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Come learn a few tricks from the worst in the business. With over 10 years hobby experience I should have won something by now :P

Entries in this blog

Gloomspite vs New Khorne

Hi guys! So I've been working on trying to design an army that incorporates spiders and Troggoths and still have an edge. The playstyle I enjoy is having a solid front for an enemy to hit and then to try and pick them off with shooting and monsters. After some play testing the list I came up with was: Scuttleboss - General, monstrous mount, the black fang Troggoth hag - gryph feather charm Arachnarok with spidershrine - gift of da spider god madcap shaman - hand of gork



New year and the troggoth journey continues!

So with the release of the gloomspite gitz battletome my beloved troggs got some loving. I managed to run a pure trogg list at a team tournament a few months back. Here are some snips of the action My team mate was running a deathrattle list, in the picture above we came up against a fairly nasty nighthaunt legion of sacrement combo. Managed to win a minor on kill points. Trogg boss nearly died from 4 myremourn banshees, he got some revenge by strangling one them (didnt kill anything e



Swamp trash v death (battle recap - no pics)

The other day I was lucky enough to get a battle in with my mostly gitmob army. We were playing 1250pts and my list was: Gitmob shaman Troggoth hag - general, rock eye 40 gitmob spearman 60 gitmob archers spear chukka rock lobba 5 wolves My friend was using the new death and he went with: Vampire - armed with an orb that provides an additional 6++ necromancer wight king - axe 40 skeleton spearmen 20 grave guard 10 black k



Swamp to do list

Hey guys! So its been a while since my last post due to 40k and real life getting the way. The spell of 40k has finally broken though, after playing some shadespire with a friend the other day. It's gotten me pumped to get going on some unpainted models and finish my swamp themed Troll army and if all goes to plan take it out for a spin in two months. The list! Alliance: destruction Troggoth hag  - 360 - General, Rockeye, Wild fury (will need to test this, might go with the e



Troggoths March to war

Hey guys!   So finally after trying to get to a tournament for the last few months I made it to one. The tournament was a one dayer and had an attendance of 32 players. Which is actually the second largest in Australia I believe. The largest AOS event I know of was 50 or so down in Canberra.   I wanted to take a fun list with some of my cooler models and went with: Frostlord on stonehorn - Battle brew Troll hag - General, bellowing tyrant 6 fellwater troggoths



Heavy troggoth list

Hey guys! So I was going to go to a tournament on the 16th, but alas real world stuff got in the way and I couldn't make it. I also wasn't able to get all the painting I wanted done so probably for the best. I was looking and it seems like the store might hold another on the 30th with any luck. So if that goes ahead then I was thinking of dusting off my trolls.  Thinking this might be a fun list: Troll hag - 400pts Arachnarok (Spider shrine) - 280pts 6 fellwater tro



Greenskinz big mob and friends

Hey guys! So I've been painting seraphon for a tournament on the 16th, but the whole time I've been thinking about my game the other day with a friend and I think I might wait to bust out the seraphon... Need some more practice, I don't think the list I was going to take is for someone with as little AOS experience as myself. So I was back at the drawing board, looking at my collection I saw that I had a large collection of greenskinz sitting in the lunch bags they came in (bought them



Seraphon's first outing

Hi guys!   So a friend of mine dropped around today and we decided to bust out a 1200pts game. My seraphon vs his undead. I wanted to test the core of my 2k list so I took: Sunclaw starhost Sunblood - General, obsidian blade, tenacity, phoenix stone 30 saurus with spears 10 saurus with swords 10 saurus with swords   Oldblood with great weapon Skink starpriest Skar-vet on carno   My friend took Vampire lord - book of -1 to hit,



Seraphon army progress

Hi guys,   Just creating this post to place all my pics of my army as I move it to rounds and finish painting it.   First guy finished is my carnosaur and old blood.   More to come soon :).



