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57 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Skink Colchin(SP?) Riders were skinks that tamed Moa/Terror Bird/Emu like creatures in the Old World. This could be what the new Calvary model is.. it doesn't give us much more than a name but it's something new. 

That would be pretty cool! I personally think we will get some akin to skinks monted on feathered velociraptor by what we saw on the teaser. 

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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

I have been hoping for the Gobbapalooza to gitz good for a while now. Hope this edition will be the one. I would be happy if i could run a decent magic heavy list.

Edit: i want to see what role snarlfang riders are getting most of all (and lore).

Feels like they really need to nail the gitz tome, given how popular they are and how poor a job they did with the last book, but destruction doesn't have a good track record.

If snarlfang riders aren't part of a gitmob launch I've got a feeling they're going to be overcosted fast chaff. I'd like them to be a cool finesse piece, fast movement, light shooting, 6" pile in, and a bonus for fighting wounded units.

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14 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Feels like they really need to nail the gitz tome, given how popular they are and how poor a job they did with the last book, but destruction doesn't have a good track record.

If snarlfang riders aren't part of a gitmob launch I've got a feeling they're going to be overcosted fast chaff. I'd like them to be a cool finesse piece, fast movement, light shooting, 6" pile in, and a bonus for fighting wounded units.

We already have chaff covered with the Spider Riders imho. I agree that the Gitz tome didnt age well but i have high hopes for the new tome. I really hope the Arachnaroks get like +100 points and a huge upgrade. We have seen this with units like the Treelords and the Black Coach this edition. Troggoths need more durability overall. I feel like Squigs are ok as they are, maybe could use a better subfaction ability. Skragrott needs to feel more like the big boss and get some epic spells and the ability to lead any of the  subfactions. Cant wait, hype!

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57 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


Interesting that GW made £200 million pounds between June and December last year but states that their global rollout of products was hindered by new IT systems?

The IT saga for GW has been going on for years, since something like 2018. It's to do with upgrading their ERP and they've gone through different consultants and partners, put a lot of money into it, had a lot of troubles but without much improvement.

There's been a bunch of articles about it and GW themselves have been fairly open in their annual reports about the risks associated with not getting it right... and sounds like they haven't got it right:https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/13/games_workshop_launches_05m_at/ 

They're not the only organisation to be hit by massive delays in doing these kinds of upgrades and tbh it sounds incredibly frustrating to deal with.

Edited by sandlemad
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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

global rollout of products was hindered by new IT systems?

this is even more confusing for me. how many Warhammer fans work in IT or similar jobs? And they couldn't just admit this? Something every working adult can understand..? C'mon man...

edit: didn't see Sandlemad's comment, still a bit weird I've never heard about this after getting back into the hobby in 2017

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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:


1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Interesting that GW made £200 million pounds between June and December last year but states that their global rollout of products was hindered by new IT systems?

So I know a little bit about this on the America side being a retailer but we had several releases just absolutely wrecked by their new automation system. 


There was a week where things shipping from Memphis were just labeled to wildly inaccurate addresses. We got several store orders from 3 different states in that time period. 


I could only imagine what corporate was going through as well.

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On 1/9/2023 at 6:38 PM, CommissarRotke said:

with the loud whispers of the 2022 marine boxes not selling well, I wonder how even more saturation is going to work out... at this point I just feel bad for 40k. I know we have various things to complain about with AOS but diversity of armies and model design has never been one...

They aren't selling because everyone already has the models and they lock you into a specific chapter as part of the savings of the box are taken up by chapter locked characters and upgrade sprues. Once actually new models come out people will buy those. 

Regardless that's an especially funny thing to say comparing the releases of 9th edition to 3.0. Ask Skaven, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, Idoneth players how they feel about the last year and the supposed superiority in AOS releases compared to 40k.

Edited by Bosskelot
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12 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


These new Chaos Warriors look amazing, though I wonder how easy it’ll be to kitbash these guys with god specific weapons, such as the Myrmidesh/Symbaresh weapons, or the Khorne Berserker axes….

General @MitGas, Lady @Enoby, and Lord @Neverchosen, what do you guys and gal think?

I mean the truth is that the new Chaos Kits have been unbelievable and truly capture why I love the aesthetic of Chaos and Warhammer more broadly. 

