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12 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

Btw, hear me out ... For the sake of balance, symmetry and equality in the Lumineth... I think it would have been cool if Tyrion had been reborn as a woman. 

But wasn't Teclis the one who was the literal champion of the Goddess of the moon? therefore the most likely to be transitioned? IDk I'm a tomb king, not slaanesh (though I do dabble).... @Enoby and @CeleFAZE what do you two fine hedonites think?

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3 hours ago, Mungrun said:

About Cities of Sigmar

I'm watching again Skaven's reveal video and I think that this new humans are going to have some kind of Spanish conquistadors and explorers flavor/theme which i think it's very cool.


That would make them even more generic and even more replaceable with historical ranges so... good?

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18 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

But wasn't Teclis the one who was the literal champion of the Goddess of the moon? therefore the most likely to be transitioned? IDk I'm a tomb king, not slaanesh (though I do dabble).... @Enoby and @CeleFAZE what do you two fine hedonites think?

True, and that was my first idea as well, but since Alarielle and Morathi are already more mages than warriors, I thought it would be a little more interesting if it were the sun knight type instead of the moon mage to represent the female. 

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I managed to figure out what bothers me about the new Sylvaneth. The theme of the army felt very connected to the earth. Walking trees, summoning a forest to the table, emerging from the ground with ambushes like its growing around the opponents.

And now all of a sudden they have all these flying mobile units. It feels out of place for me. I would have liked to see a Sylvaneth version of Wildriders, Wardancers, a battleline archer or just a big beetle unit. The new units look ok but i dont know if they realy fit the concept/ theme besides looking like revenants. Guess i will have to get used to them for now.

Edited by Iksdee
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33 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

That would make them even more generic and even more replaceable with historical ranges so... good?

Now I just have to find an excuse to go to my parents house to search through boxes for my Pirazzo's lost legion (truly lost now i guess lol)


Edited by Mungrun
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47 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

But wasn't Teclis the one who was the literal champion of the Goddess of the moon? therefore the most likely to be transitioned? IDk I'm a tomb king, not slaanesh (though I do dabble).... @Enoby and @CeleFAZE what do you two fine hedonites think?

I mean, it almost feels too on the nose. Give me buff warrior-woman Tyrion any day.

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How disappointing for Skaven. Their range is in almost a dire state as Eldar was a couple of months ago.

They're one of the most recognizable and iconic factions in Warhammer and GW just don't seem to want to capitalize on that in the slightest. The design studio has always been rumoured to be not a fan of designing Skaven models and I guess it still apparently is true.

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A few hints that were talked in the stream.


  • Lot's of diferent ways to build the army, expect a few more things with Eshin (because new deadthmaster and the Underworlds warband).
  • High risk, high reward, A few rolled 1's or bad bravery-stacking can destroy your plan.
  • Can build specific clans (eshin, verminous, etc...) or as a full mob from all aspects of the horned rat.


  • Lady of thorns has the same role of Drycha. More powerful than 5 wounds heroes but less powerful than god-like Allarielle.
  • Gossamid Archers are faster than average ranged units and they do "something" when they hit (Eddie explains that their arrows turn to insects and some other creepy stuff...).
  • Spiteriders Lancers are shock cavalry, comparable to Eels (in dmg) and really fast.
  • Revenant Seekers can still hit hard but have more synergies with the army. They can collect the seeds of fallen Sylvaneths to ressurect them or heal other units.
  • New Battletome will change a lot of things, even old units will have diferent roles and abilities. This new Sylvaneth units expanded how the Sylvaneth can be played and opened a lot of new type of mechanics.


  • Still in Ghur, but in another zone (bye bye Thondia!).
  • 6 "generic" battleplans
  • 6 "specific" battleplans
  • Basic Troops (talked about battleline troops) are going to be the starts of the show. Until now, they were just "chaff", but this book will bring new ways to play them and have another type of impact on the table.
  • Monsters are still going to be good.

Dawnbringer Crusades (no name given in the stream):

  • The new army will come at the end of this edition.
  • The release will be like Sisters of Battle. They will show some renders and models before their release.
  • Based on humans (grounded people) but they didn't deny that it could be other races too (answering a twitch-chat question).
  • New design. They are not Empire but in AoS, they are a new army. Again, their focus is on the people of the realms.
  • Based on the ongoing story of the Cities of Sigmar & Free Cities (now Dawnbringer Crusades).
  • Lot's of skulls and warhammer stuff.

