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27 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The price is slightly less than 2 vanguard/ spearhead boxes and you get the rules, the terrain, the board and a bunch of extra minis. It also isn't much more than the basketball shoes my son wants for his birthday 

😄 Today I was looking for shoes my son wants for a Children’s Day and wanted to make exactly the same comparison. The Skaventide price is fine.

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3 minutes ago, Hollow said:

Yeah. The formatting has seen some improvements (Having more images on screen whilst the designers talk) but the presentation still feels very stilted and corporate. I know they want to spread out their hype and marketing, but I can't help but feel like the entire show would have been so much more impactful if it had started with the Cinematic for the first time, and then led into a full reveal of the box. 

The sitting on the sofa format just feels off. 

Tomorrow's preview will also be a recorded one? I don't think so. I think it will be a good ol preview.

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2 hours ago, cyrus said:

Bonesplitterz and BoC are out .

yes , Stormcast has already a spearhead box . Orruk warclans is actually Kruleboyz spearhead. So we miss Ironjawz spearhead to reach 25 spearheads.

It's possible that it's just awkward wording.

Sans Beasts, there are (currently) 23 factions listed on the GW webstore.

While one would naturally expect the words "any of the other 23 factions" to mean that they were excluding the two in the article... someone might have just grabbed the total, forgetting to subtract two. (Or multiple editing passes adding the "other" without considering that what that does to the number.)

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

Rob: I was fortunate enough to be invited to play Spearhead earlier and ever since, the one thing I want to scream at everyone I see is “IT’S NOT AOS COMBAT PATROL.” Sure, that’s a very 40k-centric way of looking at it but I cannot stress enough that Spearhead feels totally different from Combat Patrol, and I mean that in all of the good ways possible. It’s thoughtful, well designed, and well laid out, and it honestly feels more like AoS Kill Team than it does Combat Patrol. It’s a surprisingly deep game which I feel has real legs for competitive play.

This sounds pretty promising.

This makes me want to play some factions in Spearhead that I never would’ve thought collecting up to 2000 pts. Since all I need is a box that’s cheaper than a Combat Patrol for the same (or more) amount of minis.

I always loved Idoneth, Seraphon, Tzeentch and IJ and now with Spearhead I could play these armies without the need to invest a lot in them.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Tomorrow's preview will also be a recorded one? I don't think so. I think it will be a good ol preview.

Since there is a an actual timeslot and its called a Preview show instead of just preview I'm pretty sure there will be a recording like today.

SundayPreview May12 TwitchSchedule

Edited by Matrindur
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19 minutes ago, HCMistborn said:

I just hope that Spearhead gets actual support throughout the edition, and isn't just something to throw in the box for the first year of the edition then ignored. It really seems perfect for people with Hobby ADHD, so that I can paint up several Spearheads without committing to the full 2k of an army.

It looks promising now, but I agree. The actual, proper support would include:

- regular new boxes with decks, board and terrain;

- regular balance updates, based on the Spearhead Metawatch - which obviously implies that Spearhed events should be encouraged.

I really have high hopes for this mode. It has the potential to hit the sweet spot between Warcry (very good, but does not feel like a war game, much focus on individual models) and big AoS (too long).

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23 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

This makes me want to play some factions in Spearhead that I never would’ve thought collecting up to 2000 pts. Since all I need is a box that’s cheaper than a Combat Patrol for the same (or more) amount of minis.

I always loved Idoneth, Seraphon, Tzeentch and IJ and now with Spearhead I could play these armies without the need to invest a lot in them.

I was thinking the same thing... I'm seeing it as cheeky way to dip in and collect something new without betraying my beloved Slaanesh! 

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My two pence as I managed to watch the preview earlier this morning.

I’m not quite sure how to express my feelings to be honest about the preview. The new version of the rules looks great and from what I’ve seen of Spearhead it looks amazing. But I’m not excited about the box. It might be I’m past FOMO or just see other ways of spending £160, or I’m just not the target audience any more for these sets. The models look great and there’s loads in there but it just hasn’t made me really excited that I need to have a copy. Obviously, if I got given a copy, I’d be really pleased but I’m not in the zone to spend money on it this time.

I love the stuff they are doing around the game and background but the set does nothing for me. 

