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9 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Have they given enough info yet for us to know if there's a difference between Control Score and a Control characteristic?  

The squigs are locked to Control Score 1, whilst goblins get +3 Control Score under the moon, do we know if CS is the total of a units control characteristics?  (In which case it's a minor benefit to goblins but a huge obstacle for squigs.) Or is it the other way round, where you're modifying the individual Control characteristic per model and then totalling them?  (Where the squigs would function kinda as normal, but the goblins would be extremely high scoring in the moonlight.)

Either way is interesting, I was just curious if we knew for sure one way or the other.

It's the total so don't bother contesting objectives with squig herd. That's not what they're for. 

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13 minutes ago, Sception said:

I'm actually kind of annoyed/confused by that part.  Like, an island chunk of skaven city bursting into shyish would be fine and good, but a new underworld?

that's specifically not supposed to happen.

Maybe they're going to retcon how underworlds work again in 4e, but in the past new underworlds formed in the wild magic of the realm's perimeter and drifted inward to join the established innerlands as faith in that underworld consolidated and calcified.  In the aftermath of the necroquake and the formation of the shyish nadiir the swirling magic at the perimeter of the realm is gone.  It no longer exists.  It was all either absorbed into the black hole of the Nagashizzar Shyish or exploded out into the realms at large in the necroquake - the energy of which was settled and siphoned away by Teclis.

New underworlds aren't supposed to form in current day AoS, because the stuff they used to be formed from simply isn't there anymore.  Unless maybe the skaven underworld was already there, and has simply exploded in size/power/population since the vermindoom?

I don't know.  Going to hold off on passing judgement, but I won't be happy if they go back on the lasting impact of prior events.

They can mobilize Blight City, why not an underworld? What's the difference between a chunk of land and an underworld? Isn't it basically the same? With Chaos powers the GHR can turn that chunk of land they raised into their underworld.

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On 5/21/2024 at 11:32 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Yeah, but Stormcast should have at leadt rend 1.

I don't want to play through another edition where the literal golden super men and women are among the most pillow fisted armies around 

I disagree. base troops should have a rend of zero. Maybe an argument can be made for the golden boys, but if you start their base troops at Zero then that means all their elites need like a 2, and thats not really fixing the rend creep problem. Toss in the fact that rend+X vs Y seems pretty common, and they're not selling me on the overall rend reduction. Everything this week we've seen so far this week for stormcast, skaven, and Gloomspite gits, all have at least a rend of 1. It could be model selection bias,  we'll see I guess. 

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Tomorrow we’ll be getting ghoulish as we cast an eye on the ethereal Nighthaunt, the legions of tortured souls forced into the service of Nagash, the Supreme Lord of the Undead.


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20 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I think Slaanesh can/should get any pronouns and it be appropriate. It makes a lot of sense that different cultures and individuals would have a unique perception of the "most impossibly alluring chaos god." I've liked the take that Slaanesh really is more of a mirror than something with a set/solid form him/her/it/themselves

In Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness (1988), the writers use "he", while stating that Slaanesh is male on the left, female on the right.

But yeah, Slaanesh has tended to be portrayed as fluid - both The Dark Prince, and She Who Thirsts.

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5 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

Non warmachine gloomspite gitz unit . Interesting . Does it mean some warmachine unit are on the way ? 

Gitmob chariot ? 


Oh yes i would love to get wolf chariots back those where some of my moste beloved models. But sadly i think this is just templating. 

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1 minute ago, LordSolarMach said:

In Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness (1988), the writers use "he", while stating that Slaanesh is male on the left, female on the right.

But yeah, Slaanesh has tended to be portrayed as fluid - both The Dark Prince, and She Who Thirsts.

Basically He'll answer to any pronoun.

Just like me. 

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3 minutes ago, LordSolarMach said:

In Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness (1988), the writers use "he", while stating that Slaanesh is male on the left, female on the right.

But yeah, Slaanesh has tended to be portrayed as fluid - both The Dark Prince, and She Who Thirsts.

One of my favorite descriptions of Slaanesh was from the tale of the Silver Knight from the 6th ed Daemons codex; where Slaanesh "visited him in the form of a young man" and that "in the form of" always stuck with me. Reminded me of older IRL myths where gods would appear as things to talk to people, and that direct interaction with mortals really rang true as something Slaanesh would do instead of the other 3. Khorne and Nurgle might invite you over, but Tzeentch would use visions or messengers while I could absolutely see Slaanesh speaking directly to people. Didn't that happen to Glutos? I forget.

Here's the story:





23 minutes ago, Sception said:

I'm actually kind of annoyed/confused by that part.  Like, an island chunk of skaven city bursting into shyish would be fine and good, but a new underworld?

that's specifically not supposed to happen.

Maybe they're going to retcon how underworlds work again in 4e, but in the past new underworlds formed in the wild magic of the realm's perimeter and drifted inward to join the established innerlands as faith in that underworld consolidated and calcified.  In the aftermath of the necroquake and the formation of the shyish nadiir the swirling magic at the perimeter of the realm is gone.  It no longer exists.  It was all either absorbed into the black hole of the Nagashizzar Shyish or exploded out into the realms at large in the necroquake - the energy of which was settled and siphoned away by Teclis.

