC - Escalation League - 1500 Week

My list 1: My list 2: Game 1 (List 1): Seraphon - Three Places of Power in UlguTheir List: T1 He gets priority and makes me go first. I move the TG onto the mid objective but everything else is just short of capping anything else. Varghulf and 3 Horrors come in on the left side to support. He deployed pretty far back, so his turn he largely just moves everything up while failing to get off cogs + BW. 5 Knights charge the right side Ghouls but.. nothing goes through than



FeC - Escalation League - 1250 Week

My list: Game 1: Daughters of Khaine - Duality of Death in Shyish Their List: T1 I win drops and elect him to go first, risking him changing Morathi T1 so I can try for a double. He drops the Heartrenders and their shooting + an Arcane Bolt manage to kill off 5 Ghouls from my big unit as he pushes forward. I continue my trend of rolling horrifically on my casting rolls but manage to get off FH for +1 attack on the GKoTG and Spectral Host so I can attempt to make a backline-f



FeC - Escalation League - 1k Week

My list: Game 1: Seraphon - Scorched Earth in Hysh Their List: T1 I finish setup first and (for probably the first time in my AoS history the last 2 years) decide to take 1st turn. I make sure to setup screens so nothing can teleport behind\to the sides and ensure my objectives are held. Spectral Host + Unholy Vitality go off on the GKoTG but Chalice is unbound... but it didn't matter in the end. I run the GKoTG 19" and get a long enough charge to make it behind the Rippers and



Tournament day - Skaven vs. BoC and DoT

We played with 1 realm rule, all spells and CA's in effect. 2 1\2 hour time limit. My list for this Tournament: Game 1: BoC - Blood and Glory in Ulgu: Their List: T1 He finishes deployment and goes first, casting cogs and deepstriking 30 Gors and 30 Bestigors into my right and left respectively. Casualties on the Clanrats are actually not too terrible considering how hard these things hit on the charge. Not much happened as everything was within range of the Bell\had 8-10 Br



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