Seraphon list idea
Hi Guys,
So I'm working on getting something finished for a tournament next month. I was originally going to take spiderfang grots, but with work and uni I'm not able to find the time to paint them to the standard I want. So I've decided to finish a serphon army I started at the end of 8th edition.
In 8th edition I used to like playing with Gor-Rok and sticking him in a unit of Saurus to soak up some of the dmg from enemy heroes. I wanted to continue doing something similar in AOS, so decided to go with the sunclaw starhost. The battallion seems pretty good value for what it offers. You're getting rend -1 on your celestite weapons and an additional attack with your jaws/shields. You also gain dmg 2 when attacking chaos daemons with the celestite weapons. So its a considerable buff to the average saurus warrior. Not to mention you're getting an additional artefact due to taking a battalion and fulfilling the battleline requirement for 2k points.
With my core chosen I decided to try and work in some buff elements for the saurus. I decided to take a slann for his ability to cast 3 spells a turn, skink starpriest for the +1 to hit buff and an old blood on foot for the re-rolls of a 1 to wound for nearby saurus.
I then decided to add a bastilidon with solar engine for some range support and an engine of the gods. I still had 300pts left over and was thinking of taking a carnosaur or something similar, but I've got my carnosaur kitted out as an oldblood so will go with a normal steg instead. The list currently looks like this:
Slann Starmaster - 260pts
Old blood on foot - great weapon - 100pts
Skink starpriest - 100pts
Sunclaw starhost - 80pts
Sunblood - 120pts - General
30 Saurus - 300pts
10 Saurus - 100pts
10 Saurus - 100pts
Bastilidon - Solar Engine - 300pts
Engine of the gods - 240pts
Stegadon - sunfire thrower - 260pts
The idea is you throw all the buffs on the 30 man saurus unit and send them in to try and wreck something. They potentially have 4 attacks ech. 2 hitting on 2s, re-rolling and wounding on 4s re-rolling 1s and another 2 hitting on 3s re-rolling and wounding on 4s re-rolling 1s. Even if for some reason the saurus fail you still have some decent monsters in the list to help carry you to a minor victory.
I predict the list will lose to a dedicated shooting or combat list as its more of a take all comers list. In those cases I'd be hoping to win on scenario or fighting for a minor victory/loss.
Let me know what you guys think, I've only ever played one game with seraphon and in that I lasered off my opponents whole army by buffing the bastilidon. So it wasn't really a good gauge on how the army actually performs.
I'll post some painting progress stuff shortly.
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