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36 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

I think all these posts saying a "casual" mission pack wouldn't catch on are missing that Tempest of War for 40k, widely regarded as being the "casual" mission pack compared to the GT stuff, has been a wild success and is probably the actual default way to play the game for the majority of people now.

Good to know, hopefully AOS will get the same treatment with whatever is after Thondia? This actually looks like what we've been talking about wanting to see TBQH...

  • A deck of 66 cards for setting up an matched play game in a matter of minutes
  • 40 secondary missions, plus a new Core Stratagem to help turn the tides in your favour
  • Includes tokens and an instruction leaflet to explain how the cards work

Like this is what I'd personally love to have as AOS expansions, especially the last line on the webstore "You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book" and *only* the corebook 😍

edit: AND IT'S LESS EXPENSIVE THAN A GHB/CAMPAIGN BOOK. The future is now apparently

Edited by CommissarRotke
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1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

Simple systems are good, complex systems are good so long as that compexity serves a purpose and is structured with some aim at elegance in mind. The problem with modern warhammer is that they actually made it too simple at the start of AoS and didn't leave themselves room to justify endless expansions. They've had to keep adding endess layers of extra rules to that simple core until the whole thing has become an unwieldy mess. 

What they should have done from the start was planned a better framework which they could expand as much as their corporate overlords want. The core would have been slightly more complex, but the overall cognitive load needn't be as huge as it is now with all these tacked on extra layers of situational rules.

AoS original design was great, but they've messed that up thoroughly. We'll have to see what 10e 40k looks like, and whether that strikes a better balance, as that is the shape of things to come for us too.

I ran out of reactions to give today, but I want to say that I think you've hit the nail on the head in regards to how to treat and understand complexity. Personally, I love Monstrous Rampages and Heroic Actions as individual mechanics, but both of them on top of the game just make it a bit too complex relative to what you get out of it. I'm hoping they get combined into a single mechanic in 4e - maybe something like "Epic Actions - you can do one Epic Action each phase" sort of thing.

And, of course, the crown jewel of mechanical complexity are rules like Star Wars Legion's squad-leader-based movement, where the rule itself is undeniably more complex than Warhammer's "move each mini up to its Movement value" but actually speeds up gameplay and reduces mental overhead at the table.

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19 minutes ago, acr0ssth3p0nd said:

I ran out of reactions to give today, but I want to say that I think you've hit the nail on the head in regards to how to treat and understand complexity. Personally, I love Monstrous Rampages and Heroic Actions as individual mechanics, but both of them on top of the game just make it a bit too complex relative to what you get out of it. I'm hoping they get combined into a single mechanic in 4e - maybe something like "Epic Actions - you can do one Epic Action each phase" sort of thing.

And, of course, the crown jewel of mechanical complexity are rules like Star Wars Legion's squad-leader-based movement, where the rule itself is undeniably more complex than Warhammer's "move each mini up to its Movement value" but actually speeds up gameplay and reduces mental overhead at the table.


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15 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

What are everyones realistic hopes and dreams for Sundays Sneak Peek!?

Looking for some conformation if the Snarlfang Aesthetic has more too it atm. IE; a few more kits for the gloomspite tome. Ultimately I do feel like they need to add more, as the wolf riders really stick out like sore thumbs atm, but that could be on the scale of years. I don't know if I want to wait in limbo for THAT long before getting into the army.

Looking at you Malerion Elves and Chorfs. I love you, but that is not a waiting train I want tickets too atm xD.

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Love the support for a more supported casual game mode these last few pages. Hope someone at GW reads at least some of it. 

Trying to set my levels of hopium to a minimum now as we are getting close to some kind of reveal now. Really want more gitmob models but there just has been close to no rumours about them. Seems like most of these Destruction and Death releases seem to get released out of nowhere every time XD.

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13 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Good to know, hopefully AOS will get the same treatment with whatever is after Thondia? This actually looks like what we've been talking about wanting to see TBQH...

  • A deck of 66 cards for setting up an matched play game in a matter of minutes
  • 40 secondary missions, plus a new Core Stratagem to help turn the tides in your favour
  • Includes tokens and an instruction leaflet to explain how the cards work

Like this is what I'd personally love to have as AOS expansions, especially the last line on the webstore "You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book" and *only* the corebook 😍

edit: AND IT'S LESS EXPENSIVE THAN A GHB/CAMPAIGN BOOK. The future is now apparently

The strength of it is that mechanically it's basically the same as the regular matched play rules, with primary and secondary objectives and similar army construction rules, but the secondaries are all randomly drawn each turn from the card deck. This removes a huge overhead and pregame angst from more casual players and makes them feel less like they can lose in listbuilding because they picked an army that would struggle to do most secondaries. Now, ToW really doesn't actually solve that problem, and you can still very easily metagame it to make a ToW-specific strong list, but the perception of that being the case is more important for players. The randomness of it helps to take mental strain off of them, either from a decision making standpoint, or a player skill standpoint.

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22 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

What are everyones realistic hopes and dreams for Sundays Sneak Peek!?

My only hope and cope is that "at least" we'll see equally sneak peeks for bor both system....
wh40k:some other Votann things

Aos:cities and perhaps something for the native aos armies like Kharadron..

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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9 minutes ago, EonChao said:

New Gloomspite hero!

I mean update to an existing one but still it looks fantastic


Looks cool!

If we get a sneak peek tomorrow I'm hoping for some new Space Dwarfs- Killteam would be excellent. Maybe a hint of KO for AoS, Votann are giving me my dwarf fix at the moment but it would be nice to see some good AoS dwarfs.

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Very cool hero!

On the other hand, if we go back to the rumors of last week, the guy had spoken of a gitmob hero. So I remain very cautious for the future...(we will have to wait for the snarlfang chariot, or not, to be definitively fixed on this rumours stuff).

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8 hours ago, Shankelton said:

Looking for some conformation if the Snarlfang Aesthetic has more too it atm. IE; a few more kits for the gloomspite tome. Ultimately I do feel like they need to add more, as the wolf riders really stick out like sore thumbs atm, but that could be on the scale of years. I don't know if I want to wait in limbo for THAT long before getting into the army.

Looking at you Malerion Elves and Chorfs. I love you, but that is not a waiting train I want tickets too atm xD.

I mean, at least Chorfs have some more concrete hints at coming than "Malerion is sitting on his lazy boy in Ulgu".

More concrete as in being stated to be rapidly approaching Thondia. Imo Chorfs will be the Ossiarchs of 3rd edition, with hints at their coming beginning at the, well, beginning of the edition (can't really remember anything for Ossiarchs, but Hobgrots + their descriptions for Chorfs), and hints continuing through the edition (e.g.: Horns of Hashut, with their masters marching towards the Gnarlwood/Thondia). And they already have a leader unit named in the Orruk Warclans BT in the form of a Hellsmith.

Might be just them setting up for future potential expansion, but I'm willing to bet Chorfs will be the big thing after we get all remaining 2.0 BTs updated by next Fall (apart from River/Zenith Temple for Lumineth...).

Also, that Squigboss is amazing!

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32 minutes ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

He's a lot smaller than Skarsnik, I think, so proxying is out of the question. Still very excited though to have a herder-boss sort of hero. I know his mask is probably supposed to look like tusks, but does anyone else see one of those novelty fake mustaches?

The mask reminds me of the important guy in Squid Game.

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