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Everything posted by Fairbanks

  1. The Azyrite Ruined Chapel has the Bell and one set of steps for a cheaper price than a new starter box. Plastic Glue or CA? If it's the latter, you might be able to pull apart without too much trouble (there's still cleanup)
  2. Nice job on the Marauders. Can't wait to see what you do with the Furies, Warriors, and Knights.
  3. Nothing against KO, but I wish GW made this most recent box Tzeentch vs Nurgle, entirely for this nostaglic reason.
  4. Saturday was a big preorder day for followers of the thinking man’s Chaos God. So I ponied up the money and got: Aether War Limited Edition Disciples Book (It better be good) Endless Spells Warscroll Cards (And for Slaves Too, since the store had them) Tzeentch Dice (At the time of ordering, I thought there was going to be a need for them to track Blue and Brimstone Horror Points, but I think having three colors from one set will still not be a bad trade off). And that will pretty much end my spending until the army is done. It’s not that I don’t already have a few dozen other boxes to build in the meantime. I can see only a limited Pointy Aelves set breaking that commitment. So this weekend, I started working on a Flamer (Sir Not-Appearing-Because-I-Forgot-To-Take-a-Photo). I’ll get a photo when it’s done (It’s still on a Square Base of all things) And then I built some Stormfiends and a Warplock Bombadier I opened up Carrion Empire at Thanksgiving hoping to do a whole FEC army over that weekend. I finished my test model and got most of the Flesh Eaters to where the skin was Basecoated, but that’s all I worked on (A New player was taking them in Escalation, so I chose something else, namely Tzeentch). Mostly, it was a good break from painting. Since I went up the the Warhammer store to order things on Saturday, I was told from the Boss that had to forfeit my usual Sunday gaming day to help her. Honestly wish I spent more than 30 minutes then. Happy Hobby and Gaming!
  5. Nice! Keep it up and you'll have a new painted army in no time.
  6. I’m not getting hyped for something until we know a lot more about it.
  7. In order to maintain pace for 400 painted models, I'll have to paint one model per day, plus an additional every 10 days. As everyone knows (Or if you are new to Age of Sigmar or wargaming as a hobby, welcome, but you may not know) that opening with a new box to clip out, remove mold lines and connections to the sprue, glue, prime, paint, and then base a single model from the box is a bit of a waste of time. So in all likelihood through doing this, I won't be finishing one model every day, but may be getting a step or two done on a few figures instead. I'm also counting figures as each individual one on a base. So a single Brimstone Horror counts the same 1 Model as a Tzaangor Skyfire is 1 Model, or a Lord of Change is 1 Model. Ideally, the goal is to spread this out beyond between 10 man units, a set of 3-5 mounted models, and the occasional behemoth (Although I will be happy to admit that for the longest time, I actively avoided adding behemoths to armies). Today, 10 Brimstone Horrors joined the ranks of "Painted": I'm not against sharing how I built the models. It's done primarily with Contrast Paints and while the first 3 steps share with how WarhammerTV does theirs, I do a few additional things that, in my humble opinion, make it better than the box art: It's a good practice to keep a notebook with your paint schemes in it, in case you have to reference it again to add more models to a previous unit and you want them to all be coherent. A few other things I guess I should mention before I sign off for this Blog Entry. First, I started Tzeentch at the start of December for my local GW's AoS Escalation. We are a new store and started at 150 points for the first two weeks, then went to 300 and are currently at 450. Our store is one of the newer ones, as it opened in September. We have an influx of people new to the game, a huge boon to my own gaming habits, as our FLGS had maybe one other person who actively played AoS, but we were never there at the same time to get games in, or one of us were tied up playing 40K. I believe we are restarting at 250 this weekend. I fell into Tzeentch by meeting the newer people when they came in and as someone who collects every army (70K points of models strong), I migrated into an army that no one got into (I think only Skaven, Beasts, Fyreslayers, and Daughters are the only other forces not selected). Here's what I have painted since the start of December: Here's what is primed and ready for paint: And finally, all the other Tzeentch things that haven't been primed or painted (at least until I get my hands on Aether War): I this is a long rambling post about what I'm going to be up to in the future, but I'm committing myself to doing a plog/blog. Happy Gaming!
  8. The only remaining Battletome is Seraphon; so the other options are a completely new army, or they're going to update the remaining pre AoS 2.0 armies (Maggotkin, IDK, Daughters, and LoN). Then what for the current armies? Another new set of Battletomes?
  9. Years ago I divested all of my stocks in bonds in favor of a true rare commodity: Sold out Tomb Kings and Bretonnian figures. Doing this would ruin my life. How am I supposed to get my children through college now?
  10. Man, all of these are cool. If I was looking to also do a Skorne Army, this would be a must do color scheme. Maybe yellow in place of blue (but blue works better for Idoneth) So, uh, can you share what colors/techniques that you used?
  11. Warseer was the original wretched hive of scum and villany of WFB's hatred for AoS. To be fair, AoS was a drastic change from WFB and deserved a lot of the flack it got. At least until the original GHB came out. Site literally crashed about three-six months after AoS released IIRC, which was a shame because it hands down had the best Modeling and Project Log sections on the internet. It's back now, but I haven't checked it out in a long time.
  12. There's no 'All of the Above' option. I ain't clicking all those buttons.
  13. Privateer Press has been raked over the coils online for being completely unable to open proper shipping lanes in Europe. GW made the recent effort of opening local stores throughout the US (I would know, our area has one with a 1/4 million locally). I would think an offering like this through those stores (local pickup), might be more feasible.