Seraphon list idea

Hi Guys, So I'm working on getting something finished for a tournament next month. I was originally going to take spiderfang grots, but with work and uni I'm not able to find the time to paint them to the standard I want. So I've decided to finish a serphon army I started at the end of 8th edition.  In 8th edition I used to like playing with Gor-Rok and sticking him in a unit of Saurus to soak up some of the dmg from enemy heroes. I wanted to continue doing something similar in AOS, so



Ogors march to war (With a stonehorn for support)

Hi Guys!   So I recently went to a one day 2k tournament (yesterday actually). The event had 20 players with 2 of those being rank 6 and 15 in Australia and another one, a few wins away from being best Iron Jawz in OZ. So pretty tough competition for my first ever 2k point AOS games. Onto my list! I decided to take gutbusters backed up by a frostlord on stonehorn. I was going to run all gutbusters, but real life got in the way of me painting all the gutbusters I needed.  



Trying my hand at some rats, beasts and Galrauch

Hi Guys! So I have a tournament coming up on the 22nd of this month. I did previously purchase a forest goblin spider rider army, but I'm not sold on the scheme and don't really want to take something that doesn't look any good.   So looking at my collection I saw that I had Galrauch and a bunch of random beastmen and thought they would do fine. Here is a shot of my WIP Galrauch (excuse the bathroom shot, was the only light in the house due to bad weather).   I got



Rise of the spiders - Relied on stonehorn... Spiders died

So I managed to get in a practice game the other day. The list I used was: Big boss on Gigantic spider - General - Ravager. Frostlord on stonehorn Gitmob shaman araknarok with Spider shrine 10 spider riders 5 spider riders 20 gitmob grots with bows 20 gitmob grots with bows   His list from memory: Wightlord with black axe necromancer necrotect 10 skeleton swordsman * 2 20 graveguard with great weapons 30 skeleto



Rise of the Spider

Hey guys!   So there is a tournament coming up the day before Christmas that I am considering going to. I recently managed to purchase a bunch of spider riders and stuff so I'm thinking the list will be: Goblin big boss on giant spider - General (Considering Ravager to ensure the stonehorn gets in turn one) Frostlord on stonehorn - Battle Brew Araknarok with spider shrine Git mob Grot shaman   10 Spider riders - full command 5 spider riders - full com



Stonehorn and gutbusters first tournament

Hi Guys, So I went to a little one day event today and took my ogres, I was constrained with time so the painting on them is about table top standard. That being said I'm pretty happy with how they look, especially my butcher who I gave a little more love to then the rest of the army: So the one day tournament was going to have 3 rounds, but the organiser was a no show at the store so one of the guys was a sporting chap and ran it for the store. Unfortunately due to lost



1500pts of gutbusters with a frostlord

Hey guys,   So there is a tournament coming up this month (mentioned it in my previous post). They changed the points from 1000pts to 1500pts so I've decided not to take a tamurkhan led monster army as previously planned. apart from Tamurkhan not being the best I just didn't feel very enthused about the army. So instead I decided to dust off my ogors and started putting some paint on them (pictures to come).   The list I decided to go with is: Frostlord on stonehorn



The mini monstrous horde

Hi guys! So looks like there might be a tournament coming up in November. So I started blocking in some colours for my next 1000pt list: I was originally going to take moonclan, but not sure I'm good enough with the flow of the turns yet to move 140+ models fast enough for a tournament. So instead I'm thinking: Tamurkhan Shaggoth (the general) Thinking chaos rune blade and lord of war (to stick on Tamurkhan, make that monstrous bulk pretty scary) 2*10 plague bearers



Vanguard trolls

Hey there dear reader! Grab a seat and get ready to be blown away by tactical genius. Beginning of this month I managed to get myself to a small one day event in Sydney. Going into the event I knew the points would be 1k and that we'd be playing: Take and hold blood and glory escalation Originally I was going to come to the tournament with a Galrauch led beastmen list. unfortunately 2 days before the tournament my galrauch still hadn't arrived so I had to switch to



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