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1 hour ago, Wraith said:

OK, but...didn't they tell us that rank and file troops would be all the rage in Gallet GHB? Then it turned out there was a thing called bounty hunters. I wonder what feature they will include that will kill  support heroes with alarming ease in the new GHB?


There are rumors of a “Sniper core battalion” that does just that. Gets past the hero protection so they’re still a threat you have to watch out for or build around to punish over-confident hero delivery systems.

Anyway was 4 pages back and just got caught up with the rumors.


Arenai being DoK gladiators makes a lot of sense.

Goes with the hero they got and the Beast cards match the Arena of Shades art of what they fight in the city colosseums. I could imagine one of the creatures in the Warband.


Could fit lorewise too, in the White Dwarf flashpoint there’s focus on the Free City of Everquake in Lendu renowned for it’s gladiator rings and has a large Melusai temple next to it. The Arenai might be from there to capture and bring back Gnarlwoods monsters to entertain the people of distant Everquake and make more good PR for Morathi-Khaine’s to get a foothold(tailhold?) in Ghur.

Now onto CoS rumors. Well firstly it bolds well for Kharadron that being the last Order update for 3rd edition means they have some excellent chances of getting a big update ala Lumineth’s Wind Temple wave before 3rd hits.

As for Wanderers, well sadly it felt like they were going this direction. Prince Maesa’s omnibus wasn’t put under Cities of Sigmar as they usually do with city focused books and a lot of Wanderer lore has been them adapting and settling down into the cities like with Corporal Steelwater and the recent Ulfenkarn supplement had with a Wanderer that went there to get a medical license. They basically have been taking the Wander out of them as they become full city-aelves as things aren’t improving on the Sylvaneth “please stop genociding us for abandoning you” front.

As for classic units like zealots, demigryphs and steamtanks disappearing. Not surprised since it’s going to be a reboot. 

As Whitefang hinted it’s likely going to be a lot of stuff that has the High Elf to Lumineth transition reactions of “You ruined our faction!! What is this nonsense?!” With how wacky they can go.

Like a earlier comment said “they need regular horses, otherwise aren’t they just smaller Stormcasts?”

Well that could be the case. The Witch Hunter warband has a guy dressing as a Stormcast, WD lore has a new city called Brinnock making “super armor” for the crusades and there’s 2018 art of Azyr warriors that do indeed look like mini-casts:


It could easily go primitive gunpowder and heavy armored troops for Battleline that get backed up by armies of super Warrior Priests, magic armor and fantastical beasts from Azyr(like those new horned gryph-chargers) that are all about proving themselves for reforging into true Stormcasts.

And then later down the line we get the Ironweld update for new warmachines, Dispossessed engineers and mini-cogforts to replace the steamtanks, then a collegiate arcane and aelven update for the mage elements of the cities.

Lastly, I don’t see this hurting the mixed race element of the Cities. There’s been tons of material since Broken Realms of them all working together and Soulbound’s Blackened Earth really doubled down on it with how important the duardin and aelven civilians are to keeping Greywater alive while the Forge city got a retcon from being a purely duardin run city to a duardin/human hybrid city. 

With how important the druchii elements are to the cities like Excelsis’ Scourge harbor patrols, Bilgewater’s privateer protected trades in Ghur and Misthavn being huge on them working together in both naval and magic narcotics smuggling activities across the Realms(note they played a huge part in Broken Realms Morathi as a Black Ark fleet escorted by freeguild steamcogs with Misthavn human marines on the Ark protected Morathi from the vengeful Deepkin as she ascended) means they’re likely to get love down the line in cities too when they need (sea)monster updates.

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23 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

There are rumors of a “Sniper core battalion” that does just that. Gets past the hero protection so they’re still a threat you have to watch out for or build around to punish over-confident hero delivery systems.

Are there actually? Because I was going to make a joke to this extent, but now I'm not sure.

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Yeah, they came with some of the first rumors on that two months ago.

Feels like GW wants a rock-paper-scissors system so there’s never one true dominant force(like in Gallet people just skipped the Bounty Hunter threat entirely by relying on Thondia’s monster list still instead of playing into the infantry hype) by just changing up options so people can make new lists and get previously shelved models back into the game with a meta shift.

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14 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah, they came with some of the first rumors on that two months ago.

Feels like GW wants a rock-paper-scissors system so there’s never one true dominant force(like in Gallet people just skipped the Bounty Hunter threat entirely by relying on Thondia’s monster list still instead of playing into the infantry hype) by just changing up options so people can make new lists and get previously shelved models back into the game with a meta shift.

I hope however they handle it, it's not quite as badly done as GV's and Bounty Hunters. It seems everything I watch about current AoS is about how to avoid GVs, it why X unit is bad because it's currently forced to be a GV, but once we get a new GHB it might be good etc.

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4 hours ago, MiNibbler said:

Someone mentioned a rumour regarding Heros in the next GHB - I couldn't find the exact meaning of this. Could anybody enlighten me ;)

I think Its about small Heroes cant be targeted by range attacks as Long as they are near a unit 

Edited by Charly2912
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17 hours ago, Gothmaug said:

Is it bad I want an army of classic fantasy dwarves? Never going to happen though, its not a defensible Intellectual property, too generic. Which is the same reason why I firmly believe we got Cow-Elves. 



