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1 hour ago, Kaleb Daark said:

remember scrolls of binding?

That would work.  Like Storm of Magic and Monstrous arcanum - which had it nailed to a tee.  We could easily have scrolls of binding to bind monsters to armies, much in the same way as the endless spells.  Where the enchantment be dispelled, then the monster could react depending on how aligned to the binding army it was.  i.e. Lumineth binding a thirster was never going to end well when it broke free of the spell, but a fireslayer binding a magma dragon... 

And then Forgeworld would have a proper reason to bring back its monsters again.

*Stares lovingly at the Monstrous Arcanum book*

It is a crime that the Khemric Titan was never made.

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1 hour ago, PJetski said:

I really dislike this rule. There are loads of armies that rely on melee combat and without having a way to fight at the start of the combat phase they will be unable to interact with Mannfred.

I hope there's some general way to fight first in the new edition, like a general command ability to fight first on the charge.

Most of manfred's points are tied up in his melee abilities.  If he's teleporting out of every combat he's not contributing much more than his spellcasting ability, which is far from nothing, but also far from being worth his points investment.  He's going to have to stick around in some combats to justify his presence, and the few armies that lack magic offense, shooting offense, and out of phase combat attacks tend to be competent brawlers across the board who are going to be able to punish Mannfred when he inevitably chooses to commit, whenever and wherever that is.

That said, it's still a very obnoxious rule.  I still kind of like it, as it's obnoxious in a way that feels on brand for Mannfred, but there's going to be feel bads from this.

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3 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

As much as I like to see Malerion, GW writers need to learn how to write characters speaking plain English. That conversation is damn near indecipherable 

Really? I thought it was handy enough. Dripping with sarcasm, bickering family jokes, and making reference to lots of other things under mildly opaque in-universe names (e.g. Sigmar being ‘the Barbarian’) but it’s pretty clear that it’s Malerion chiding Morathi and then them both reflecting on the events of Broken Realms.

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14 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

As much as I like to see Malerion, GW writers need to learn how to write characters speaking plain English. That conversation is damn near indecipherable 

But it’s not plain English sir, it’s aelven^tm English

We counsel you to meet Sigmar Unberogen The Barbarian in the demand of simple English speaking.

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All the people who for some reason thought Malerion was dead are sobbing quietly in the corner xD

Either way it’s really nice reading M&M actually interacting. Also, what they said about “Alarielle making her play” interests me - a confirmation that the Sylvaneth are getting a second wave soon? 👀

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2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

should we have read the other short fics and/or BR books before this? I want to see Malerion but I also want this to make sense lol

I'd say: yes for the BR Books (or equivalent: a summary, a video etc) no for the short stories

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6 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

All the people who for some reason thought Malerion was dead are sobbing quietly in the corner xD

Either way it’s really nice reading M&M actually interacting. Also, what they said about “Alarielle making her play” interests me - a confirmation that the Sylvaneth are getting a second wave soon? 👀

Maybe just refering to sylvaneth play in upcoming Kragnos book

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Nice! We got a second mention of  a traitor in T&T ranks.
My money is on the Lyrior Uthralle guy, who -IIRC- was Ymetrican and lost his family to a flesh-eater invasion (Mally's agents in Shys may have found them?).
 We will have to wait a couple years at least to know for sure, I fear.

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1 hour ago, NicholasFlamelGames said:

I'm not sure if this has been posted but I thought it was pretty cool.

I know beasts. I have spent my lives – both of them – hunting them, studying them, taking their measure as I run them to the ground and drive my spear into their sorry hides. So listen to me when I tell you of these creatures, and listen well, because it just might save you: whatever it is they want in Ghur, it goes beyond a simple desire for violence. As long as they and their Earthquake God roam free, none of us are safe.’

- Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear

Urgh. She sucks. Reminds me of one of those Instagram poachers in Kenya.

I'm rooting for the beasts. Overthrow the oppressors. Four legs good, two legs bad.

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38 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

should we have read the other short fics and/or BR books before this? I want to see Malerion but I also want this to make sense lol

Gotta be honest, if you’re not aware of what’s gone on in the BR books, yeah, you’re gonna be lost unfortunately. Summaries would probably do though.

