Terrorgheist on scenic base progress
My Ghoul King on Terrorgheist is going to sit on this ludicrous base. I've made some progress on it and the terrorgheist, adding a spooki boi to the back of the base too. Once this is done, I have 60 ghouls to paint before completing my initial list for FEC- though lots of horrors and 2 more dragons to finish all the models! Initial list is looking like this:
Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
- Grand Court: Blisterskin
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)
- Lore of Madness: Bonestorm
- Mount Trait: Gruesome Bite
Abhorrant Archregent (240)
- General
- Trait: Hellish Orator
- Artefact: Eye of Hysh
- Lore of Madness: Monstrous Vigour
Abhorrant Archregent (240)
- Lore of Madness: Blood Feast
Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)
Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)
Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)
40 x Crypt Ghouls (360)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
6 x Crypt Horrors (300)
Endless Spells / Terrain
Chalice of Ushoran (50)
Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 124
- 4
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