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  • Eevika

    The Hag!

    By Eevika

    The Troggoth Hag is definitely a piece I believe every Troggoth army needs. It's amazing as a model and amazing on the table. I rarely do such detailed eyes and faces but when working on a model that is the centrepiece of your army you want to spend some extra time just to make it special. This is surely the best work I have ever done on a models face and I think there is just a lot of character and emotion on the model.  My smaller Troggoths are just green and blue but for t

The New Persona of Games Workshop

Well It looks the same so far.... Over the past year and a half our game has gone through big changes.  We had our End Times both in game and within the community.  As of now the Faithful (#OnlyTheFaithful!) feel pretty happy with ol' GW and for good reasons.  Let's go back a bit and see just how it all has changed (from my part of the world anyway). Who can forget this guy? There he is, the Silent Guardian.  What seemed like a permanent fixture at Warhammer World was always there to gree



The Chamber Comand

Hi everyone, Since the release of the Stormcast Eternal back in July last year I have been painting away a few models a week (you will have seen most of them I'm sure) and it's amazing how quickly the Army has grown.  Lord-Celastant Matthias Hammerstrike leads his Warrior Chamber into the Mortal Realms, his loyal Comand Chamber following with him.   Hope you like them.   

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

The Allure of the WAAAAGH!

WAAAAAGH...and all that... Orruks (previously Orcs) have always had a special place in my heart.  It was an army I almost began my hobby with due to their comical and bestial nature.  Look at the jolly guy above.  He screams Warhammer to me in all the right ways. Look how happy he is for a fight Now we finally see Greenskins return in force to the Mortal Realms and I  cannot be more pleased.  They look great and still held onto the Warhammer Orc Charm that I thought would be lost or adj



The Living Game Concept

Age of Sigmar is considered a living game, but what does that mean?  For decades we have had a "stagnant" game with Warhammer Fantasy.  While the rules did update and units/characters came in and out of the game the overall setting and story remained the same and if any advancement was made it was pulled back to a prior time to keep the Fantasy Setting intact. With Age of Sigmar we have a continuously evolving story where each new book can potentially move the story forward, kill off characters



Wired Up

Things seemed to really leap forwards today.  After two 'maybe I'll be along' and then no-shows, the electrician finally appeared. Even though we knew he'd have to take some of the panels back off to hide all of the wiring, we'd decided to press on a ****** everything in place for easy removal.  We've already lost a few days thanks to injury, breakdown (vehicular) and delayed deliveries, so time is of the essence.  I also want it all finished by Saturday 7th May as we're scheduled to play some A



The story so far.

Hi everyone, My first post in here isn't what most would expect from me it's a old fashioned bit of fluff! It's something I have been adding to a bit at a time after events and games to give them a bit of a place in the Mortal Realms. Also the campaign we are playing at work gives you points every month for a piece of background ?   The Knights of Azy got their first taste of the Mortal Realms alongside the Hammers of Sigmar and Vandus Hammerhand during the first of Sigmar's

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

Things are Hotting Up!

Today was all about the roof of the shed.  Finally, we had a morning without ice!  That meant the felt could go down.  This stuff seems thin and flimsy, but apparently it's now watertight.  The wood is just to hold the stuff in place until the roofer (father-in-law) returns at some point next week to do the tiles.  I cannot wait to see it all tiled! And on the inside, the insulation has gone in, and one or two of the boards.  Despite the fact that there's no windows or door on yet, sti



Boards and Trenches

Not the most exciting day but some good work done.  The insulation and boarding of the walls is nearly complete, giving a good sense of what the completed room will feel like.   The trench is also now dug for the electrics to go in. Frustratingly, the electrician couldn't make it last night, so some of the panels will have to be taken back down to hide all the wires away.  This shouldn't be too bad as they've all been screwed up, rather than nailed. As I said, not the most excitin



A View from a Shed

The walls are now complete and the roof boards are fully on.  I realised I forgot to say, for those interested, the pitch of the roof was dictated purely by where the 8x4' boards met.  Nothing more scientific than than.  I did have to shop around a bit for a piece of timber long enough to stretch along the apex (5.4 meters, and, yes, I'm working in both metric and imperial at the same time). I've cut the hedge down, despite the shed being far from ready, just to enjoy the view from the wind



To the Walls!