@JustAsPlanned It’s an interesting one, from her conversation in BR Teclis she made it out like a surge in life magic was just a natural and inevitable see-saw effect that come with Nagash/death falling from prominence. Malerion and Morathi though see her as deliberately making a play for power. Is one interpretation right or maybe both? MotherBoy are a pretty cynical couple and might just be seeing her like that and/or Alarielle could simply be lying by omission to Teclis and her allies.

Edited by sandlemad
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I've been mulling over the new Destruction faction rumours since the AoS3 reveal. I think the general collated consensus of lean orcs or similar with a focus on wolf riders is probably gonna turn out to be correct, particularly with the 'new breed of evil' tag-line that'd work nicely for a people who're a bit different from existing grots and orruks. Originally, though, the image I had in mind was along the lines of the gitmob style - plains or steppes dwellers, lots of wolf cavalry, chariots, rolling battlewagons etc. The teaser's swerve towards mist, mires, and woods kinda cuts that idea off, though. The suggested terrain this new faction prefers just doesn't work well for chariots or similar.

That doesn't mean it's not wolf-riders, though - if you wanted a form of cavalry who are fairly good at maneuvering through that sort of terrain, a giant wolf is gonna be much more suited than a horse.

The bit that's tripping me up, really, is the almost fairytale leanings of the teaser. It suggests something very different about this new orruk faction (and I think they're more likely to slot into Orruk Warclans than Gloomspite Gitz). GW are presumably going to avoid overlap with Spiderfang or Moonclan in aesthetics and style, and the teaser really emphasizes the idea these guys are evil and sinister, not just destructive. Fimir'd feel such a good fit if it weren't for all the other evidence pointing towards lean greens.

Oddly enough, the thought that did strike me a bit was the British - the old-style Brits, I mean, the folks resisting the Romans and the like. Delve right into the more sinister side of Celtic mythos, look at the moors and the fens of the UK. Make them the darkness between the forest trees that even a Roman Legion might fear to march into, then give them a coat of green paint and turn the malicious sadism dial right up to 11.

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14 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:


‘And still, even with your long-sought divinity, you cling to mortal habits.’

‘One must take pleasures where one can find them, in these times of turmoil.’

‘No doubt your bedchamber has seen its fair share of turmoil of late.’



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Just now, Acrozatarim said:

I've been mulling over the new Destruction faction rumours since the AoS3 reveal. I think the general collated consensus of lean orcs or similar with a focus on wolf riders is probably gonna turn out to be correct, particularly with the 'new breed of evil' tag-line that'd work nicely for a people who're a bit different from existing grots and orruks. Originally, though, the image I had in mind was along the lines of the gitmob style - plains or steppes dwellers, lots of wolf cavalry, chariots, rolling battlewagons etc. The teaser's swerve towards mist, mires, and woods kinda cuts that idea off, though. The suggested terrain this new faction prefers just doesn't work well for chariots or similar.

That doesn't mean it's not wolf-riders, though - if you wanted a form of cavalry who are fairly good at maneuvering through that sort of terrain, a giant wolf is gonna be much more suited than a horse.

The bit that's tripping me up, really, is the almost fairytale leanings of the teaser. It suggests something very different about this new orruk faction (and I think they're more likely to slot into Orruk Warclans than Gloomspite Gitz). GW are presumably going to avoid overlap with Spiderfang or Moonclan in aesthetics and style, and the teaser really emphasizes the idea these guys are evil and sinister, not just destructive. Fimir'd feel such a good fit if it weren't for all the other evidence pointing towards lean greens.

Oddly enough, the thought that did strike me a bit was the British - the old-style Brits, I mean, the folks resisting the Romans and the like. Delve right into the more sinister side of Celtic mythos, look at the moors and the fens of the UK. Make them the darkness between the forest trees that even a Roman Legion might fear to march into, then give them a coat of green paint and turn the malicious sadism dial right up to 11.

Of course, we could all be wrong and the new faction ties into either The Skaven or the Sylvaneth. The former is just a guess since this week's WD has an section on the Horned Rat's part of the warp, the latter due to the Broken Realms stuff and their theme of being scary ents.

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