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4 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

While Malerion did nothing after helping to chain Slaanesh. And he - I will never tire to criticize that - sl@tshamed his mother in that short story. 

I think manipulating people and stealing their prayers in order to attain godhood for yourself and setting off a chain of events which weakens Slaanesh's prison is worse than calling someone a name, but I can see that it's pretty subjective.

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22 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

God, I hate Malerion... Got thrust into the Mortal Realms, granted Godhood just because. Morathi is a manipulator, but she had to work for everything she has in the Mortal Realms and fought the followers of Chaos and of Nagash, and also Kragnos. While Malerion did nothing after helping to chain Slaanesh. And he - I will never tire to criticize that - sl@tshamed his mother in that short story. 

bizarre standards to hold a evil elf to. As we all know elves are just naturally written as the best at anything so an evil elf would be the most evil being in the universe 

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16 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

God, I hate Malerion... Got thrust into the Mortal Realms, granted Godhood just because. Morathi is a manipulator, but she had to work for everything she has in the Mortal Realms and fought the followers of Chaos and of Nagash, and also Kragnos. While Malerion did nothing after helping to chain Slaanesh. And he - I will never tire to criticize that - sl@tshamed his mother in that short story. 

I don't want this to come off as defending that (it's not, don't sl@tshame), but both were and are toxic and would need more than a few sessions of therapy. Their relationship has always been unhealthy and frankly I'm not sure which one would benefit from a restraining order from who.

Maybe that's why I'm so interested in getting a Malerion army, so we'll get to know him better. Current AoS lore is quite ambivalent on where Malerion's moral compass lies, so it'll be interesting to see if his character underwent more changes than just in naming heheh

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21 minutes ago, Red Bull said:

I think manipulating people and stealing their prayers in order to attain godhood for yourself and setting off a chain of events which weakens Slaanesh's prison is worse than calling someone a name, but I can see that it's pretty subjective.

Nah, please don't be bitter. It's fine and I'm actually looking forward to seeing him and his army realized in AOS! And I am very sure they'll look great and sell even better. I just don't like his emoboy edgelord super king personality. But he will be a great addition to the narrative and the meta. 

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11 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I’m very upset about this article:


a random project generator, that has forgotten the faction that literally embodies randomness.

how could they even think of forgetting about the skaven or the gloomy gitz.

dear games workshop, please re-do this generator, it seems to be filled with flaws and mistakes

The Theory In Progress I've seen is that it's subtly teasing upcoming armies. Of course, Whitefang himself has teased "something shadowy" related to Skaven (Eshin?!) so if TiP is true, it would mean Skaven are a distant thing. Which would be a bummer, I want Ninja Rats!

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31 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I’m very upset about this article:


a random project generator, that has forgotten the faction that literally embodies randomness.

how could they even think of forgetting about the skaven or the gloomy gitz.

dear games workshop, please re-do this generator, it seems to be filled with flaws and mistakes

Dude, knock it off with your conspiracy theories. There is no such thing as giant rat-men living in the sewers. You’re scaring the children.

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3 hours ago, Lightbox said:

I'd love to see them redo Maneaters, with today's technology and ridiculousness you could get some truly silly looking dudes! Give one a swirly mustache, cavalier hat and rapier that could double as a greatsword for a normal sized person, another with a pirate hat peg leg and cannon for a hand, redo the cook with the rolling pin as their weapon.


Some new ogors could look really nice, brutogg and the recent tyrant have that nice ramshackle Armour look which would be great for ironguts. Also firebellies, the current one is super dynamic, make it a fun mawtribes wizard and have a new model with billowing flames spewing.

Oh man, how about a fully armoured ogre maneater?

armour made of loads of other suits or alternatively a suit of full plate as he was well impressed with the stormbro's and their full body tin cans of shinyness.

It could be a nice remake of the original skragg the slaughterer model:


2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:



A Skaven whip

Chaos dwarf shoelace for sure.