General Kael meets Sauron with a healthy dose of Conan the cimmerian and a dash of Berserk, what is not to love?

My only complaint is that i have more than enough Chaos Warriors to warrant purchasing any more.

In terms of conversions I think head swaps and a unified colour scheme will be the simplest method to sell in God Specific factions. However, I also think adding mutations to them will be particularly useful for Tzeentch.

Edited by Neverchosen
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11 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:


These new Chaos Warriors look amazing, though I wonder how easy it’ll be to kitbash these guys with god specific weapons, such as the Myrmidesh/Symbaresh weapons, or the Khorne Berserker axes….

General @MitGas, Lady @Enoby, and Lord @Neverchosen, what do you guys and gal think?

I dunno, I'm not sure putting Tzeentch weapons on them even looks good as the styles are quite different. I've lamented often enough that these warriors are too scratched up (and their armor too barbaric, I miss the sophistication we wear) to look the part of proper Tzeentch warriors (or Slaanesh ones for that matter but unlike us they got properly armored mortals), although I find the minis great if judged on their own.

I might get a box (who am I kidding, I will for sure) but I doubt I'll convert them. Simply not worth the effort. I'd just change great minis but unless I start filling those holes and scratches and start sculpting details and so on, they'll never convey the style I deem right for true Tzeentch warriors. So I'll rather just build (and appreciate) them as they are and say they're hired or newcomers to the whole Tzeentch thing. It's kinda like with the 40k Chaos Space Marines... no reasonable amount of work would've turned them into decent Thousand Sons either, so I'll just accept them for what they are (and in 40k we got lucky with the Rubrics anyways).

Also, I'm unlikely to use them much either. There's not too much reason to use most StD units in a DoT force, although I did get the box with the DP and Chosen (decent price, especially after seeing what they cost on their own). I'll have to take a deeper look into a Cabalist force, that is interesting though as a way to use more of my StD units. 

I also recently bought a box of Tzaangors. I'm perhaps the only dude that didn't have enough Tzaangors (only owned a single unit and the Silver Tower ones).

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On 1/9/2023 at 6:38 PM, CommissarRotke said:

with the loud whispers of the 2022 marine boxes not selling well, I wonder how even more saturation is going to work out... at this point I just feel bad for 40k. I know we have various things to complain about with AOS but diversity of armies and model design has never been one...

The Phobos and Heavy Intercessor boxes didn't look to shift, but by contrast the new Battleforces they put out look be doing a lot better judging by a number of places selling out of them already. 

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11 hours ago, sandlemad said:

The IT saga for GW has been going on for years, since something like 2018. It's to do with upgrading their ERP and they've gone through different consultants and partners, put a lot of money into it, had a lot of troubles but without much improvement.

There's been a bunch of articles about it and GW themselves have been fairly open in their annual reports about the risks associated with not getting it right... and sounds like they haven't got it right:https://www.theregister.com/2022/01/13/games_workshop_launches_05m_at/ 

They're not the only organisation to be hit by massive delays in doing these kinds of upgrades and tbh it sounds incredibly frustrating to deal with.

As someone who works in IT and has seen first hand how IT projects go for big clients, this doesn't surprise me. I've worked at places that were doing Government IT systems, spent years working on them, went way over budget and then scrapped them as they didn't work, starting again from scratch with another company. 

The overall financial report while reporting slowing sales in some regions doesn't look too bad. 

There was a statement about their Nottingham factories having an extra 8 injection molding machines compared to last year, which hopefully should mean releases as well as re-stocks can catch up. 


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17 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Are Battleforces time-limited? (FOMO?)

They are time-limited but since you can get every single mini outside of these boxes I wouldn't classify them as FOMO. Judging by their contents many of them offer a really good starting point or addition to existing army (even if you play a different chapter than what's represented on the box). Plenty of rumours about an incoming SM codex update too so I expect these to stick around for at least awhile longer.

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20 hours ago, Ogregut said:

To be fair, all the helmeted heads could be female. 

Oh they could be and I honestly like everyone other than unit leaders to be wearing helmets. And the kit still looks like a great update to the old multipart plastic kit in general. 

It’s just a shame that at the same time we lose the flexibility to build models how we want as well as the benefit of extra heads for conversions elsewhere.