Drekki Flynt & Cado Ezechiar

  • Both with warscrolls.
  • Drekki was presented in two short stories and will recieve a new book.

Ogroids Theridons

  • We know everything about them so...
Edited by Beliman
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2 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Interesting take. I personally do not believe that the Zenith temple will be that much elevated on contrast to the other three since Lumineth and the realm of Hysh are about symmetry and balance. This is very much examplified by the outline of the Lumineth realm and its culture: two twin gods, four Aelementiri temples, eight Great Nations (which are equally shared between the two brothers). Teclis himself emulates this symmetry in his equal mastery of the four elements, smybolized by the discs adorning his belt. 

On the other hand you are of course very much right when you point out the obvious connection both Tyrion and the Zenith temple have to the concept of light. I for one eould hope that Tyrion's sun is somewhat different from the Zenith's light.

And it looks like this cherished balance of mine will be challenged by the fact that I expect each of the two temples which are left will be connected to a Nation (like Mountain is connected to Ymetrica and Wind is connected to Helon). And this would mean that three of the Tyrionic Nations and just one of the Tecleian Nations have connections to elements. And I'm not happy about that since Teclis is supposed to be the Aelementiri guy. He invented them. 

Btw, hear me out ... For the sake of balance, symmetry and equality in the Lumineth... I think it would have been cool if Tyrion had been reborn as a woman. 

You’re point on symmetry is a good one. But although Teclis was the one who set up the temples but Tyrion was the first to commune with a realm sprit (if that’s what it was), so I don’t think he’s less involved with them than Teclis.

And sorry to burst your bubble but has Tyrion appears very briefly in AoS he’s given he/him pronouns 😅. For example in the conversation with Grungni at the Dawn of the Age of Chaos in a short story in White Dwarf 465.

”The aelf looked over the crowds, his vantage taking in the entire sea of heads and the jagged peaks of the mountainous vista beyond the precipice. His helm swayed lightly, side to side, like a blind man trying to fix something in his mind. ”


Edit: Oh, plus Nagash and Teclis both refer to him as Teclis’ brother in Broken realms: Teclis.

Edited by Ledgington
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Great reveals, loved all the Sylvaneth, RIP my summer wallet.

As a Beasts of Chaos collector too, the Skaven lack of new models has me concerned for when it's our turn for a new tome and update, one new hero model incoming, hopefully a Doombull, though something new might be fun.

Also the Ogroids have me lowkey sad, they are pretty much what I imagined a new bullgor sculpt might look like, bar the head, almost feels like Beasts are getting replaced. Oh well, conversion job might have to do.

Hopeful for destruction in Autumn, almost certainly Gloomspite and Ogors. Ogors deserve the bigger range update but hoping I get a troll caster hero for my little troll mob I've got going.

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1 hour ago, Hawke said:

Great reveals, loved all the Sylvaneth, RIP my summer wallet.

As a Beasts of Chaos collector too, the Skaven lack of new models has me concerned for when it's our turn for a new tome and update, one new hero model incoming, hopefully a Doombull, though something new might be fun.

Also the Ogroids have me lowkey sad, they are pretty much what I imagined a new bullgor sculpt might look like, bar the head, almost feels like Beasts are getting replaced. Oh well, conversion job might have to do.

Hopeful for destruction in Autumn, almost certainly Gloomspite and Ogors. Ogors deserve the bigger range update but hoping I get a troll caster hero for my little troll mob I've got going.

Oh man if Ogors get a range refresh and Gloomspite get a Hero Troggoth!? Thats a win win!!

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I've have really enjoyed the reveals so far. I never have high expectations about them so I they don't ever really disappoint me. It's got me in the mood for more painting! I liked everything, particularly:

- New Skaven character (gorgeous model!)

- The new Daemon Prince images - I now think it will be really cool.

- The Cities of Sigmar announcement. As a Freeguild player, this gives me a bit of time to finish my army before the next wave and if it takes it's queues off the wonderful Cursed City and Ven Denst characters then the army is in good hands.

- The awesomely awesome Ogroid models

Looking forward to the upcoming Underworlds and Warcry announcements. :)

Edited by Greyshadow
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Belated hot takes:


The new deathmaster is a cool model (for me, a definite improvement over the old one), it's just a pity that he has to exist in the same army as the ancient Gutter Runners. That will be a clash of art styles if ever there was one. Skaven got robbed, they really needed new troop kits.


