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Ogors march to war (With a stonehorn for support)



Hi Guys!


So I recently went to a one day 2k tournament (yesterday actually). The event had 20 players with 2 of those being rank 6 and 15 in Australia and another one, a few wins away from being best Iron Jawz in OZ. So pretty tough competition for my first ever 2k point AOS games.

Onto my list! I decided to take gutbusters backed up by a frostlord on stonehorn. I was going to run all gutbusters, but real life got in the way of me painting all the gutbusters I needed.


Tyrant - General, bellowing Tyrant


Bruiser BSB

Frostlord on stonehorn - battle brew

4*3 ogors with full command

6 iron guts

3 gorgers 


The idea behind the list is that you buff the frostlord and Ironguts and send them in. Bulls lurk in the back field catching and holding objectives, Tyrant and BSB move into the midfield for banner and bellowing tyrant support. The Tyrant can also help hold enemies trying to get past and kill the squishy ogors.


Onto the matches!

First match I came up against a nurgle chaos list. Blood and glory was the scenario. From memory he had:

Daemon prince with wings

Great unclean one

Gutrot spume

A dude riding a circle mouthed beast with scythe

30 plague bearers

10 blight kings

3 plague drones

Now that I think about it, he may have accidentally cheated as he deployed the plague bearers in one block when they should have been in 2. In our match it didn't make much difference.

The main winning factor in this match was miasma which he cast with the dude riding the circle mouthed beast. My Opponent played the spell causing D3+1 mortal wounds every phase to my stonehorn, when he was only meant to be doing that if he caused a wound on the stonehorn. As a consequence the stonehorn went down quickly and the ironguts weren't able to carry me to a win. My opponent one a minor victory on VPs. Gorgers in this match were very useful and at one point nearly won me the game by capturing his left hand objective.

A quick picture of deployment (Sorry about the poor quality, had to hurry due to round timers in use)


Minor Loss Ogors


My next round I came up against a death player playing the take and hold scenario, he hadn't played match play before and was running Nagash. He stuck Nagash down across from my stonehorn on the 12 inch line and I did warn him that I could potentially be in turn one and might kill him, but he wasn't worried about it. So he gave me the first turn and I charged Nagash causing 14 wounds. In his turn he ran his characters in, did 5 wounds to me, failed most of his spells and in return I killed Nagash. He quit the game and tournament at this point. I got a cool pic though before he did:


This was a game where I felt the stonehorn killed a lot of potential fun for me and my opponent. Having said that, I'm sure Nagash would have walked all over an all gutbuster list, so I don't feel too bad for the guy :P.

Major Victory Ogors!


In my third match I versed my friend who is also a death player. He runs a bone rattle formation. His list from memory is:

bonerattle formation

Wight king with black axe - cloak, redfury

40 skeletons with spears

30 grave guard with great weapons

2 * 10 skeletons with shield and sword

10 black knights


Outside of the formation


screaming skull catapult


Arkhan the black


We were playing border war. I deployed centrally, stone horn and iron guts on the 12 inch line with my other ogor characters hiding behind. The units of bulls were on either flank hoping to nab a couple of points. He elects to go first and pumps his black knights up for a first turn charge into the iron guts and stonehorn. Killing 3 ironguts and no dmg on the stonehorn, in retaliation I wipe the black knights. He manages 3 points this turn with 1 point for his home objective and captures the right hand side objective.

In my turn I buff the stone horn and charge into his 40 man skeleton unit, the rest of my units move forward. My gorgers come onto my right flank to try and take the objective he is holding with 10 skeletons with shields. In combat I take both 2 point objectives and wipe the 40 man skeleton unit with the stonehorn. Scoring 5 points.

His next turn he moves his grave guard to try and kill my gorgers and 3 man ogor unit holding the objective that was previously held by his 10 man skeleton unit.

He does some shooting, teleports his lord over to my 2 3 man ogor units holding the left hand 2 point objective and also flies Arkhan over there. He fails a charge with Arkhan, and gets his graveguard into my ogors and gorgers and the wight king into one of the 3 man ogor units.

Due to terrain and the size of the graveguard unit, he can't get as many as he would like into CC and only manages to kill 2 ogors and 1 gorger, losing 2 in return. The lord kills to ogors (one from running) and takes 2 wounds (would have been 4, but he halves the wounds taken due to some special armour). He manages to get 3 points this turn.

I get the priority in the next turn and run the stonehorn over to kill the graveguard, the ironguts move up to kill the necrotect and the catapult, the butcher gets ready to charge Arkhan and my tyrant also moves to charge into the graveguard. I activate "Down to the ironguts" due to an ogor fleeing.

I make all my charges. I choose to go the ogor fighting his lord as I knew he would be dead if I didn't, managing to get him down to 1 wound remaining. He activates the graveguard killing my Tyrant and finishing the ogors off and leaving one gorger with 1 wound remaining. The stonehorn wipes the graveguard. His necrotect kills one of my ironguts (he only had 2 wounds remaining). I activate my butcher and do nothing and Arkhan responds by killing me outright. The ironguts kill the catapult and necrotect. This turn I score 5 points again.

In his turn he moves Arkhan over for a charge on my bulls holding the 2 point objective. He fails both charges with the wight king and Arkhan on double 1s leaving that objective in my control. In CC the ironguts finish up the catapult crew capturing his own objective. He scores no points this turn and he concedes at this point.


Major victory Ogors!


I ended the tournament tie 4th with a bunch of other people. The tournament organiser then used a magic system where you were awarded points based on how well your opponents did. Since my opponents hadn't done so well I didn't place. Overall I was happy though with my performance at the tournament.

The list is fun to play and fairly straight forward. It can be flimsy if you can't lock your opponent into their deployment zone with the stonehorn, ironguts and gorgers. I found that you do pretty much everytime lock them in their deployment zone with those 3 units though. Gorgers are surprisingly hard to remove with 15 wounds and bravery 8 for a 3 man unit. The bruiser BSB only got in range once of both the gorgers and stone horn and my last match and man he was worth it in that case, but most of the time he's too slow to be useful.

This will be the final outing for the stonehorn for a while now though. He's been fun and is mostly reliable. I'm just looking to move away from the guy who always has him on the board.

My star unit other then the stonehorn was the gorgers. I've run a 2 man unit and it wasn't very good, but 3 was much better. They're strong enough to roll over most backfield objective holders and the ogor bulls are fast enough to help them capture objectives if you need 5 or more models. People also seem to over commit to take them off, moving a large portion of their armies over to counter the gorgers which is what you want with this army, cause as soon as they realise they just need to get into your backfield to win, you're toast haha.

Thanks for reading!

Next tournament should be next month. I'll be busting out a pure spiderfang army (if I can paint it in time :)):

Spiderfang venom mob battalion - 100pts

2 * arak with shrine - 560pts

1 * arak with web flinger - 280pts

1* big boss - 100pts

3 * 15 spider riders with full command - 900pts

60pts left for triumph roll

Drops: 1







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