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Swamp trash v death (battle recap - no pics)



The other day I was lucky enough to get a battle in with my mostly gitmob army.

We were playing 1250pts and my list was:

Gitmob shaman

Troggoth hag - general, rock eye

40 gitmob spearman

60 gitmob archers

spear chukka

rock lobba

5 wolves

My friend was using the new death and he went with:

Vampire - armed with an orb that provides an additional 6++


wight king - axe

40 skeleton spearmen

20 grave guard

10 black knights


We rolled up scorched earth. I deployed in a large castle with my minions forming a thick wall around the troggoth hag. Off to my left was a multilevel ruined building that I was able to hide my shaman in out of sight and capping my far left objective was my wolves. I placed my artillery back from the frontline as I wasn't sure how fast the new black knights moved. I knew they used to be able to get a turn one charge in that bone legion battalion thing.

My friend deployed centrally, hiding his wight king and necromancer out of line of sight from the artillery (he didnt realise the rock lobba doesn't need line of sight). His grave guard were placed on the far right to move up the flank.

He game me first turn and I move my wolves forward, daisy chaining back a bit so I can still cap my objective, my spearman  move up on the right of the unit to get my far right objective and I move a few archers forward to cap my central objective. The spearchukka kills a black knight and the rock lobba's rock bounces off the vamps head. I also get mystick shield off with the troggoth hag on the spearman and inspire them. The gitmob shaman fails sneaky stabbing on the archers.

In my friends turn he's able to bring the knight back, he also casts mystic shield on the black knights and uses the additional attack command ability on them. Everything moves up, with the wight king just failing to be in range the objective on his right (my left, across from my wolves).

Turn 1 score 3-2 to the gitmob.

Turn 2 priority goes to me (thankfully). I manage to get mystic shield off on the spearman and also inspire them and sneaky stabbing on the archers. I can see that the black knights will be in in his next turn, I was worried about the potential casualties since he goblins are pretty flimsy so move the spearman up a bit to ensure he can't get within 3 of my middle objective. I also manage to ramapge my wolves forward with the gitmob shaman. In my movement I run my wolves onto his right objective and hold my left objective with the shaman, I manage to kill 2 black knights with combined artillery and a few stray gitmob bow shots. At the end of the turn I burn his objective for 2

His turn begins with mystic shield on the black knights and healing the two I killed back. He also gives the black knights an additional attack with the vamp command ability. He also manages van hels on the black knights. Everything moves forward again, except for the wight king who moves over to charge my wolves. Charge wise he manages to get the wight king into the wolves and the black knights into my spearman. He decides to activate the black knights first who after saves kill 26 goblins! I remove the goblins from combat with him meaning he won't technically be in combat, so isn't able to pile in and attack again with van hels, the wolves do 4 wounds to the wight king who in return kills one and they pass their bravery.

Turn 2 score 8-3 to the gitmob

We roll for priority and the gitmob manage to win it again!

Things were looking good from a points view, but bleak on the battle front. I imagine this is going to be every game I play with this army haha. Anyways due to the way I removed casualties I wasn't able to shift my spearman into coherency, so they were stuck where they were. I inspire my archers and hag curse the black knights, I also get sneaky stabbin off on my 60 archers. The troll hag also rock eyes the black knights. Movement wise I move the archers up as far as possible towards the black knights staying out of 3, and then am able to shift the troggoth hag within range for her vomit attack, shooting starts with both artillery pieces going into the black knights and killing 1, troll hag kills another, gitmob archers kill 2 more. Not enough... I charge with the archers killing another 2 and losing about 5 or so in return.

His turn begins with mystic shield being dispelled by the troll hag (forgot to use her d3 mortal on a 4+ when dispelling a spell), he arcane bolts a wolf off with the necromancer. He's able to heal back 4 black knights with a combination of grave sites, the hero within range and the hand of nagash 5+ thing.

He moves the grave guard up and the along with the skeleton unit (daisy chaining back to keep his centre objective). Charge wise he gets the graveguard into my spearman holding my right objective and the vamp is able to get into the archers. In cc he picks the black knights to attack and rolls pretty average killing under 10. I next pick the spearman who kill a couple of graveguard, he goes with the wight king who kills another wolf, I do nothing to the wight king with the wolves thanks to the deathless save after he fails his armour saves! He then picks the graveguard who kill all the spearman bar 3 after battleshock. The archers manage to kill 2 black knights and cause a couple of wounds on the vamp who kills about 4-5 in return. He's not within 3 on the right to take my objective and also doesn't yet have the numbers to take my middle objective.

Turn 3 score 10-4

We roll for priority and this time the death get their double turn...

He fails to get van hels off on the black knights, and arcane bolts another wolf off. He provides another attack to his graveguard, he doesn't move to take my far right objective for burning, but instead decides to move everything into the centre to try and table me (which is looking reallllll likely at this point haha). charge wise he manages to get his Necromancer into my gitmob shaman with a bit of a long charge and the graveguard into my goblin archers. we move into the combats and he chooses to activate the vampire lord first as he was surrounded and looking like he might die, he kills a few goblins, nothing too bad though. In return I kill a black knight (who were back to full), the vampire lord and 2 grave guard. He manages to bring me down to 34 goblins with his combined attacks. The wight king attacks and leaves only the wolf champ alive who is finally able to kill him!

My last turn we discuss the battle and realise I'm going to win no matter what happens in the battle. After speed playing the last few turns the black knights end up taking the objective and burning it on the archers, I kill the necromancer on the left with artillery and arcane bolt and the troggoth hag takes my right objective

Final score 11 - 8 - gitmob win

He managed to kill:

40 spearman, 60 archers

I killed:

vamp lord, necromancer, wight king

We spoke about the game and unfortunately due to his army composition he was always at risk of having his objectives burned by my wolves. Having to hold his middle objective with 40 skeletons meant I was able to hold on and not get tabled in the mid game. He was also more timid then he needed to be with his heroes due to my artillery, in the end with the double deathless save he didn't have to even worry about the artillery with them only managing to kill the heavily injured necromancer. The black knights were a pain for me to deal with, with sneaky stabbin I can cause about 20 wounds with all my shooting after a 4+ sve, but the double deathless sve + regen options + mystic shield I had no chance of ever killing them haha.

A fun game and I look forward to my next one! Which will be against the same friend, only he'll be using his wanderers. So will be good to see how long my characters last when faced with some decent long ranged shooting and re-deployment tricks.

Crispen out!


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