I have never been a huge fan of Slyvaneth up to now. I always thought they were a bit samey as a faction, with the majority of their troops being some variation of tree person. There are a few stand out kits, of course, like Drycha and Alarielle, but not enough for me personally to really get excited about the army. I think this expansion of their insect subtheme is a really good choice. The new archers and cav units unquestionably read as Sylvaneth at a glance while still being quite different from anything found in the army before. Now I just hope their new battletome does them justice.

Cities of Sigmar

I won't go into it at length here (I will save that overly long rant for the dedicated discussion thread) but I think the news that GW is finally dedicated to giving AoS a proper human faction is phenomenal. I have personally though that this was a very conspicuous void in the AoS line up for a while. In the lore, the humans of the Cities of Sigmar are consistenly important, driving forces of the narrative, but on the table they don't even have a faction to clearly call their own. I found it a bit comical at time: If you look at the Soulbound books, for example, there are player character archetypes for all the different factions that are thoroughly anchored in the lore. DoK witch elves, KO aether chemists, Fyreslayer Battlesmiths... But humans get the choice of being Battlemages, Excelsior Warpriests (which are not even in the game anymore) and Trade Pioneers (which have never been in the game). A huge mismatch between what the lore tells me about humans and what the game actually cashes out. I am very optimistic about the Dawnbringer project: There seems to be a commitment to re-do most of the human kits currently in the game. I would say, worst case, that means we get new Freeguild kits with a more clear AoS identity. But best case, the sky really is the limit. Just imagine, distinct models for humans from all the different cultures of the realms. Aqshian rough riders. Ghyran jungle scouts. Hyshian warrior-poets. Chamonite mega-engineers. There is just so much potential here and I can't wait to see how it turns out.


The points are out of the GHB, which is great. Finally we won't have to deal with balance adjustments made, like, a year in advance. Kind of makes the latest battlescroll a bit puzzling to me, though. I really thought the reason why they didn't touch points in it was because we would get new points in the GHB.

Black Library guys

They cool.

Ogroid Theridons

The ogroids are a cool sub race for chaos and I am glad they are being expanded upon. I know a lot of people really love the Myrmidon and Thaumaturge.


I feel like I said this before, but: Everything that was actually shown off was cool, but you can't help feeling like there should have been more. At least I got Dawnbringers to pour all my hopes and dreams into for a year before getting disappointed that they don't live up to my ridiculous imaginary standards.

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Problem we have with AoS is that Fantasy proved how, if a universe or race doesn't sell enough (not even bad, just not enough) they totally will distroy it


Love AoS, even like ET, and the new heads in charge seem to be better than the old ones. But. BUT. End Times planted the seed of insecurity in warhammer fans. And it has come to stay.

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Based on the WHC article, looks like there might be a slight tweak to or contextualisation of the existing ogroid background.

As it stands, they're former worshippers of Gorkamorka who turned to chaos for strength and had all the hordes of destruction round on them in a fury. In the WHC article they appear to be a Gorkamorka-worshipping people whose empire was destroyed by orks and who were invited to settle the Eightpoints by Archaon.

The minis still look a bit static and awkwardly posed unfortunately but it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

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3 hours ago, Ledgington said:

You’re point on symmetry is a good one. But although Teclis was the one who set up the temples but Tyrion was the first to commune with a realm sprit (if that’s what it was), so I don’t think he’s less involved with them than Teclis.

And sorry to burst your bubble but has Tyrion appears very briefly in AoS he’s given he/him pronouns 😅. For example in the conversation with Grungni at the Dawn of the Age of Chaos in a short story in White Dwarf 465.

”The aelf looked over the crowds, his vantage taking in the entire sea of heads and the jagged peaks of the mountainous vista beyond the precipice. His helm swayed lightly, side to side, like a blind man trying to fix something in his mind. ”


Edit: Oh, plus Nagash and Teclis both refer to him as Teclis’ brother in Broken realms: Teclis.

No worries, there are no bursted bubbles on my part whatsoever. I know Tyrion is already male-coded in AOS. But I still think it would have been interesting, hence my use of conditional in my original post. 😊

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1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

Based on the WHC article, looks like there might be a slight tweak to or contextualisation of the existing ogroid background.

As it stands, they're former worshippers of Gorkamorka who turned to chaos for strength and had all the hordes of destruction round on them in a fury. In the WHC article they appear to be a Gorkamorka-worshipping people whose empire was destroyed by orks and who were invited to settle the Eightpoints by Archaon.

The minis still look a bit static and awkwardly posed unfortunately but it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

I think they look pretty awkward too. They remind me of the minotaurs, which isn’t something I like to be reminded of. 

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