2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Although I am not 100% with you on ending factions that cannot get out of the rank-and-file curse (unless I misunderstood you) - exactly because I am an old Bret fan and I have never found any other army that resonated to me in the same degree as Brets did. They are the army that got away, the summer love army you kissed painted under the apple tree. You will learn to love again. You will love again. But nobody could be that first pegasi knight.

The bone mafia.. love it.

I agree, I loved brets and still do. LIke you nothing has ever dropped my jaw like a beautifully painted bret army on the table.

You echo my own thoughts - the rumour for 9th starter box was brets and beasts again, and I was ready to go balls deep into brets.  What I was trying to get at with the rank and file curse was more to do with the fact that I believe that orcs, beasts etc aren't going to go away.  So like the chaos warriors free them from the shackle of the needing to rank and give them some dynamic poses befitting the AoS system.

Retire the carryover models from fantasy back to the old world when that comes out, but the AoS brets, cities, ogres, beasts etc all get a nice makeover which will just invigorate the lines once again.  Chaos warriors and knights in the stat collecting are a prime example, a small change of shield to mimic the varanguard, some subtle poses - they haven't reinvented the wheel but they're great as a result.  In that way you've taken all those rank and file models and sent them back to their own time. What's left is wholly AoS in look, scale and feel.

I mean who doesn't want a doombull that looks like a bull headed ogroid Myrmidon pumped up to 11 !

(hoves man.. hooves, with the reverse knee not silly stumpy hoof leg feets).


1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

God, I hate Malerion... Got thrust into the Mortal Realms, granted Godhood just because. Morathi is a manipulator, but she had to work for everything she has in the Mortal Realms and fought the followers of Chaos and of Nagash, and also Kragnos. While Malerion did nothing after helping to chain Slaanesh. And he - I will never tire to criticize that - sl@tshamed his mother in that short story. 

It's cos he cracked a smile didn't he?

As for mummylerion - dude, she's flakier than her own shed skins, I mean, she cuddled right up to the chaos perfume CEO before her son and nephew caught him having a kip and realised he'd eaten too many pies to get out of the prison.

Malerion "Oi Tyrion.. why you no come and see the family anymore.. show your face some time"

Tyrion "No way uncle, my brother will try and make me wear a hat as long as his face with a silly thing parked on top like a baguette or a christmas turkey because he saw some brets carrying their lunch on their helmets once as they had to get out to do some maiden saving and honour upholding before they had time to finish it, and your mum's an absolute loonbag that still wears her wedding dress and goes down the shop in her slippers, and she's as angry as my brother is miserable."

Malerion "I see, yea you're not wrong.."

Tyrion " is your skin still peeling from that fire you walked into or has that healed now?"

Malerion " buggered if I know, you can't even look in a mirrors these days as some other bloke is looking back at you and when you try and see your reflection in some water you can't as it's always misty round here.. anyway tell me more about carrying your lunch on your head..."

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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47 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I don't want this to come off as defending that (it's not, don't sl@tshame), but both were and are toxic and would need more than a few sessions of therapy. Their relationship has always been unhealthy and frankly I'm not sure which one would benefit from a restraining order from who.

Maybe that's why I'm so interested in getting a Malerion army, so we'll get to know him better. Current AoS lore is quite ambivalent on where Malerion's moral compass lies, so it'll be interesting to see if his character underwent more changes than just in naming heheh

I agree entirely, I also think it is strange in our game of plastic demons, corrupted gods and perpetual war people are so interested in aspirational figures in their evil elves. I like playing Chaos because when I win I beat the opponent in a friendly game of plastic toys and narratively as a pyrrhic victory for the demon worshipers, but when I lose I can justify it that the enemy just saved the world. But I think that is one of the fun things about wargaming as opposed to Tabletop RPGs, I am not an actor but rather a director. 

