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23 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Fomoroids mentioned again...

Rumors of a "giant" faction...

Hmmm.... 🤔


Sidenote: Grimgore beat archy, Gordrakk will do it again.  Heh. 

Kirioth on YouTube  Said that there might only be a new Giant Multi-Part Model.

Edited by JackStreicher
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2 hours ago, Overread said:

They've already teased that Katakros is heading for the Eightpoints in the Ossiarch Battletome. Its certainly set to be one of the next big battle events of the age. Esp since its also going to be the first time that Nagash really flexes his muscle in the realms outside of the Realm of Death. It could make or break his armies; or just grind against them. 

It could even help Sigmar significantly as even without the distraction of orruks, the Stormcast are ever getting spread thinner as they push back more Chaos. A massive invasion of the Eightpoints might take some Chaos legions back away from other realms for a time. 

Nagash breaching the allpoints may also open up options for warcry. 

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So another rumor bit, a 40k youtuber KiriothTv has also stated that a rumor source of his said that Giant stuff are coming to AoS, he got the info before the Old world article came out (during the Marine supplement rumors).

sense he primarily a 40k channel, he didn't mention it until the recent hints of giants came around and he said it during more rumors he got on 9th edition 40k coming next year.

Edited by novakai
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3 hours ago, Overread said:

They've already teased that Katakros is heading for the Eightpoints in the Ossiarch Battletome. Its certainly set to be one of the next big battle events of the age. Esp since its also going to be the first time that Nagash really flexes his muscle in the realms outside of the Realm of Death. It could make or break his armies; or just grind against them. 

It could even help Sigmar significantly as even without the distraction of orruks, the Stormcast are ever getting spread thinner as they push back more Chaos. A massive invasion of the Eightpoints might take some Chaos legions back away from other realms for a time. 

Katakros conquers the Eightpoints as a conclusion to the Soul Wars???

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34 minutes ago, mojojojo101 said:

Katakros conquers the Eightpoints as a conclusion to the Soul Wars???

I really don't think he's actually going to be able to conquer the Eightpoints, chances are he'll make a good push in maybe even getting to the Varanspire itself and then Archaeon shows up or whoever is in command there pushes them back using the massive armies of the Varanspire and hordes of daemons since there's a gateway to the realm of chaos there.

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1 hour ago, Dirtnaps said:

I really don't think he's actually going to be able to conquer the Eightpoints, chances are he'll make a good push in maybe even getting to the Varanspire itself and then Archaeon shows up or whoever is in command there pushes them back using the massive armies of the Varanspire and hordes of daemons since there's a gateway to the realm of chaos there.

I hope he actually conquers the varanguard and Archaon must flee to chamon. This way the narrative would not be stuck again (I hate when they only ever have MCGuffin wars that change nothing, more courage GW!)

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15 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I hope he actually conquers the varanguard and Archaon must flee to chamon. This way the narrative would not be stuck again (I hate when they only ever have MCGuffin wars that change nothing, more courage GW!)

Well the change could be archaon realizing he isn't as secure as he thought with enemies threatening his stronghold. That leads to a great muster of chaos, starting the process of them becoming the big bad again. 

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11 hours ago, novakai said:

So another rumor bit, a 40k youtuber KiriothTv has also stated that a rumor source of his said that Giant stuff are coming to AoS, he got the info before the Old world article came out (during the Marine supplement rumors).

sense he primarily a 40k channel, he didn't mention it until the recent hints of giants came around and he said it during more rumors he got on 9th edition 40k coming next year.

This is very interesting!

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Well Katakros against Archaeon is a weird one cause Katakros is called the Undefeated (in his last form) and him being defeated a month after getting his new name would look bad.

On the other side can Archaeon or his general mentioned in the article be defeated in his own battletome? I mean they are Slaves to Darkness not Slaves to Defeat...

I bet in a draw, maybe a bloody one 3-3 or 4-4 with last minute score of Archaeon saving a match otherwise controlled by Death.

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1 hour ago, alghero81 said:

Well Katakros against Archaeon is a weird one cause Katakros is called the Undefeated (in his last form) and him being defeated a month after getting his new name would look bad.


He can't be defeated by Archaon if he runs as soon as the Everchosen appears.

