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Cities cavalry is absolutely amazing! I love all the little details, and that medieval tapestry looking snail monster on one of their bases! Also, I'm excited to see how much more detail they squeeze into the even more elite units, like they said in the preview. Only peeve of mine is the antler helmet, but I have a feeling we'll see quite a few head options in Cities!

Dawnbringer series looks awesome, and all the other minis are absolutely amazing!
I also have a feeling we'll be seeing more orruks for book 2 to go alongside the Maw-Krusha!

Harbringer of Decay I love, might have to get back to my Nurgle pile of shame (which is thankfully just 10 Plaguebearers).


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Maw grunta looks rad as heck, i'm a bit worried it will do exactly what maw krushas already do but it wont stop me from getting and painting one (or more).


The gitz hero was a bit disappointing? He looks good but the reused assets really jumped out at me with this one, and i'm not sure gitz need another moonclan support unit.


Edit: a bit sad not to see a new warclans book on the horizon

Edited by Ganigumo
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Well yeesh. 25 mins for Age of Sigmar? Why does it always feel like GW is pulling their punches? What we saw was good. Love the cities stuff (but only a single unit?) The heroes and war pig are cool but I really wish GW would release more units for factions. You would have thought WarhammerFest of all places would be the forum to have a full faction to release or even a big new box set. 

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I was shocked the preview was that short. Enjoyed the non-waffle and just rattling off the models, I think the preview events should be like this tbh. I just expected a full hour with the schedule, but that's not too bad.

The models are phenomenal.

That Harbinger, just sits behind Archaon as one of my favourite sculpts that I never got to buy. I cannot WAIT to own that, and also see what Golden Demon artists to with it. Looks absolutely stunning.

Love the narrative books. 

Those Cities cavalry. Gorgeous.

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It’s getting really exhausting for Fyreslayer players. I’ll be honest. I was excited about the new character, legitimately, I wasn’t expecting anything, but seeing those two same damn kits being reused AGAIN in the dawnbringers box just really rubs me the wrong way. But guess those are all of the kits they could really put in there though to be fair. But even just ONE more dual kit would make all of the difference. 

That being said… that Fyreslayers are getting a new Character means they are getting at least some attention in dawnbringers, so that’s rad! The fyreslayers lore is my favorite part. 

Edited by Lord Veshnakar
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I'm happy enough with that. As Ironjawz player, I get a much needed new multi-part kit, as well as a way to add a cute new gobbo and some squig friends as a regiment of renown to my force. 

Plus the Harbringer of Decay is so nice, I'll need to dig out my unfinished Maggotkin. 

Fyreslayer and Flesheater are both nice sculpts, just not for my factions. 

City of Sigmar preview, I'm unsure on, they seem a bit busy like the previous infantry we saw. They don't look like they'd be quick to paint well for such basic troop types. 

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That was pretty great. More narrative was what a lot of people on here were hoping for and I love the concept of following two crusades in different realms. The cities cavalry is spectacular pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. It looks like book one of the narrative will focus on the four characters while the later books will come with larger expansions. The big pig is fantastic, already my favourite Ironjawz model and it's interesting that Eddie suggested you could have units of them- maybe the equivalent of the Stormcast dragons. I'm really not a Nurgle fan but the quality of that sculpt is pretty undeniable. The Gloomspite model is just another example of the awesomeness of the aesthetic they've hit on for that faction. 

The Fyreslayer hero is cool but arguably the disappointing option as they had the chance to do something that isn't just another foot hero. Overall a very good preview. I've only bought one battletome this edition thanks to the no digital change but I will buy all four of the narrative books.

Also Eddie said just a few weeks until book one so tmit might sneak in before 19th edition. Exciting times ahead. 

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Is the Maw-Grunta a model alongside the Harbinger book? Like that's Destruction's model for book 2.

And if so, is it strictly a Leader unit or is it like a Behemoth/big chariot monster unit. Because if so I wonder if these books will see new units outside of Leader options, which would be really nice. I love characters but entirety new units would be sweet too.

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Dawnbringers are definitely not for me, I guess. Funny that they showed off an old Empire knight for comparison and I still thought it looked cooler than the Cavaliers lol

Really underwhelming preview regardless. Harbringer and Maw-Grunta look amazing at least. Not sure that AOS3 needs to be pivoting into its end of edition campaign when its not even 2 years old yet but hey alright and I'm sure FEC players are loving having to wait until potentially 2024 for their book while a bunch of campaign books and FOMO boxes take priority.

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Just now, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Is the Maw-Grunta a model alongside the Harbinger book? Like that's Destruction's model for book 2.

And if so, is it strictly a Leader unit or is it like a Behemoth/big chariot monster unit. Because if so I wonder if these books will see new units outside of Leader options, which would be really nice. I love characters but entirety new units would be sweet too.

The stream said the Maw-Grunta was going to be part of a destruction heavy 2nd book, with other units along with it.

The 1st book gets 4 new harbringer sculpts, once for each grand alliance.

They also mentioned the Maw-Grunta gets multiple options including a character (he did say characters, so could be 3 builds), the one previewed looks like a generic monster/chariot type.

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It's not been mentioned here but the reason there's a difference between the panel length on the time table and the stream is that they're following up with an in person Q&A session that isn't streamed. That said we got 6 sets of miniatures for 6 armies revealed (all of which are fantastic looking), confirmation that our next storyline books are coming sooner than we expected, and that at least 6 more armies are getting releases as part of it.

Like over a dozen armies getting models before the edition ends blows Arks of Omens' releases out of the water even if they are just mostly single characters.

Edited by EonChao
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So with each dawnbringer book based on a grand alliance maybe the order one will be based on the Crusade going into ghyran and awakening kurnouth. That way we get the kurnothi introduced. The second book with the destruction theme and ironjawz getting some love makes me think that the kurnothi/sylvaneth get the same treatment. 

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I'll get the disappointment at how short the preview was out of the way first.

With that said, I am otherwise very pleased.

Cos could have shown a bit more, but I'm sure they want to stretch out the reveals leading up to the release. I don't think the chosen paint job really does the models justice. Different color choices will definitely make these models pop.

The solo heroes all look excellent. I may even buy the Fyreslayers hero, just to have. The model is very dynamic, and hopefully it is a preview of things to come (pretty sure that's the first Fyreslayer wielding hammers, maybe they'll have an accompanying unit or two further down the line.)

Glad I opted not to buy the old Harbinger, that new model is amazing. I am also extremely happy with the Maw-grunta. That's going to be a treat to collect and paint.

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I really like the new FS hero (despite it not being needed) and I hope it's a sign that they're getting bigger release in next edition (with last campaign books all the factions that got cool new stuff got bigger releases so maybe it's finally fyreslayers' time. 

However... I really dislike the whole regiment of renown boxes thing. For new FS players that box is great to start collecting them but for player with full army it's annoying to get them just for some hero. Well, there's always ebay.

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12 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

They said on stream he has a few options how to build him


This thing is beautifull. I need it. 

New GSG model looks awesome but its kind of the least thing destruction needed at this point. Would have also liked the box if it wasnt for the gobbapalooza, dont really need or want to paint a other unit of those.

Another Fyreslayer hero... really GW?

Nurgle horse is an awesome update to a classic model imho.

CoS looks great but i think the army isnt for me. Would have liked more cloth/leather and less iron.

FEC looks good, but this also isnt for me.

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