It is interesting though that Malerion's followers are pretty much the only thing we have always known are coming yet always seem outside of reach. We also get so many hints about them but for a number of reasons the time is never right. I absolutely thought we would have seen them before the Lumineth

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40k is going to do six months seasons for competitive rules, do you think they could do the same with AoS?


Frankly, this sounds like something they can do in a "subscription" format, so they are very likely going to push it. But there's also the "no enough data" thing they do with AoS, so who knows...

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29 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

Dude, knock it off with your conspiracy theories. There is no such thing as giant rat-men living in the sewers. You’re scaring the children.

Better man-thing accept-believe of the non existence of the rat-race.

yes-yes, much-much easier to flood-flood warhammer world,

when nobody believes-accepts our existence 


Edited by Skreech Verminking
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17 minutes ago, Sete said:

I'm curious about this, feels very dark elfy for me.

( Dont think it was revealed yet)




I am thinking we are going to see a lot of these in the cursed city expansions but yes I could see this tying into Malerion's forces.

I am still interested in who he will use as his Avatar. Each Aelven faction has one... I am hoping that it is a revived Darkblade with Tz'arkan now in the majority of control. I could imagine the unit with a name like the Spirit of the Darkblade.

Also between Daughters of Khaine and Cities of Sigmar I am curious how much of his faction will be soup?

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

The Theory In Progress I've seen is that it's subtly teasing upcoming armies. Of course, Whitefang himself has teased "something shadowy" related to Skaven (Eshin?!) so if TiP is true, it would mean Skaven are a distant thing. Which would be a bummer, I want Ninja Rats!

I could definitely see Eshin getting a Warcry Warband before the Skaven range update!! Also if IDK, OBR and KO are the next 3 Tomes I'm totally ok with that!! Because hopefully all 3 will get more than just a Hero. I'd love even for Terrain for KO such as a Sky Port.

57 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:

Oh man, how about a fully armoured ogre maneater?

armour made of loads of other suits or alternatively a suit of full plate as he was well impressed with the stormbro's and their full body tin cans of shinyness.

It could be a nice remake of the original skragg the slaughterer model:



Something like these lads!!


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53 minutes ago, Talas said:

40k is going to do six months seasons for competitive rules, do you think they could do the same with AoS?


Frankly, this sounds like something they can do in a "subscription" format, so they are very likely going to push it. But there's also the "no enough data" thing they do with AoS, so who knows...

It could be argued its already happening in AoS as all games are set in the realm of beasts with rules reflecting that. Many have speculated that the new GHB will see a new realm. 

As for the 'subscription' part of your post, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. The rules will be in a book to buy if you so choose to use those rules, no subscription will be needed. 

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53 minutes ago, Talas said:

40k is going to do six months seasons for competitive rules, do you think they could do the same with AoS?


Frankly, this sounds like something they can do in a "subscription" format, so they are very likely going to push it. But there's also the "no enough data" thing they do with AoS, so who knows...

I predicted they were planning to do this kind of thing after Ghur was the only realm of battle in the latest GHB. Personally, I think it makes sense: It allows GW to have more of a justification to keep selling us the same type of limited shelf-life book now that we don't depend on GHBs for faction rules anymore like we did in 2018. It's not entirely bad for players either. Themed rules that shake up the way the game is played ever year or so are in theory going to be fun for competitve players and it provides a way to move the narrative foreward for more casual players. Let's hope they manage to do it right.

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That season model does tilt competitive 40k even more towards pay to win than it already is but honestly if you’re seriously serious about that particular kind of play, you’ve already signalled to GW that you are willing to drop high three figures or more every 12 months or so. Another 60+ quid on top isn’t huge. It’s not good but hardly the straw that breaks the whale’s back, so to speak.

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1 hour ago, Sete said:

I'm curious about this, feels very dark elfy for me.

( Dont think it was revealed yet)




Very posible the city of sigmar warband,i think every army got his warband even 2 or 4 somes but only citys hadnt got any.

