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3 minutes ago, maitremage said:

Where are Slaanesh points ? Can't find them...

Not sure... The upcoming BT is for Automn, so... maybe october or the end of september but not before. I'm not sure GHB give points correpsonding to new warsrolls coming 3 or 4 months later... But maybe you're right ^^

I mean there are points for a model that hasn't been released, that's what makes me say that, otherwise I would 100% agree with you!

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1 minute ago, KarrWolves said:

I mean there are points for a model that hasn't been released, that's what makes me say that, otherwise I would 100% agree with you!

That is the reason why I think you could be right... But I keep thinking that is just a mistake, or maybe it is because we'll have a box such as Echoes of Doom with the new hero and that box will come one or two month before the BT (which means august, so closer to GHB release) : then I understand why the model's name appear in the GHB

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23 minutes ago, maitremage said:

Where are Slaanesh points ? Can't find them...

Very small changes - and no changes to Slaangors, which makes me wonder if the rules writers are looking at the same warscroll we are.

Sigvald down to 245 (-20)

Contorted epitome down to 245 (-15)

Lord of Pain down to 140 (-10)

Shardspeaker down to 135 (-15)

Glutos down to 470 (-5)

Keeper of Secrets down to 400 (-20)

Shalaxi down to 390 (-15)

Daemonettes down to 130 (-10)

Endless spells also went down.

So they're all decreases, but none big enough to make a difference and most still overpriced. It's a big shame really as Slaanesh will be waiting a long time for any worthwhile changes, and it makes you wonder why the writers think they're okay - I'd personally love to know.

Edited by Enoby
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Sigvald is down from 265 so it’s a 20 point decrease :-).

in the light of some other changes, like the Mortisan Soulmason going from 140 to 115, It feels a little dissapointing. Fiends going from 200 to 195 points feels very strange, Glutos still feels awfully overpriced and daemonettes surely still cannot be serious at 15 points more expensive than witch elves.

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14 hours ago, Mortal Wound said:

However, they let slip it will be a six month thing in the initial Warhammer Fest reveal stream (which has since been deleted from Twitch), I believe the exact verbage used was that the book 'lays out the framework for the next six months of Matched Play'. I remember deliberately rewinding the stream to check I heard that right.

That's still consistent with one general's handbook and one narrative campaign book per year, both including a matched play battle pack.  And if future campaign battle packs find the same traction that thondia did - ie very little - then we'll still be looking at 12 month cycles based on GHBs exclusively as the most common practice, even if it's not the official company policy.

Edited by Sception
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4 minutes ago, Wordy9th said:

Sigvald is down from 265 so it’s a 20 point decrease :-).

in the light of some other changes, like the Mortisan Soulmason going from 140 to 115, It feels a little dissapointing. Fiends going from 200 to 195 points feels very strange, Glutos still feels awfully overpriced and daemonettes surely still cannot be serious at 15 points more expensive than witch elves.

Thans :) I'll edit that in. 

But yeah, I think that's the big thing - one of (if not the) most struggling armies gets a reletively tame points decrease. It's not a nerf, but it again makes you question what the rules team sees that we don't - or if they just don't see an issue at all. 


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4 minutes ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

Slaanesh got more than the Kruleboyz got, not a single change at all. 

Any changes for other 3.0 battletomes? Sometimes point changes for recent books only appear in the pdf and not the print, so if there’s no other stormcast or orc changes we might still see them later.

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Anyone see the warscroll changes? Trying to figure out if the rumored Seraphon losing Scaly Skin happened or not. 

Found Seraphon point changes:

Stegadon +5

Astrolith Bearer -10

Skink Priest +10

Razordon +10

So far nothing on warscroll changes or allegiance ability changes. 

Edited by DinoJon
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If those are the points of the new LRL I'm a little surprised. It felt like the trend was for everything to become more expensive pointswise, but seeing DoK and now LRL, it seems that is not a consistent change they're going for.

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Looking at the ossiarch numbers...

Post-nerf Nagash is still above 900 points when I'd have a hard time justifying him at 800 even, so at least on my end he's still stuck on the display shelf.  Not a major complaint, he got plenty of play in second edition and is taking a break in the narrative as well, so if anything that's fitting.

But all the mortisan spellcasters at the same points cost?  Despite the soulmason being by far the best of the three and the soulreaper being by far the worst?  And Vokmortian's still more expensive than any of them?  Ossiarch spellcaster pricing is all out of wack if the leaks are accurate.

everything else is unchanged or nudged up or down by not enough to make a difference.  The overall faction is still probably stuck on the bench pending a new battletome that actually works with the 3rd edition core rules instead of struggling so painfully against them.

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34 minutes ago, Vastus said:

If those are the points of the new LRL I'm a little surprised. It felt like the trend was for everything to become more expensive pointswise, but seeing DoK and now LRL, it seems that is not a consistent change they're going for.

If you lower point costs across the board, people will buy more models to fill their armies.

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41 minutes ago, novakai said:

So if LRL has a new hero, I am guessing Tzeentch got an old resin hero redone in plastic judging by their pitch profile

Probably the Curseling considering the RE is showing a Tzeentch staff.

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10 minutes ago, Domize said:

The Tzeentch increases are just hilarious to me. Flamers weren't exactly scaring anyone anymore.

They also increased kairic acolytes, which were overcosted at 100 points when the book first released and nobody plays, again, despite not really being a unit that benefits from the new changes since they're a ranged infantry unit.
Meanwhile Tzaangors, who benefit hugely from all the new changes stayed the same.
Also the ogroid, that nobody really played, also went up.

Screamers were untouched too, despite being GV in hosts arcanum that could be really effective counting as 3 models with their speed and fly.

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5 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

They also increased kairic acolytes, which were overcosted at 100 points when the book first released and nobody plays, again, despite not really being a unit that benefits from the new changes since they're a ranged infantry unit.
Meanwhile Tzaangors, who benefit hugely from all the new changes stayed the same.
Also the ogroid, that nobody really played, also went up.

Screamers were untouched too, despite being GV in hosts arcanum that could be really effective counting as 3 models with their speed and fly.

Tzeentch are getting a new book soon so any judgement about their points is pretty meaningless until we see the book. 

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Bounty hunter battalion leaked on the AoS subreddit, no requirements for the members to be Veterans. Just two to three units that aren't Behemoths, Artillery, or Leaders. You can only take one of the battalions, but you've got 2-3 units that are rocking +1 damage against all of your opponents foot battleline.

This isn't the season of horde troops, it's the season small elite mounted battleline units. They can get the bonus of double damage without the risk of getting shredded in return. Personally I'd be trying to take as few Veterans as physically possible. Nowhere near worth the risk they pose now and they even give up bonus points on one of the new missions. Armies that can take small elite groups like Stormcast Dragons, Varanguard, or Pusgoyle Blightlords will get a big boost and armies that can't are just going to get nuked left right and center.

Edited by Grimrock
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