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New Year, Wut's This?



My New Year Resolutions This Year:

1. Finish Building all of the unopened models in my closet. 

2. Paint 400+ Models this year.

3. Significantly limit my spending this year to:

a. Big boxes that save money vs buying individual boxes (a la Aether War), of armies that I do not have a large collection of (I actually have a ton of Tzeentch, but it's my army for the foreseeable future).

b. Only buy things that would bring up armies to 1000, 1500, or 2000 points and I haven't bought anything for the prior two months.

c. No Other games, especially Kickstarters, besides Warcry (and maybe Frosthaven, still debating on that one)

4. Finish a ~1000 point army  each month, minus in February, subject to change. Armies to definitely work on are: Tzeentch, Flesh Eater Courts, Beasts of Chaos, Stormcast (Sancrosanct) , 

5. Make a Blog/Plog, stay focused on the Hobby and stick to updating it. I fell off big time at the start of last year after going through all of 2018 doing things, and I want to stay back in doing this.

Welcome to #5.

Today's Subject: Local GW is doing a painting competition to start the year (I missed out on the Red Gobbo last month, but I had a crazy idea to use the Black Coach and Wild Riders kit in a conversion). The following will be my entry for the 'Single Model' and 'Contrast Only' categories. I just need to finish the base, which I'm not sure what colors to try out with:


I used Ceramite White as a fix for mistakes, but entirely used it as that instead of in a more creative way (such as a brighter edge highlighter).  I didn't feel like using it in that way was in the spirit of the rules of "Contrast Only". 

Currently, the other models that will help building an early lead to 400:


Alright then, Happy New Year and Happy Gaming!


Recommended Comments

8 hours ago, gronnelg said:

Holy cow! Those are some ambitious goals! Good luck with that!
Personally hoping to finish 3-4 units of Skaven in 2019 :P

I believe in you, you can do it! 👍

Even if it's just thirty minutes, set aside time in the day you are going to work on it.

Edited by Fairbanks
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