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31 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I particularly like the White Scars box, which is made up entirely of fast moving vehicles... except the only unique White Scar mini GW make, who used to have a special named bike, but forgot how to ride it after being upgraded to Primaris.

But yeah, I can't see these boxes selling particularly well. Then again, they are space marine so who knows.

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1 hour ago, Bosskelot said:

That's exceptionally funny because the RG and IF forces are still on sale absolutely everywhere.

My LGS was only allocated 2 of each of the christmas boxes, they still still have both of their RG/IF boxes sitting on the shelf.

It’s also a weird box - I already own all the Models shown for my RG… so wth am I supposed to do with those models? XD

It doesn‘t help that SM are pretty bad (and Reivers have never been good in addition)

It‘d be an entirely different story if it included some if the new Hover-Speeder-Bricks, heavy intercessors or a tank.

Edited by JackStreicher
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At the end of the article about Abhorrant Ghoul King today :



That’s it for the Boxing Day bacchanals. Please join us on Warhammer Community tomorrow for more reveals and the last Rumour Engine of the year.


Necromunda ? Blood Bowl ? Space Marines ? Ao... uh what ? 😏

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1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

Seems like we're getting a week of reveals.


I seriously hope we get something for AoS...

Yes hopefully a variety of stuff- these space marine sets seem a little filler as there's nothing new In them but they set up for the Arks of Omen campaign. I'm guessing there will be some sort of video/preview around the New Year, Arks will likely be the primary focus but we can get some other cool suff with the bit of luck.{I'll not hold my breath for Duardin rangers for war cry...😄]

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Some relatively large points changes given on discord for Hos (may not be true). 

Hellstriders w/ claws: -15

Hellstriders w/ Scourge: -5

Bladebringers Herald: -35

Epitome: -5

Dexcessa: -40

Enrapturess: -10

Lord of Pain: -10

Masque: -20

Shardspeaker: -5

Sigvald: +5

Synessa: -20

KoS: -30

Shalaxi: -40

Syll'Esske: -25

Blissbard Seekers: -10

Dread Paegent: -15

Exalted Chariot: -15

Fiends: -5

Hellflayer: -10

Painbringers: -10

Seeker Chariot: -15

Seekers: -10

Slickblade Seekers: -20

Again, not sure if true, but it would be nice if so.

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1 hour ago, Enoby said:

Some relatively large points changes given on discord for Hos (may not be true). 

Hellstriders w/ claws: -15

Hellstriders w/ Scourge: -5

Bladebringers Herald: -35

Epitome: -5

Dexcessa: -40

Enrapturess: -10

Lord of Pain: -10

Masque: -20

Shardspeaker: -5

Sigvald: +5

Synessa: -20

KoS: -30

Shalaxi: -40

Syll'Esske: -25

Blissbard Seekers: -10

Dread Paegent: -15

Exalted Chariot: -15

Fiends: -5

Hellflayer: -10

Painbringers: -10

Seeker Chariot: -15

Seekers: -10

Slickblade Seekers: -20

Again, not sure if true, but it would be nice if so.

Seems more like a wish list to me.
Would also be a new thing by GW, if the give points adjustments to all units in a battletome, I believe.
Nothing in the list stands out as breaking the book though, so guess it would be a nice change?

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The Christmas reveals so far have felt pretty underwhelming. I feel like GW have been drip feeding us information and models they’ve had sitting around for some amount of time. The StD release was a nice surprise, but new battletome announcements and random hero models aren’t particularly news worthy or exciting to me in the grand scheme of things. I hope 2023 is a bit more eventful for AOS 🤞

Edited by TechnoVampire
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5 hours ago, Aleser said:

allopex +5 (shiver +15)
leviadon -40
aspect storm -35
soulraid -30
tidecaster -10
lotann -5
volturnous -20
both eels -15

From deepkin Whatsup, solid changes

well every leak has lot of decreases in every army,  this would be even shorter than most of leaks, and having even an increase in sharks isnt nice. i hoped something like

tidecaster -40

soulscryer -40

rezz one -20

both aspects - 50

turtle -70

sharks -10

eels - rework of tank ones like 3+ save now.