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3 minutes ago, Jator said:

He can't be defeated by Archaon if he runs as soon as the Everchosen appears.

"Tactical retreat for a tactical genius" you mean ;)

I love when WarCom posts a cryptic lore bit the 22nd : 


.....Which was already answered in another article posted the 7th (at the end) : 


(and a Battletome reviewed by many people online)

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11 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Since the narratives of Warhammer is always kind of turn-based, I am guessing it's definitely gonna be Chaos' day and Katakros will be kicked right on his big boney ass By BIG A

That’d be boring especially since Archaon is nothing but a whiny twisted (by Be‘lakor), bitter Sigmarite Priest that had to fulfill his Sigmar-Daddy-Issue dreams by trying to blow up the old world (and actually failing if it wasn‘t for Mannfred). Imo Archi could just die and be replaced by a cool new overlord. Or you let him die but then come back - melted with Be‘lakor into one twisted being (still riding his super mount).


Edited by JackStreicher
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13 hours ago, Chaos Shepard said:

Well kind of regardless of how the campaign ends, its still nice to see a significant event take place that doesn't directly have anything to do with Stormcast or the forces of Order. On top of that whens the last time you saw Chaos as the defender instead of the invader. 

When the ironjaws took their allpoint. Such narratives exist. 

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I'm going to guess that Gordrakk with his Godbeast Battering Ram will go through the all points to 'knock' on the gates of Azyr. That would mean all the grand alliances have a reason to be active in the same area. It's a great set up for a new global campaign moving the narrative forward. (and with Slaanesh winning everything the Spire will be save 😂)

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8 minutes ago, Kramer said:

I'm going to guess that Gordrakk with his Godbeast Battering Ram will go through the all points to 'knock' on the gates of Azyr. That would mean all the grand alliances have a reason to be active in the same area. It's a great set up for a new global campaign moving the narrative forward. (and with Slaanesh winning everything the Spire will be save 😂)

Well I don't think Gordrakk will destroy Excelsis (where he is first going to try his Godbeast Skull).

But then I also didn't thought someone even like Katakros could casually invade the Eightpoints, so.....

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I think Katakros will gain a foothold, but the actual siege will fall into a background affair that is "ongoing" with references given to the Ossiarch reinforcements constantly funnelling in as more are constructed/rebuilt  and it enters a new status quo for a few RL years. Varanspire is massive afterall so we'll probably get a line of "the armies of the Ossiarch penetrated deeper than any force has for" but it's going to be nowhere near actually claiming the place.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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18 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

I hope he actually conquers the varanguard and Archaon must flee to chamon. This way the narrative would not be stuck again (I hate when they only ever have MCGuffin wars that change nothing, more courage GW!)

I would bet on a MCGuffin war sort of plot narrative in this case.  If they make a Death invasion of Allpoints the narrative for the next major expansion then my money is on the end state of that invasion being a stalemate.  I would expect GW to end it with Katakros conquering a portion of the Allpoints and establishing a foothold, maybe controlling a few gates, and building some large fortifications.

But he would not be able to conquer and push chaos out and the same goes for Archaon and chaos fighting off the worst of the onslaught but in the end having to concede some amount of ground.

The end state will be chaos no longer fully controlling the Allpoints and Death establishing a foothold.  From there the narrative will be positioned with Chaos weakened in the Allpoints just enough that other alliances can start pushing in and they can use that as the next major location for all out combat between all the factions.

And I would not be surprised if the narrative reason that neither Katakros or Archaon could fully win the battle for the Allpoints ends up being a massive invasion of Destruction forces shows up spoiling for a good fight and crashes the party.  That would tie together most of the new books that just released.

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My predictions

Seige expansion for AOS spring or summer of next year 

Gordrrak/destruction vs Stormcast/order. 

Nagash/death vs. archeon/chaos

All have reasons for seige weapons, maybe even in the allpoints all together.

Stormcast get a seige chamber opened next year with a big models release to tie in the timing.

Excelsis gets a wd supplement for cities of sigmar bug falls to mix things up slightly, goddrak nagash and archeon duke it out, nagash gets a foothold in allpoints near some shyish gate but doesn't get further, ultimately allowing both sides to "win" ok that front.

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