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New year and the troggoth journey continues!



So with the release of the gloomspite gitz battletome my beloved troggs got some loving. I managed to run a pure trogg list at a team tournament a few months back. Here are some snips of the action


My team mate was running a deathrattle list, in the picture above we came up against a fairly nasty nighthaunt legion of sacrement combo. Managed to win a minor on kill points. Trogg boss nearly died from 4 myremourn banshees, he got some revenge by strangling one them (didnt kill anything else before the game ended).


In the picture above I moved up aggresively with the trolls and ended up beating the snot out of the opposing spiderfang. Unfortunately we forgot to cap the objective on the far right (near the ruins and lost by 1 point!

My list was:

Realm: Ghur

Troggboss - General, Loonskin - 300pts

Troggoth hag - Gryph feather charm - 380pts

2 X 3 fellwater troggoths - 320pts (battleline)

Total Points: 1000pts.

The next list I'm working on is

Realm: Ghur

Scuttleboss - Blackfang, Monstrous mount, General

Madcap shaman - hand of gork spell

Webspinner shaman on Arachnarok - Scuttling terrors spell

Troggoth hag - Gryph feather charm - 380pts

Gitmob shaman - Allies

3 * 5 spider riders - Battleline 

2 X 3 fellwater troggoths - 320pts (battleline)

60 gitmob archers - allies

Battalions - Spider rider skitterswarm

So far I've faced off against a wanderers list (using their battalion) with a dragon ally and managed to pull off a win in the better part of valor. Was mostly due to my friend rolling badly on his waywatchers in the first turn and not using his teleport shenanigans enough against me. Still a wins a win!

I'll post some updates as I go on the blog. Here are some pics of my scuttleboss and my trogg boss (both WIP)


Crispen out


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17 hours ago, TheWilddog said:

Love the Scuttleboss, really like the deep orange tones.  Keep the Trogg and spider love a coming.

Thanks dude! Should have a bunch more done this weekend to share.

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On 3/24/2019 at 10:41 PM, Ravenista said:

A fellow Troggboss salutes you...beautiful!

Thanks Fellow troggboss! May your glowy howzit forever be uneaten by yourself.

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