New underworlds aren't supposed to form in current day AoS, because the stuff they used to be formed from simply isn't there anymore.  Unless maybe the skaven underworld was already there, and has simply exploded in size/power/population since the vermindoom?

I don't know.  Going to hold off on passing judgement, but I won't be happy if they go back on the lasting impact of prior events.

I think I had a different view of the Necroquake? I don't recall "new underworlds won't form anymore" as much as I recall "the things at the edge are no longer drifting inland towards stability; they're all drifting into the black hole" though if I missed that somewhere please correct me!

Iirc (and I might be mistaken havent reread that book in a minute) the Necroquake was not the intended result of Nagash's scheme: he was aiming to consolidate all that magic at the center of Shyish in a way he could exert control over it, but Skaven spies tossed a wrench (corpse) into things and the spell backfired bc of chaos taint

I figured it was more that new stuff forms at the edge still but there is only a period of relative stability before the continent itself dies? If new religions are at the less-stable edge, and the "more established" stuff is at the center (in a black hole) the "safest" place to be is in a continent of a dead or forgotten religion which, cosmically, is probably dying a bit slower than one weighed down by active belief. If almost all the Death magic got into the pyramid and Teclic cleaned up the scraps from the other realms, it could still be the case that Shyish still has enough wild magic to keep things going

But Shyish has always been sort of hard for me to wrap my head around: the (cool) Neferata book I read only confused me more and emphasized that it's a "magic realm" moreso than some of the others seem to be; with hidden leylines and passages between underworlds

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21 minutes ago, Zappgrot said:

Oh yes i would love to get wolf chariots back those where some of my moste beloved models. But sadly i think this is just templating. 

Why specify warmachine Gloomspite gitz unit is there isn’t any ? 

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41 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Evergnaw has existed for a while since 2nd Edition I think. It definitely predates the Necroquake. 

If it predates the Necroquake then that satisfies me.  I had missed previous references to it, and the lore article on warcom made it sound like a brand new underworld, which as far as I understand just shouldn't be possible anymore.

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41 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

Non warmachine gloomspite gitz unit . Interesting . Does it mean some warmachine unit are on the way ? 

Gitmob chariot ? 


First Grotbag Skuttlers unit hint?!?

I'm all for a Grotbag Skuttlers vs KOs aerial fight!

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I would say that barging into Shyish with a whole new ramshackle underworld would be the skaven’s most dastardly scheme for enraging Nagash yet, and as such would be wholly in character, metaphysics be damned-damned!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

I could absolutely see Slaanesh speaking directly to people. Didn't that happen to Glutos? I forget.


No, it was a Slaaneshi daemon called Loth'shar that appeared to Glutos. And is still talking to Glutos, come to that. 

Edited by Big Kim Woof-Woof
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2 hours ago, PJetski said:

I have concerns that removing run & charge will make the army too slow. Slow melee armies have never been very good in AOS... especially the ones without reserves.

They do mention that the army has movement shenanigans at the end of the article, specifically calling out Spiderfang units. Whether they're the only ones who get it or it's more army wide is a bit unclear.

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4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Apologize for being late to the party

Really wish they gave us a better quality map it really hard and blurry when zooming in but whatever THIS LOOK SO GOOD!!!! 

The fact that Skaven basically said "nah I'll make my own Parch with Warpstone & Broodmothers" is such a way to make an impact on the setting far exceeding any other edition starter 

also the Key for all realm maps is interesting with the additions and omissions like

we got

  • Chorf forge-city
  • Fyreslayer magmaholds
  • Lost Khazalid duardin holds (huffing that copium)
  • Lumineth city
  • Kharadon skyports
  • Khainite city (again weird because they're usually temples rather cities)
  • Cities of sigmar Fortress city & strongholds (oh no not Embergard........anyways)
    • Also notice the Helcrown is just a site of legend, but there a battle there that i can't read
  • Seraphon temple city
  • Ossiarch necropolis 
  • Idoneth Whirlway (should be enclaves but whatever)
  • Everchosen stronghold (which there should be more compare to S2D tome)
  • Skaven Warren-city
    • With some having great bell around which i assume are like mega skaven town with the bell summoning skavenblight to the realm

we don't have any Ork Waaagh!, Sylvaneth grooves, gargant Stomps, Nighthaunt processions, Soulblight necropolis, Gloomspite under-empires, Ogre mawpath/kingdoms

3 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

HASHUT FORGE-CITY!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHimage.png.cc3b2b85760cdfd52ece9df3159c52c3.png

remember when Chaos Dwarf just had A city and just outpost around it? not anymore

Dawii fans might actually eating it good this edition

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23 minutes ago, Mutton said:

I'm so happy about 5 Health Trolls with 2 Control. It's exactly what I wanted.

As we’ve only seen the spearhead warscroll, I wonder if troggoths get the +3 control as well. Depends if they have the moonclan keyword on the main game scroll😀

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