I really hope Spearhead catches on though. As a father with limited time, the idea of quick games is great. I could go to a gaming club and get a couple of games in on a gaming night, or attend a one day event with little messing around. These are big pluses in my book.

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7 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

My two pence as I managed to watch the preview earlier this morning.

I’m not quite sure how to express my feelings to be honest about the preview. The new version of the rules looks great and from what I’ve seen of Spearhead it looks amazing. But I’m not excited about the box. It might be I’m past FOMO or just see other ways of spending £160, or I’m just not the target audience any more for these sets. The models look great and there’s loads in there but it just hasn’t made me really excited that I need to have a copy. Obviously, if I got given a copy, I’d be really pleased but I’m not in the zone to spend money on it this time.

I love the stuff they are doing around the game and background but the set does nothing for me. 

I really hope Spearhead catches on though. As a father with limited time, the idea of quick games is great. I could go to a gaming club and get a couple of games in on a gaming night, or attend a one day event with little messing around. These are big pluses in my book.

same. If people in my club weren't super keen on selling the SCE part I would've skipped this. (to me they've crossed a line at which Models and rules are just too unstable to be worth it anymore)

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Really dissappointed with the Preview. I am glad for all the people is really hyped.

Even the box feels only ok to me, the double clanrats was unexpected, even more when we know that stormvermins are coming.

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16 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

same. If people in my club weren't super keen on selling the SCE part I would've skipped this. (to me they've crossed a line at which Models and rules are just too unstable to be worth it anymore)

It’s a weird one I think and looking at this again, this is the FOMO set and not starter set, so there’s loads in it. But I think I’ll be playing Spearhead for most of 4th edition so again, it’s not pushing my buttons. Also doesn’t help I’ve been playing Warmaster recently and I can think of a different way of spending £160 🤣

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Posted (edited)

Caught the preview last night. The Shopping Channel-esque vibe makes me feel even more self-conscious about my consumerist urges. Didn't hang around for the Spearhead game.

I like the box a lot. It's interesting how beholden Games Workshop is to mirroring certain things, like naming the box Skaventide to go with Leviathan

I quite like all the models. The heads on some of the Stormcast heroes are a bit out there, but I'm sure they'll have their fans - and alternatives. Only thing I'm a bit miffed about is the sheer volume of Clanrats. Would have liked another Skaven character or a small unit in there. 

However, this minor point is greatly offset by what I'm hearing about the relatively customizable nature of stuff like Rat Ogors and Jezzails. This is honestly where I want to see GW push the envelope with the push-fit models. The second-hand market gets absolutely flooded with this stuff shortly after release, but the static nature of the kits really dampens the desire to pick up another batch. I loved the Tyranid stuff in Leviathan, but the Screamer-Killer and Psychophage could have benefited from a little extra in terms of customization.

All in all, pretty pleased. I do wonder how much of the extended wave of Stormcast will be directly tied to the Ruination chamber. And I'm super keen to see more Skaven!

Edited by Magnusaur
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1 hour ago, Rachmani said:

If we consider 40k to be "grim dark", then I strongly disagree with that statement. 

AoS has always had a hopeful core (the noble dark part), which is an essential part of its appeal. I'd agree, that for nobeldark to shine, grim dark has to exist in the world, but...

I definitely don't think AoS gets better or more interesting through 40kisation. 

Big agree. A huge chunk of the appeal of AoS as an IP/setting is that it still allows itself to have fun and be silly in a way that Space Setting does not.

To say going grimdark made it better is suck a weird take, to me.

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7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm interested in this:

We’ll be resuming our coverage next week with a series of faction focus articles, looking at how your armies will fight in the new edition.

One day left to know what happen with Big Waaagh 

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I’ve had time to mull over the previews and I can confidently say that it confirms what I already knew- I’m not buying this box set because I simply do not care about either faction or wish to add them to my backlog. Honestly I was more excited by the details about how Manifestations will work than this. 

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A bit more clarity about how prayers work and an example of a spell lore. I'm all but certain each battletome will have more than one spell lore to choose from even if the indexes only have one. Screenshot_20240517-232059.png.4f3d9ea632f0c3d0017a2c1942d77820.png


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22 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm interested in this:

We’ll be resuming our coverage next week with a series of faction focus articles, looking at how your armies will fight in the new edition.


