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A quest to build the ultimate manshed.

Entries in this blog

Get On the Floor!

Finally laid the rest of the floor and it's looking great!  It really finishes of the 'Is this a shed or a sauna?' look.   Also got the electrics in the shed finished.  They just need to be hooked up to the house, which will be done while I'm away at Warhammer Fest.



Raise the Roof!

Having waited a week for materials to arrive, the Blood Shed build is moving again!  The roof is now tiles and I have to say that I'm over the moon with it.  I'm not sure the name 'Shed' will suffice for this place.  I've seen less substantial bungalows!  Scroll down for more progress... So the roof is on and just needs finishing off tomorrow.  Today has also seen the internal electrics almost completed and the floor started.  I feel like it's all coming together at once.  The double gl



The Door!

The door was hung to day and the window frames assembled for the two windows which will open.  The door is a nice old reclaimed one, which is about three times the weight it should be!  T That's all that'll probably happen this week unfortunately.  There's going to be a delay now while we wait for the glass (double glazing!) to arrive.  There might be some shots of the roof going on and more internal work though. I'll keep you posted!



Wired Up

Things seemed to really leap forwards today.  After two 'maybe I'll be along' and then no-shows, the electrician finally appeared. Even though we knew he'd have to take some of the panels back off to hide all of the wiring, we'd decided to press on a ****** everything in place for easy removal.  We've already lost a few days thanks to injury, breakdown (vehicular) and delayed deliveries, so time is of the essence.  I also want it all finished by Saturday 7th May as we're scheduled to play some A



Things are Hotting Up!

Today was all about the roof of the shed.  Finally, we had a morning without ice!  That meant the felt could go down.  This stuff seems thin and flimsy, but apparently it's now watertight.  The wood is just to hold the stuff in place until the roofer (father-in-law) returns at some point next week to do the tiles.  I cannot wait to see it all tiled! And on the inside, the insulation has gone in, and one or two of the boards.  Despite the fact that there's no windows or door on yet, sti



Boards and Trenches

Not the most exciting day but some good work done.  The insulation and boarding of the walls is nearly complete, giving a good sense of what the completed room will feel like.   The trench is also now dug for the electrics to go in. Frustratingly, the electrician couldn't make it last night, so some of the panels will have to be taken back down to hide all the wires away.  This shouldn't be too bad as they've all been screwed up, rather than nailed. As I said, not the most excitin



A View from a Shed

The walls are now complete and the roof boards are fully on.  I realised I forgot to say, for those interested, the pitch of the roof was dictated purely by where the 8x4' boards met.  Nothing more scientific than than.  I did have to shop around a bit for a piece of timber long enough to stretch along the apex (5.4 meters, and, yes, I'm working in both metric and imperial at the same time). I've cut the hedge down, despite the shed being far from ready, just to enjoy the view from the wind



To the Walls!

The new Blood Shed is rapidly rising from the earth!  Most of the walls are almost complete and the first sections of roof have gone on.  You can just about see the corner of the old Blood Shed on the right hand side of the first photo. Sorry, not the best photo of the external progress (I was looking after the kids so trapped in the house). The new building will be used exclusively for geekery: AoS, hobbytime, D&D etc. etc.  The floor is 13x18' and the plan is to have two 6x4' gam



Work Begins

By popular demand, a project blog of the building of my new man shed.   Somehow (I'm already confused as exactly how, though I'm not questioning) in the recent past, I persuaded my wife to agree, as part of a whole garden rejig, to allow me to rebuild my man shed.  We moved house a couple of years back and I was lucky enough to find myself the proud owner of a 30ft shed/garage.  Apparently, the previous owner had built it specially to house his boat.  Fun nerdy times were had, but it quickl



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