So it is pretty safe say that one of the next must be for citys and this gonna be the dark elf of that band

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If 4th edition takes us to the shadowy realm of Ulgu (following the argument that Underworlds telegraphs this in advance), will we see Clan Eshin as the new villain of the week (circling back to Chaos), like Nighthaunt and Kruleboyz? With Umbraneth being released towards the end of 3rd as a tie-in? I think it'd be strange to see Malerion mid-way through the Era of the Beast, if adventures in Ulgu are on the horizon.

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I agree entirely, I also think it is strange in our game of plastic demons, corrupted gods and perpetual war people are so interested in aspirational figures in their evil elves. I like playing Chaos because when I win I beat the opponent in a friendly game of plastic toys and narratively as a pyrrhic victory for the demon worshipers, but when I lose I can justify it that the enemy just saved the world. But I think that is one of the fun things about wargaming as opposed to Tabletop RPGs, I am not an actor but rather a director. 

It is interesting though that Malerion's followers are pretty much the only thing we have always known are coming yet always seem outside of reach. We also get so many hints about them but for a number of reasons the time is never right. I absolutely thought we would have seen them before the Lumineth

(Emphasis mine)

I am once again dumbfounded by the sheer genius of Games Workshop! What is more Ulgu than miniatures reveal that you can never see, that seem to be just around the corner but disappear as if they were made of mist? Maybe all of us are Umbraneth/Malerion's aelves players now, we just didn't know it.

To leave jokes aside and return to your first paragraph, I understand where you are coming from. There is a level of detachment in tabletop wargaming compared to tabletop rpgs, where there is less (even if there perhaps shouldn't) distinction between 'your character' and 'yourself'. But at the same time, I often feel I want something...okay, to use an example, Marc Alaimo was convinced that 'gul Dukat' in Star Trek: DS9 was a hero and not a villain. He found something in that despicable character, some twisted logic the character would employ, and used it to play gul Dukat as a hero (which made that character so memorable). In same vein I prefer armies in Warhammer where I can latch onto something that I recognise and then play as that faction. It ups the narrative drama, is a fantastic source for fanfic writing and it is just plain old fun. That is a reason why I tend to prefer the 'good' factions, the little guys (and why I want duardin women, c'mon give me this GW), but at same time I could run Drycha's Outcasts, Chorfs or Skaven (and why I feel ambivalent towards Kruleboyz, despite good enough lore). I could see Drycha full of pain, betrayed by her 'mother'figure. Chorfs of fantasy forgotten by their deity and as their hearts turned to hatred something malicious answered their prayers--and now they are too far to walk back from the path they set on. And Skaven are just hilarious, cowardly creatures. Who could hate Skaven?

Now. I need the caveat that this doesn't mean I would in real world like any of the [Hashut excrement] Chorfs stand for--the opposite. I just feel it's easier to be the 'director' if you can also 'write the actor's dialogue', to continue your analogy.

5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I could definitely see Eshin getting a Warcry Warband before the Skaven range update!! Also if IDK, OBR and KO are the next 3 Tomes I'm totally ok with that!! Because hopefully all 3 will get more than just a Hero. I'd love even for Terrain for KO such as a Sky Port.

Something like these lads!!


If GW gives me fem KO (well, ANY fem duardin) I'll put the money where my mouth is and single-handedly raise GW's stock.

By purchasing miniatures.

A lot of miniatures.

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2 hours ago, Talas said:

40k is going to do six months seasons for competitive rules, do you think they could do the same with AoS?


Frankly, this sounds like something they can do in a "subscription" format, so they are very likely going to push it. But there's also the "no enough data" thing they do with AoS, so who knows...

I think it's a cool idea... especially tying in things like battleboxes and Kill Team releases but 6 months is just too quick.

I don't play 40k, but for me, when you change stuff that quickly you end up with the game in a near constant state of churn which is only really enjoyable for a tiny % of a players at vthe very top[ of the meta.

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