The new Blood Shed is rapidly rising from the earth!  Most of the walls are almost complete and the first sections of roof have gone on.  You can just about see the corner of the old Blood Shed on the right hand side of the first photo. Sorry, not the best photo of the external progress (I was looking after the kids so trapped in the house). The new building will be used exclusively for geekery: AoS, hobbytime, D&D etc. etc.  The floor is 13x18' and the plan is to have two 6x4' gam



The Adventure Thus Far, and a Convergence of Fate

I've been gathering my army of Death since before the End Times. Out of context, reading that sentence back makes me sound quite epic. But within the hobby, I am sure I'm not the only one. For me it started with Nagash, my all time favourite special character, and has now grown to encompass the Dark Lord of Despair and his Deathrattle Horde - the Doomed Legion. It has been an absolute pleasure getting back to the nitty-gritty (mostly gritty) of an Undead army. I enjoyed my army fr

Tronhammer NZ

Tronhammer NZ

Work Begins

By popular demand, a project blog of the building of my new man shed.   Somehow (I'm already confused as exactly how, though I'm not questioning) in the recent past, I persuaded my wife to agree, as part of a whole garden rejig, to allow me to rebuild my man shed.  We moved house a couple of years back and I was lucky enough to find myself the proud owner of a 30ft shed/garage.  Apparently, the previous owner had built it specially to house his boat.  Fun nerdy times were had, but it quickl



Fyreslayer Army

Ok so many moons ago, there were some awesome dwarf models called doomseekers.  Longbeards will remember them fondly I am sure. Well they had been sat gathering dust on my shelf for far too long, and when I saw the Hearthguard bezerkers, I thought maybe I had found a use for them.  So my project began.  I kit bashed some Vulkite Bezerkers along with the spares from my Auric Hearthguard to fill out the unit into 10 models.  They actually fitted in pretty well, no noticeable scale issues

Paul Buckler

Paul Buckler

Stormcast army in a week - progress report

This weekend I'm going to the Throne of Skulls at warhammer world.  My original plan was to take my death army with me, however sure to the more narrative and fun orientated nature of the event I felt it was the wrong choice (it's set up as a very competitive list). I was struggling to work out what to take instead when I remembered on Friday that I'm not limited to one grand alliance, just to 30 models.  I decided to do a force inspired by the Josh Reynolds audio dramas. Writing the l



What is Balance of Power?

I will begin with saying SPOILERS!!!! as I will be discussing parts of the recent Balance of Power book for Age of Sigmar. I have recently completed my first read through of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Realmgate Wars (book 2) Balance of Power.  The book moved the story ever forward as we have been promised with the new Game and The Mortal Realms are as exciting as ever, but this time around there was more focus on the gods of the realms. In the realm of Life Alarielle is continuing he



The Reiksguard Eternals

For Empire! For Sigmar! When Age of Sigmar released I knew I would be picking up the starter set.  Not for a love of either army (in fact I would trade the Bloodbound for some Dark Elf models), but to support the new game system.  What I did not expect was that I would begin to love the Stormcast models.  After listening to the audio dramas it gave me fresh insight and new appreciation to the army. When deciding on how to paint my Stormcast I went with a theme I created back when Paint Hamme



Never Kneel....

The Tomb Kings are exiting the scene and it is indeed a sad day.  While they will be around the gaming tables for a while to come the lack of support from Games Workshop means they will most likely fade away at some point.  Lost somewhere between The World That Was and The Mortal Realms. The models may be going away, but The Tomb Kings cannot ever be fully forgotten.  Nagash appears to be permanently ingrained within the Age of Sigmar Lore and he is surrounded in the Mythos of The Tomb Kings.



Basing in the Age of Sigmar

My original plan for this weeks post was to talk about my "top secret" Age of Sigmar Aelf army, but while working on said army today I began thinking about rebasing and base sizes.  That train of thought gripped me to the point I decided to make this post about my thoughts on the subject. Remember when this picture dropped? Many people have rebased an old Fantasy Army or are currently in the process of doing so.  Some are using inserts while others are clipping models from their old squares



How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The End Times

The End times had begun.   The great necromancer Nagash was born again and the world would never be the same... I was excited when The End Times kicked off and rushed to secure a copy and jump right into the story.  I was enjoying the battles and the intrigue as I read through my copy and then it happened.  Eltharion The Grim was killed.  That was when I knew something was different.  It was when I began to hold my breath for what was to come and found myself clinging to hope as my favori



Welcome to The Realm Gate Blog!

Welcome to The Realm Gate Blog where I will be bringing you my thoughts and ramblings on Warhammer Age of Sigmar (and probably Fantasy and 40k from time to time).  Join me as I add my voice to the community (as an amateur and very new blogger). This box is where it all began for me in earnest.  I received it as Christmas gift from my folks after showing interest in the game at my local shop.  It wasn't my first model kit, but it is where I finally began to understand the scope of this ho



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