  14. My New Year Resolutions This Year: 1. Finish Building all of the unopened models in my closet. 2. Paint 400+ Models this year. 3. Significantly limit my spending this year to: a. Big boxes that save money vs buying individual boxes (a la Aether War), of armies that I do not have a large collection of (I actually have a ton of Tzeentch, but it's my army for the foreseeable future). b. Only buy things that would bring up armies to 1000, 1500, or 2000 points and I haven't bought anything for the prior two months. c. No Other games, especially Kickstarters, besides Warcry (and maybe Frosthaven, still debating on that one) 4. Finish a ~1000 point army each month, minus in February, subject to change. Armies to definitely work on are: Tzeentch, Flesh Eater Courts, Beasts of Chaos, Stormcast (Sancrosanct) , 5. Make a Blog/Plog, stay focused on the Hobby and stick to updating it. I fell off big time at the start of last year after going through all of 2018 doing things, and I want to stay back in doing this. Welcome to #5. Today's Subject: Local GW is doing a painting competition to start the year (I missed out on the Red Gobbo last month, but I had a crazy idea to use the Black Coach and Wild Riders kit in a conversion). The following will be my entry for the 'Single Model' and 'Contrast Only' categories. I just need to finish the base, which I'm not sure what colors to try out with: I used Ceramite White as a fix for mistakes, but entirely used it as that instead of in a more creative way (such as a brighter edge highlighter). I didn't feel like using it in that way was in the spirit of the rules of "Contrast Only". Currently, the other models that will help building an early lead to 400: Alright then, Happy New Year and Happy Gaming!
  15. FEC and Ironjawz are low in the number of unique models, but IMO they feel very complete, minus terrain/Spells for IJ, and an actual Archregeant clampack for FEC (though with an extra Crypt Horror Sprue, you can build a pretty badass looking one). Other smaller armies have other issues. IDK don’t have a limited selection, they have the issue that there are only one/two good choices (****ing eels). KO got FAQ’d into uselessness very early. Big armies have issues too. Gloomspite and Nurgle both feel like they are just several armies with no synergy under a single banner. You don’t do anything, you are just going to pick the best of each option. Fyreslayers are a glaring outlier. The models are overpriced ($, not points), and you need droves of them to field an army. At a minimum they needed at least one completely different looking unit (not another set of dudes with axes, or a Magmadroth hero), like fire-Dwarves riding Salamanders, or dudes literally on fire, or Golden golems. Anything but fire-Dorfs and Magmadroths.
  16. OH MY GOD THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!!! Just kidding! (probably)
  17. Daughters has the Cauldron which has roughly four other heroes/behemoths Fyreslayers SC has three heroes in it (two are not built on the Magmadroth) The Carnosaur kit builds a hero or two. The Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace (In Skaven Pestilens SC) has a Grey Seer/Plague Priest you can additionally build from the kit But my point was that there are so many other individual models that I don't collect (And I collect a lot of every army), because of the price tag.
  18. I am really hoping there is at least one team at Adepticon made of the following players: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh Daughters, Idoneth, Sylvaneth, and Cities (mostly Dark Elves and Wanderers) Four Cities (Each a different one) Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Gloomspite, and Ogor Mawtribes Legion of Nagash, Ossiarch Bonereapers, Nighthaunt, and Flesh Eater Courts ^^^ But lists include Nagash, Katakros, and Lady Olynder The first item, but it's via the Beasts of Chaos Battalions Stormcast, any of Daughters/Idoneth/Sylvaneth, any of Fyreslayers/Kharadron, and Cities of Sigmar (may the realms of Human, Elf, and Dwarf unite) The Defunct Bunch: High Elves, Bretonnia, Tomb Kings, and Seraphon (Because everyone was 100% certain Lizardmen were gone at the start of AoS) And, of course, the greatest of team combinations: Clans Pestilens, Clans Moulder, Clans Eshin, and Clans Skryre
  19. I love heroes on foot and wish I had more for every one of my armies. But $25 is a rip-off for a clam-pack. The only way I get them is in the Battleforce/SC Bundles that provide something else worthwhile.
  20. It’s literally everyone but Cities. Makes me think that they have a Cities expansion planned.
  21. The new boxes come out next week, and while I'm only just beginning Warcry, I've caught a few of the old kits and had a question: How many games have you wanted or needed two of something for? I was thinking for the remainder of the armies to buy a new box and trade half of it with someone else (for their army half), but didn't know if I would be missing out on another warband piece. Thanks!
  22. I hate Forge World. Its like watching a football team with an All star Defense but a terrible Offense (sports references over everyone’s heads) I’d rather just see HH and The Old World stuff in plastic under GW’s umbrella at GW prices and quality.
  23. We should know at least a few days before preorder. If it is just a repack and price hike, you’ll want to order it at a lower price before then.
  24. Dark Skin Tones: LtoR: Gore-Grunta Fur, Cygor Brown, Wyldwood. IMO, Cygor Brown, with Catachan Flesh to cover as a highlight tone has been fantastic. Wyldwood is better for trees and wood. Apoth White was great for white like on a car, but not as a skin color. Try Seraphim Sepia (yellowish) or Reikland Fleshshade (redfish), followed with something like pallid wych flesh.
  25. Personally, I find Skirmish to be a tad bland without a lot of heroes or things larger than standard 1 wound troopers. Regular duder making one attack in a turn usually doesn't hit or wound, and then if I'm on the other end, almost never saves. I also prefer to have a lot of objectives/treasure out on the board, or some other neutral/aggressive creatures to contend with. Almost never want to do a 'kill the other team' scenario, as that tends to turn into a series of coin flips to see who wins. I'm tempted to play with a Wound/Injury Table similar to what Blood Bowl uses. 'Players' get knocked down all the time, but when a knock down happens, a roll is made to see if it penetrates armor, if it does there's a roll to see if it is a Stun/KO/or Casualty. If it is a Casualty, you roll on the Casualty Table and they can take an injury.
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