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Blog of my forays into both painting and gaming in the Age of Sigmar.

Entries in this blog

What's needed to make a competitive army?

So time to get this blog going again.  I've been spending a lot of time recently thinking about what's needed to build a competitive army list.  These ideas are for any method of playing not comp specific. 1.  A damage dealer Every list needs something that can be relied upon to go out there and kill enemy war scrolls - this can be a big monster, a killer combat unit, warp fire throwers, anything that can deal consistent damage. 2.  Better make that at least two damage dealers.



Stormcast army in a week - progress report

This weekend I'm going to the Throne of Skulls at warhammer world.  My original plan was to take my death army with me, however sure to the more narrative and fun orientated nature of the event I felt it was the wrong choice (it's set up as a very competitive list). I was struggling to work out what to take instead when I remembered on Friday that I'm not limited to one grand alliance, just to 30 models.  I decided to do a force inspired by the Josh Reynolds audio dramas. Writing the l



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