I'd definitely love a classic dwarf force that was its own thing outside CoS,  I love a strong dwarf identity and Kharadrons are fantastic I'd love toes what the designers could do for classic dwarfs in the AoS setting - their redo of Soulblight is amazing. 

Kurnothi are another faction id love to see, i'd hope they would go for "wild elves " as I love the war band and made a few extra deer centaurs from the wild rider kit and they look so good.

Happy to see coS get a good revamp and keep their mixed factions though- should be exciting to see what regular humans get in the AoS setting. 

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1 minute ago, EntMan said:

Is there a rumour engine advent calendar this year? It's 2nd December now and a can't see anything on WarCom.

I aske them about it on twitter and they said they aren't doing one this year which made me sad. They are doing a stupid competition instead. 

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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

The person who shared the leaks says that this isn't true. There will still be sub factions base on cities but there will also be a dawnbringers sub faction. He compares it to Big Waagh in the Orruk Warclans book. 

Did the sharer of leaks state there will still be two seperate tomes? if so, when will a new CoS tome be released?

I find it surprising that GW would drop miniatures from their range while still having war scrolls in a current tome. Possibly the Dawnbringers tome will include two build options, similar to how Stormcast can choose the deep strike version or the CoS integrated version.

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21 minutes ago, Wraith said:

Did the sharer of leaks state there will still be two seperate tomes? if so, when will a new CoS tome be released?

I find it surprising that GW would drop miniatures from their range while still having war scrolls in a current tome. Possibly the Dawnbringers tome will include two build options, similar to how Stormcast can choose the deep strike version or the CoS integrated version.

If I'm reading into this correctly, the main Battletome will be "Cities of Sigmar" (like BT Orruk Warclans), with subfactions like Disposessed, Phoenix Temple, whatever the new humans will be called/Dawnbringer Crusades (Dawnbringer maybe like the Big Waaagh, where you can include stuff from all other subfactions? Or probably just the name for the new humans?)

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I wonder if GW is not going to make several waves of releases (much like Battle Sisters, Lumineth and soon Leagues of Votann).

First wave : everything that is human.

Second and third wave : Aelves then Duardins (or vice versa).

Eventually the CoS battletome will only contain "made in" AoS sculptures. We can always dream but I think it's a hypothesis that has its chances (even if it may take years if it is true).

AoS coach had given reliable information about the Lumineth? I want to believe in a release next spring for COS but I always remain cautious...

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50 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

If I'm reading into this correctly, the main Battletome will be "Cities of Sigmar" (like BT Orruk Warclans), with subfactions like Disposessed, Phoenix Temple, whatever the new humans will be called/Dawnbringer Crusades (Dawnbringer maybe like the Big Waaagh, where you can include stuff from all other subfactions? Or probably just the name for the new humans?)

My understanding is that Subfactions will be named after specific cities like they are now with Hammerhal, The living city etc. There will be an additional subfaction that is Dawnbringers. I think the reason the phoenix guard are staying is because of Phoenicium. 

Edited by Chikout
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10 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Easy solution: Unicorns!

Not in terms of the traditional smaller unicorns with deer hooves, goat beards and lion tails but modern horse with a spiral horn unicorns. Then give the option to build them with or without the horn. 

Boom high fantasy IP friendly AOS models that can be built as traditional cavalry.

But in all seriousness I think that they will have traditional horses based on what I feel was likely part of the barding of a horse and the other more human appearance of the models we have seen thus far. 

In the entirety of time Ive known you mate, you have wanted AOS Unicorns. And I for one damn hope you get them in some capacity!!

Maybe youll get the double whammy of Chaos Duardin Unicorns, out with the bulls in with the ponies!!

1 hour ago, Chikout said:

I aske them about it on twitter and they said they aren't doing one this year which made me sad. They are doing a stupid competition instead. 

That is absolute madness. I am overcome with dissapointment!! A competition only benefits a dozen or so people, I love the Christmas Rumour Engine even if its just to fuel discussion and get us in the Christmas spirit!!

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I voted for the Tibia Mariner also known as Awlrach the drowner. Loved him from the second I saw him.

It's a pity that, once again, a 40k model is gonna win. It's a mistake that the competition is not split into Aos and 40k, the second has so much more fans that it automatically wins. All the other GW competitions like golden demon and armies on parade are split that way, I don't know why this thing isn't

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Lots of talk and rumours about the next GHB yet not a single hint from GW which is very surprising. The fact is, this is another book to buy, meaning  it is already going to be received negatively ish, therefore you would probably want to push hard on the 'create hype' button, yet all we got is silent for  a product that is supposed to be out next month max ? Isn't it strange ? Are we really getting a new GHB soon ? 

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23 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Miniature Of The Year voting.

Obviously the Avatar is going to win, but maybe Brodd can beat out the Daemon Prince for place.

It is the first time they bundle the miniatures released on those boxes? I don't remember this happening last year. It make feel w are voting more for the "product of the year" rather than miniature we you put them like that...

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Close call for me between the StD set, mainly as the Daemon Prince is an amazing kit, with so many options or the one Ironjawz release, Bazdrogg Nekk-Choppa.


In the end I went for the Daemon Prince, I'm currently working on my 2nd already. 

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