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1 hour ago, FRoper said:

with the store on the 4-5th of June having a large meeting, regarding age of sigmar and then told to make a new starter board, would suggest that we are getting a new edition. 

Where ist this coming from? Nevertheless, on May 12th we should know more and the aos open day is soon as well. 

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With the release of the Warscryer Citadel i  last month, does anyone know anything or have any thoughts on whether we will see re-releases of dreadstone Blight, Withfate Tor and the remaining similar sets? Lately they have been appearing repainted in videoes And White Dwarf magazines but nothing have been mentioned I guess.

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I wonder if whenever they get around to Moonclan they will expand upon squigs.  They have always been a popular unit and the most iconic thing for Moonclan and probably all of the Orcs & Goblins range.  In Warhammer Online the Squig Herder class had a number of different types of squig pets.  I always thought it would be neat if they brought some of those ideas onto the table-top with different types of Squigs.  We already have different sizes of squig, and a ranged squig does exist with the Forgeworld Squig gobba, so it is not without precedent.  There was a giant squig that you could ride (from inside) which is roughly equivalent to the great cave squig that the Warboss can ride.  There was the standard squig - which seemed like the normal cave squig.  There was a horned squig with a big rhino-horn that was a more offensive-natured melee squig.  Then there were 2 ranged oriented squigs.  One of them was spiky and could fire it's spines at the enemy.  The other had weird fleshy spouts on it's back and it could fire big arcing blasts of slime.  It would be pretty cool to see some more variety come into the squig units in the game.

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27 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

I wonder if whenever they get around to Moonclan they will expand upon squigs.  They have always been a popular unit and the most iconic thing for Moonclan and probably all of the Orcs & Goblins range.  In Warhammer Online the Squig Herder class had a number of different types of squig pets.  I always thought it would be neat if they brought some of those ideas onto the table-top with different types of Squigs.  We already have different sizes of squig, and a ranged squig does exist with the Forgeworld Squig gobba, so it is not without precedent.  There was a giant squig that you could ride (from inside) which is roughly equivalent to the great cave squig that the Warboss can ride.  There was the standard squig - which seemed like the normal cave squig.  There was a horned squig with a big rhino-horn that was a more offensive-natured melee squig.  Then there were 2 ranged oriented squigs.  One of them was spiky and could fire it's spines at the enemy.  The other had weird fleshy spouts on it's back and it could fire big arcing blasts of slime.  It would be pretty cool to see some more variety come into the squig units in the game.

With the Cave Shaman accompanied by a special spore squig already and GWs current policy of focusing of armies unique features and giving everyone pets, I think it it is almost a given various kinds of squigs in large numbers will be a central part of a potential Moonclan release.

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2 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

With the Cave Shaman accompanied by a special spore squig already and GWs current policy of focusing of armies unique features and giving everyone pets, I think it it is almost a given various kinds of squigs in large numbers will be a central part of a potential Moonclan release.

I hope so.  Games Workshop has shown some seriously impressive creativity when it comes to both new armies for Age of Sigmar and also adapting older armies into this new setting.  I absolutely love Orcs & Goblins, but Night Goblins are by far my favorite thing GW has created in any of their universes.  While I love what is already there for Moonclan, I am really looking forward to seeing what GW can do with it.  My hope is that they keep a lot of the flavor already in the faction and just expand further upon it - rather than doing a huge make-over.  So, keep the basic hooded goblin that lives underground and hates the sun. 

The themes that I would like to see expanded upon are fungus cultivation/use and squigs.  I would like to see more squigs and different types.  In the past, the main place that fungus has fit into the faction is with Fanatics (who are all zonked out on Madcap Mushrooms) and the shaman who can eat dangerous mushrooms for extra spell power.  I would like to see lunatics eating different types of dangerous fungus become more of a theme.  It would be neat to see some sort of hero unit that collects & dispenses different fungus for use in poisons or as buffs to nearby units.  Something that might functionally work a bit like a prayer or something - but be due to handing out mind-bending fungus that does different things to the unit that eats it (probably at the cost of d3 mortal wounds or something). 

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It just occurred to me that 2020 is the Year of the Rat according to the Chinese zodiac. If GW don't do a big Skaven release that year I will be sorely disappointed... it would also fit right into the chaos god release schedule after Slaanesh! xD

Edited by Swooper
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5 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

I hope so.  Games Workshop has shown some seriously impressive creativity when it comes to both new armies for Age of Sigmar and also adapting older armies into this new setting.  I absolutely love Orcs & Goblins, but Night Goblins are by far my favorite thing GW has created in any of their universes.  While I love what is already there for Moonclan, I am really looking forward to seeing what GW can do with it.  My hope is that they keep a lot of the flavor already in the faction and just expand further upon it - rather than doing a huge make-over.  So, keep the basic hooded goblin that lives underground and hates the sun. 

The themes that I would like to see expanded upon are fungus cultivation/use and squigs.  I would like to see more squigs and different types.  In the past, the main place that fungus has fit into the faction is with Fanatics (who are all zonked out on Madcap Mushrooms) and the shaman who can eat dangerous mushrooms for extra spell power.  I would like to see lunatics eating different types of dangerous fungus become more of a theme.  It would be neat to see some sort of hero unit that collects & dispenses different fungus for use in poisons or as buffs to nearby units.  Something that might functionally work a bit like a prayer or something - but be due to handing out mind-bending fungus that does different things to the unit that eats it (probably at the cost of d3 mortal wounds or something). 

In David Guymer’s short story, The Sea Taketh, he describes a pretty awesome sounding “Spiderghast Grot” bodyguard that is stoned out of his mind on drugs.

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Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. 

With the rumours of new stormcast coming, is there any news on an updated battletome? I’d like to get into AoS, but don’t want to purchase a book that I’ll have to replace in a couple of months.



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54 minutes ago, Hashut said:

Hi everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. 

With the rumours of new stormcast coming, is there any news on an updated battletome? I’d like to get into AoS, but don’t want to purchase a book that I’ll have to replace in a couple of months.



Nothing tangible, but wait a few more days till Warhammer Fest on the 12th. We probably will get to know more that weekend. 

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The current Stormcast battletome is a hot mess and it seems like rules team has pivoted their design after working on 40k for so long, so I think it's fair to assume there will be a new battletome with the upcoming release

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13 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Hi everybody, has there been any rumors about a skaven or Grot release lately?

Well a lot of people strongly believe that some of the Rumor Pics ( the Spikes, Rope, and smoke clouds) are a hint for a Moonclan release in the future.

Not much on Skaven since a lot of people believe the next Chaos release is going to be Slaanesh 

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5 hours ago, novakai said:

Not much on Skaven since a lot of people believe the next Chaos release is going to be Slaanesh 

And skaven aren't chaos ;-) 



8 hours ago, Arkiham said:

Has the battle magic book being released in June/ july been discussed yet ? 

Nope, only speculated as nothing concrete is known right now. 

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