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My Flesh-Eater Courts project based on a mix of the great Flesh Eater background story and the Arthurian legends. 

Entries in this blog

Terrorgheist on scenic base progress

My Ghoul King on Terrorgheist is going to sit on this ludicrous base. I've made some progress on it and the terrorgheist, adding a spooki boi to the back of the base too. Once this is done, I have 60 ghouls to paint before completing my initial list for FEC- though lots of horrors and 2 more dragons to finish all the models! Initial list is looking like this: Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts- Grand Court: BlisterskinLeadersAbhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)- Lore of Madness: Bon



Finished loads of ghouls!

Finished 40 ghouls- another 60 to go! Simple base coat/wash/drybrush for these guys so i can concentrate on the basing for the bigger models. Quick job on the charnel throne too- airbrush basecoat and shading then wash/drybrush. Trying some skin shading on the second Arch Regent and it looks ok...sorta.    



Second Terrorgheist base

This is the base for the second terrorgheist. I really like how aggressive the terrorgheist pose is, sort of wedge shape with it's head near the ground roaring. I made this base to exaggerate this to an extreme- it now sits on a steep wedge itself, angled down almost vertically, to accentuate that aggressive pose. Around the back there'll be a Cairn Wraith escaping the crypt. Base coat was done with an airbrush, then used some AK enamel earth effects, washes and drybrushing. 



First painted models and progress update

Finished my first set of crypt horrors and a crypt infenal courtier. I went for a light pale skin to contrast with the grey ruin bases. I'm using autumnal colour tufts and leaves to set off the skin tone. I've also assembled my Varghulf Courtier, based on the Dweller in the Dark model for the Middle Earth game. I switched out the head for a courtier head, put him on a scenic resin base so he's more impressive on the table (big issue with FEC is figuring out the different betw



Army Progress

I've assembled : Terrorgheist Zombie Dragon 6 crypt horrors 1 crypt haunter courtier 3 crypt ghast courtiers 60 crypt ghouls 1 crypt infernal courtier 1 arch regent. Still to make- 3 crypt horrors 9 crypt flayers 1 varghulf courtier 1 archregent Another terrorgheist!   Here's the start of the base for the zombie dragon:   The idea is the tomb banshee will be coming out of the crypt- she is the ghost of Arthur's wife-to-be. The ghoul k



Finished Terrorgheist Base

Made the finishing touches to the Ghoul King on Terrorgheist base. Added a dude getting caught in the cracked floor plate looking at the skeleton dude leaning agains the pillar. 



Background and basing

I've always like the Flesh Eater background story and had wanted to make a force around Arthurian legends- initially it was going to be an Imperial Knights force for 40k. But with the new battletome (and Carrion Empire!) I realised Flesh Eaters were the perfect army! The Story  King Arthur, the Once and Future King of Albion, was betrayed by she who was dearest to him. His betrothal to the daughter of a powerful baronial family was meant to usher in a time of peace and prosperity but he was



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