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My Stormcast ramblings will include background, painting, organisation and maybe even some crazy tactics. 

Entries in this blog


Hi all, Last weekend was the first big Warhammer Age of Sigmar event at the home of Warhammer! It was also live streamed on Twitch, me and @Ben played in round two, I'm sure he will be along to tell you all how it went ? I used the Knights of Azyr, a small model army but I have played it a lot and hoped to do well, four wind and a painting nomination put me 5th overall.  Lover the weekend I played ten games and learned so much about my list even after so many practice games. It st

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

Extremis Chamber.

Hi all, Here is the story of the first strike of the Knights of Azyr Extremis Chamber followed by a ton of photos of them in all there glory, I hope you like them.  "At the same moment as Traylorn was battling the Changeling for control of the the Celestial Compass Dracothions rore could be heard all over the Celestial Realm of Azyr. The great Drakes rore was followed by the sound of a thousand chambers coming to life.  First forged for the Knights of Azyr was Lord-Celastant Brana

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

The story continues

Hi All, Here is the next part of the Knights of Azyr's story all based on the game I played against Kev a few weeks ago on the awesome new board at Warhammer World.  Deep into Ghyran mighty Sigmar sent the Knights of Azyr with the task of bringing the Fyerslayers of the Beal-For Lodge onto the side of Order. Sigmar looked down as the mighty vaults of Sigmarion were emptied of every last scrap of gold as Sigmar know that the Fyerslayers would be absorbed by their addiction to it. T

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

A Realm to conquer

Hi everyone, To go along side my shiny new Stormcast force I wanted some of the new Age of Sigmar scenery for them to fight over. I have always liked making and painting scenery, it real quick to do and can look great with very little effort put in. Before I started I needed to have an idea of where this terrain was going to be set, the Realms of Life and Beasts where the front runners and I didn't decide 100% until I got in to the painting. Life won out as I liked the greenery I could

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

The Chamber Comand

Hi everyone, Since the release of the Stormcast Eternal back in July last year I have been painting away a few models a week (you will have seen most of them I'm sure) and it's amazing how quickly the Army has grown.  Lord-Celastant Matthias Hammerstrike leads his Warrior Chamber into the Mortal Realms, his loyal Comand Chamber following with him.   Hope you like them.   

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

The story so far.

Hi everyone, My first post in here isn't what most would expect from me it's a old fashioned bit of fluff! It's something I have been adding to a bit at a time after events and games to give them a bit of a place in the Mortal Realms. Also the campaign we are playing at work gives you points every month for a piece of background ?   The Knights of Azy got their first taste of the Mortal Realms alongside the Hammers of Sigmar and Vandus Hammerhand during the first of Sigmar's

Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson

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