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18 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

Feels like they really need to nail the gitz tome, given how popular they are and how poor a job they did with the last book, but destruction doesn't have a good track record.

If snarlfang riders aren't part of a gitmob launch I've got a feeling they're going to be overcosted fast chaff. I'd like them to be a cool finesse piece, fast movement, light shooting, 6" pile in, and a bonus for fighting wounded units.

I would say the original book was well written, but was written with a different vision for AoS. It came out very early in 2nd edition, alongside battletomes like Beasts of Chaos and Skaven. These battletomes had interesting and fluff based rules to encourage specific builds and playstyles. They tried to be a more focused experience, to make you play Pestilens-focused, or Squig-focused, spawn-focused, etc.

Then about halfway through 2nd edition, around when Daughters of Khaine released the battletomes were starting to get more competitive, wider offerings for buffs, more power creep. They stopped adding silly rules like sacrificing your own units at the herdstone, your heroes turning into chaos spawn, the Bad Moon's random movement, etc.

Edited by dirkdragonslayer
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2 minutes ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

I would say the original book was well written, but was written with a different vision for AoS. It came out very early in 2nd edition, alongside battletomes like Beasts of Chaos and Skaven. These battletomes had interesting and fluff based rules to encourage specific builds and playstyles. They tried to be a more focused experience, to make you play Pestilens-focused, or Squig-focused, spawn-focused, etc.

Then about halfway through 2nd edition, around when Daughters of Khaine released the battletomes were starting to get more competitive, wider offerings for buffs, more power creep. They stopped adding silly rules like sacrificing your own units at the herdstone, your heroes turning into chaos spawn, the Bad Moon's random movement, etc.

Gitz was pretty much bad as soon as it came out. The grot build was decent when you could spam out as many endless spells as you wanted to block off the board.

Its not the focus on the sub-forces that made gitz bad either, it was a combination of mostly bad-average scrolls, and the fact that the moon was a terrible allegiance ability. The RNG of the moon, and the fact that you literally didn't get allegiance abilities t1 was a problem, but even worse was just how unimpactful the buffs were. If the mechanic was random, but the buffs were incredibly impactful offering things like reroll hits & wounds  and extra attacks it would balance out a bit and might've been an interesting mechanic. Instead you got things like reroll 1's to hit, run and charge, mortals on 5s (which you took a banner for anyways), and slightly better but still often disappointing regeneration. This book even came after IDK who got army wide shooting protection all the time, and army wide always strikes first on t3, even DoKs 1e table offered better bonuses than the moon. Its absolutely wild that the books which had allegiance abilities that worked in a similar way, without the rng, also had the stronger effects.

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16 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

Regardless that's an especially funny thing to say comparing the releases of 9th edition to 3.0. Ask Skaven, Fyreslayers, Ironjawz, Idoneth players how they feel about the last year and the supposed superiority in AOS releases compared to 40k.

I'm talking about the quality not the (obvious lack of) quantity of AOS releases... There is much more design space to take cool risks and we do not have a faction like the Imperium that takes up what seems like 3/4 of all 40k releases--even Stormcast don't come close to this issue.

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14 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I mean the truth is that the new Chaos Kits have been unbelievable and truly capture why I love the aesthetic of Chaos and Warhammer more broadly. 

I like the multipart kit, but my brain short circuits when i see warriors weilding large 2 handed halberds in one hand and massive heavy shields in the other. Give them a one handed axe or ditch the shield, make up your mind GW!! 🤔

But in all fairness, I do really like the new chaos warrior kits. 


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1 hour ago, EonChao said:

Oh they could be and I honestly like everyone other than unit leaders to be wearing helmets. And the kit still looks like a great update to the old multipart plastic kit in general. 

It’s just a shame that at the same time we lose the flexibility to build models how we want as well as the benefit of extra heads for conversions elsewhere.

I use 40K sisters of silence kits to add female models to my tzeench themed Slaves to Darkness army,. Change out the one exposed pauldron and add some chaosy bits and they work great. A five woman unit of them with 2-handed swords runs around the battlefield as my proxies for chaos chosen. I've also got a 5 man unit of "Corrupted Palladors" in tzeench colors that make great tzeechy chaos knights, but that's another story

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