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My first foray into Age of Sigmar after years of dedicated defense to Ulthuan!

Entries in this blog

C'ularad Laconar the Soulrender

After an incredibly busy holiday season I managed to finally finish my Soulrender!  It was nice to be able to focus on just one model after the unit of Thralls, so that will probanly be my pattern going forward.  My character models will be reward for getting the full units painted.   So, onto C'ularad.  He's a jovial guy, for a Soulrender.  He has a very black sense of humor that has made him more popular with the troops than Soulrenders usually are.  There's also the fact that he's u

Koradrel of Chrace

Koradrel of Chrace

Base Coated Soulrender

Finally found some time in a hectic schedule to start my Soulrender.  Here is he base coated.  This usually takes me the longest, since my painting speed leaves much to be desired.  Now to start thinking of a name....

Koradrel of Chrace

Koradrel of Chrace

Completed unit of Thralls "Flame Reapers"

Here is the first completed unit of Thralls, the Flame Reavers.  I like to name my units and characters, and hopefully come up with background as well.  These are going to be my more elite unit of Thralls, the ones that are approaching almost Ahkelian levels of combat expertise.  That's why this unit has mostly swords.  The next unit will have more of the glaive/axe weapons as they will be the conscript unit.  Next up on the painting table will be the Soulrender!

Koradrel of Chrace

Koradrel of Chrace

First unit of Thralls

So, after a several years of RL intruding on the hobby (as well as fustration at the destruction of WHFB), here is my progress on my first unit of Idoneth Deepkin.   I went for the Fuethan Enclave, partly for the rules, but mostly because I wanted a faction that will fight anybody if they rile us up.  Here's the first couple stages of the WIP.

Koradrel of Chrace

Koradrel of Chrace

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