so those changes will leave them same powerwise as before or even worse since others leaks like sc ones have huge decreases on 10+ units, and idk has been strugling since new book.

at least we will feel better fielding eels and turtles

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58 minutes ago, TechnoVampire said:

The Christmas reveals so far have felt pretty underwhelming. I feel like GW have been drip feeding us information and models they’ve had sitting around for some amount of time. The StD release was a nice surprise, but new battletome announcements and random hero models aren’t particularly news worthy or exciting to me in the grand scheme of things. I hope 2023 is a bit more eventful for AOS 🤞

All 3rd edition releases schedule have been underwhelming so far. Even Std release was terrible because it was leaked in May, the armyset went on preorder in November and second wave will come only in January. The  ghoul king rumor engine is from April 2020 (!!!) , it is a commemorative miniature that comes without warscroll: totally random. Even snarlfangs ( wolf riders) look totally random since they will probably be the only former gitmob unit in the new gloomspite battletome. Last but not least in the era of the beast the Beastmen will probably get only one hero. Very difficult to get excited. 

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Remember that awesome teaser for the last Gloomspite release. We had a snowy banner scene that became progressively more infested with gobs. It really feels like they've fallen on their laurels with 3rd edition releases. No creative hype trains. Just bland announcements of preview reveals.

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2 hours ago, Mutton said:

Remember that awesome teaser for the last Gloomspite release. We had a snowy banner scene that became progressively more infested with gobs. It really feels like they've fallen on their laurels with 3rd edition releases. No creative hype trains. Just bland announcements of preview reveals.

Yeah, things definitely feel too canned lately. Need to get more of the hype/creativity back. I want to get hooked into AoS like I was with broken realms prior to their end.

Give us a web portal that's just "What's happening in the mortal realms" with zoom-ins on regions of intrigue that they want to focus on, societal customs and geographical features/artwork. Really start building out the Atlas and Almanac realm by realm so people can put their flags in the world.


Edited by Shankelton
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34 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

Give us a web portal that's just "What's happening in the mortal realms" with zoom-ins on regions of intrigue that they want to focus on, societal customs and geographical features/artwork. Really start building out the Atlas and Almanac realm by realm so people can put their flags in the world.

You would ask GW to think of something clever to promote their products and for AoS as well... You seem to like thinking dangerously ! 😉

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Warclans rumored ghb points. 

Brutes -10

Ardboyz -5

Warchanter +5


Gordrakk -50





Foot killaboss-20




Outside of the shaman those KB units are just bad at any point value. Even 150 is a tough sell for gutrippaz, since they just don't do anything.

They kind of just need a new book.

Maw-krusha-less ironjawz could be interesting in the new season though. Brutes and 'ardboyz are down and by skipping the cabbage you could already fit a ton of wounds into a list.

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Not to get too off topic, @Ganigumo, but someone on reddit started a topic "What would be a fun and thematic rule you'd like to see added to kruleboyz to help make them competitive?" and this was my reply. 

For one I'd like to see the venom encrusted weapon mechanic tweaked to on wound. The mortals arent from skill, they're from damage. Then give rippaz -1 rend, +4 save and skewerz +5 save at least. 

Some kind of ambush or reserve mechanic is definitely in order. 

I'd like to see some depth added to the sloggoth rules. Something like before each round pick one of three buffing drum beats. One could be the +1 to hit we already have. One could be +1 to charge rolls. One could be +1 to save rolls or something. Also make some rules for the two loadouts the grots get. The nets could be like gloomspite grots nets and give out a -1 to hit bubble and the snatcha stikks add  +1 to rolls for the grot snatcha crew ability. This unit REALLY needs to do more, especially for the actual army its in. 

Scare taktikz needs to be a straight bravery check or suffer -1 to hit from a unit that attacks this unit. 

Really just a broken record reply but eh.

Still totes adorb my lil bog ninjas. 🤗

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