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6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

I'm all but certain each battletome will have more than one spell lore to choose from even if the indexes only have one. 

I think indexes might even have two (just so that you have to pick), which will contain copy&pated-ish spells from existing battletomes (squinting a bit, two of the three SCE spells shown are identical to existing ones)

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51 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

My two pence as I managed to watch the preview earlier this morning.

I’m not quite sure how to express my feelings to be honest about the preview. The new version of the rules looks great and from what I’ve seen of Spearhead it looks amazing. But I’m not excited about the box. It might be I’m past FOMO or just see other ways of spending £160, or I’m just not the target audience any more for these sets. The models look great and there’s loads in there but it just hasn’t made me really excited that I need to have a copy. Obviously, if I got given a copy, I’d be really pleased but I’m not in the zone to spend money on it this time.

I love the stuff they are doing around the game and background but the set does nothing for me. 

I really hope Spearhead catches on though. As a father with limited time, the idea of quick games is great. I could go to a gaming club and get a couple of games in on a gaming night, or attend a one day event with little messing around. These are big pluses in my book.

I'm on a similar camp. As a long time skaven player and fan I should be over the moon and eager to get this box but...I have enough of clanrats, jezzails,rat ogres...of everything here, really. The new stuff is nice, but I don't feel any need to get it to keep playing with my ratmen, and I'd rather save the money for other hobby-related stuff.

The spearhead thing looks promising, but I will wait to see if it really chatches up.

So yeah, I feel a bit cold about the whole preview. Must be getting older.


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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

One day left to know what happen with Big Waaagh 

Think they'll start with orruks, eh?

Edit: Also still waiting on those hobgrots you teased about. 😜😁

Edited by Vasshpit
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1 hour ago, Rachmani said:

If we consider 40k to be "grim dark", then I strongly disagree with that statement. 

AoS has always had a hopeful core (the noble dark part), which is an essential part of its appeal. I'd agree, that for nobeldark to shine, grim dark has to exist in the world, but...

I definitely don't think AoS gets better or more interesting through 40kisation. 

Warhammer Fantasy is grimdark too. It's a preference and I can only accept you disagreeing strongly with me, it will not change my outlook on it though :). I found AoS as a setting the weakest at its inception (not because it killed WHFB though, can't blame it for that) and find it matures very nicely, mostly because it gets back to the darker roots/mood of Warhammer.

While I agree that 40k had stretches where it was too grimdark, I believe that grimdark got a way too bad rep in nerddom and that's down to untalented writers dragging it into parody. I don't care for overt "noblesse" per se, I don't want it completely hopeless either, but a very dark mood appeals to me much more than bright colors, heroics and all that mumbo jumbo it started with. I get "sick" when I think of "lame" (to me) settings like Faerun, it just feels like saturday morning carton fantasy (I've worded this a bit too extreme obviously for effect). Give me Athas/Dark Sun all day, every day, make it dark! The bright light shines even brighter when there's darkness (and sometimes even bleakness) all around it after all but I think that's a point where our preferences actually align and we just interpret the definitions differently due to the material we got in contact with. In theory definitions should be set in stone but there's a certain leeway to these as they are constantly expanded upon and changed.

My favorite bit of lore in old WHFB was when Magnus entered Praag and saw what Chaos did to it and its inhabitants - from the corpses outside the city (the supposedly lucky ones) to the people fused with buildings. That was a visceral image and I think that's pretty dope and made his victory all the more satisfying as the stakes were high. The short story featuring the Nurglite herald in Dawnbringers felt a lot like that and I loved it!

But perhaps we are discussing this parallel to each other, as it's a complex topic where saying "I like X or Y" doesn't really tell the other in what way we like this or that as there are lots of different levels where nobledark and grimdark aren't exclusive but rather work well together. To me grimdark doesn't necessarily make every heroic action futile and the world doomed either way (as it felt like in 40k for many years), it's more about the general mood and the stakes. But that's where it's tricky, as some might say it's grimdark, others might just call it dark fantasy and we followers of Chaos just call it Friday.

Sorry for the long post!

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9 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Think they'll start with orruks, eh?

Edit: Also still waiting on those hobgrots you teased about. 😜😁

Not really, they will start with Stormcast and Skaven

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